Class: Main
- Inherits:
- Object
- Sinatra::Base
- Main
- Includes:
- Neo4jBolt
- Defined in:
- src/ruby/pry.rb,
Constant Summary collapse
%w(babbage boole catmull cerf chomsky codd dijkstra engelbart feinler hamilton hamming hejlsberg hopper kay knuth lamport lovelace minsky ritchie stroustrup thompson torvalds turing wirth zuse)
%w(apfel birne tomate kiwi melone ananas kartoffel zitrone orange salat)
{ '1957-10-04' => ['4. Oktober 1957', 'Am __DATE__ startete <b>Sputnik 1</b>, der erste künstliche Satellit, in die Umlaufbahn der Erde.'], '1957-11-03' => ['3. November 1957', 'Am __DATE__ startete <b>Sputnik 2</b> in die Umlaufbahn der Erde. An Bord befand sich <b>Laika</b>, das erste Tier im Weltraum.'], '1959-10-07' => ['7. Oktober 1959', 'Am __DATE__ sendete <b>Luna 3</b> die ersten Bilder von der Rückseite des Mondes.'], '1961-04-12' => ['12. April 1961', 'Am __DATE__ flog <b>Juri Gagarin</b> als erster Mensch in den Weltraum.'], '1962-12-14' => ['14. Dezember 1962', 'Am __DATE__ sendete <b>Mariner 2</b> erstmals Daten von der Venus zur Erde.'], '1963-06-16' => ['16. Juni 1963', 'Am __DATE__ flog <b>Walentina Tereschkowa</b> als erste Frau ins Weltall.'], '1965-03-18' => ['18. März 1965', 'Am __DATE__ unternahm <b>Alexei Leonow</b> den ersten Weltraumspaziergang.'], }
%w(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349 353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409 419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463 467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541 547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601 607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659 661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733 739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809 811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863 877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941 947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997).map { |x| x.to_i }
%w(Ada Algol awk Bash Basic Cobol dBase Delphi Erlang Fortran Go Haskell Java Lisp Logo Lua MASM Modula Oberon Pascal Perl PHP Prolog Ruby Rust Scala Scumm Squeak Swift TeX ZPL)
[2048, 1200, 1024, 768, 512, 384, 256].sort
{ :lg => 1200, :md => 992, :sm => 768, :xs => 480 }
Class Method Summary collapse
- .assign_projects(emails, users, projects, projects_for_klassenstufe, total_capacity, votes, _votes_by_email, _votes_by_vote, _votes_by_project, user_info) ⇒ Object
- .check_zeugnisformular(key) ⇒ Object
- .collect_data ⇒ Object
- .compile_css ⇒ Object
- .compile_files(key, mimetype, paths) ⇒ Object
- .compile_js ⇒ Object
- .determine_lehrmittelverein_state_for_all ⇒ Object
- .determine_zeugnislisten ⇒ Object
- .fix_lesson_key_tr(lesson_key_tr) ⇒ Object
- .fix_lessons_for_shorthand ⇒ Object
- .fix_parsed_klasse(klasse) ⇒ Object
- .fix_public_event_config ⇒ Object
- .fix_stundenzeiten ⇒ Object
- .force_reload_monitors ⇒ Object
- .gen_password_for_email(email) ⇒ Object
- .get_all_homeschooling_users ⇒ Object
- .get_all_stream_restrictions ⇒ Object
- .get_aula_events ⇒ Object
.get_current_ab_week ⇒ Object
Returns A or B or nil.
- .get_current_salzh_status ⇒ Object
- .get_current_salzh_status_for_all_teachers ⇒ Object
- .get_current_salzh_sus ⇒ Object
- .get_homeschooling_for_user(email, datum = nil, is_homeschooling_user = nil, group2_for_email = nil) ⇒ Object
- .get_homeschooling_for_user_by_dauer_salzh(email) ⇒ Object
- .get_homeschooling_for_user_by_switch_week(email, datum, group2_for_email) ⇒ Object
- .get_homework_feedback_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
- .get_hotspot_klassen ⇒ Object
- .get_lesson_data(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
- .get_regular_testing_days ⇒ Object
- .get_salzh_status_for_emails(emails = nil, force_refresh = true) ⇒ Object
- .get_stream_restriction_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
- .get_switch_week_for_date(d) ⇒ Object
- .get_technikamt_users ⇒ Object
- .get_test_events ⇒ Object
- .get_test_list_label_type(status, regular_test_required, regular_test_day) ⇒ Object
- .get_voluntary_testing_sus ⇒ Object
- .get_website_events ⇒ Object
- .invite_external_user_for_event(eid, email, session_user_email) ⇒ Object
- .invite_external_user_for_poll_run(prid, email, session_user_email) ⇒ Object
- .iterate_school_days(options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
- .log_freiwillig_salzh_sus_for_today ⇒ Object
- .parse_zeugnisformulare ⇒ Object
- .purge_stale_salzh_entries(force = true) ⇒ Object
- .refresh_bib_data ⇒ Object
- .refresh_public_event_config ⇒ Object
- .sms_gateway_ready? ⇒ Boolean
- .stream_allowed_for_date_lesson_key_and_email(datum, lesson_key, email, restrictions = nil, is_homeschooling_user = nil, group2_for_email = nil) ⇒ Object
- .tr_klasse(klasse) ⇒ Object
- .update_angebote_groups ⇒ Object
- .update_antikenfahrt_groups ⇒ Object
- .update_forschertage_groups ⇒ Object
- .update_mailing_lists ⇒ Object
- .update_projekttage_groups ⇒ Object
- .user_has_role(email, role) ⇒ Object
- .zeugnis_faecher_for_emails(emails) ⇒ Object
- .zeugnis_key_for_email(email) ⇒ Object
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #_include_file(name, label) ⇒ Object
- #_include_image(slug, mode = nil, caption = nil) ⇒ Object
- #_include_lazyload_image(slug, options = {}) ⇒ Object
- #admin_2fa_hotline_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #admin_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #advent_calendar_images ⇒ Object
#advents_calendar_date_today ⇒ Object
returns 0 if before Dec 1 returns 1 ..
- #all_sessions ⇒ Object
#already_booked_tablet_sets_for_day(datum) ⇒ Object
return all booked tablet sets for a specific day.
#already_booked_tablet_sets_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time) ⇒ Object
check whether we can book a list of tablet sets for a specific time span.
#book_tablet_set_for_lesson(datum, start_time, end_time, tablet_sets = [], lesson_key, offset) ⇒ Object
book a list of tablet sets for a specific lesson, or unbook all tablet sets.
#book_tablet_set_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time, reason, tablet_sets) ⇒ Object
book a list of tablet sets for a specific lesson, or unbook all tablet sets.
- #bytes_to_str(ai_Size) ⇒ Object
- #caesar(s, shift) ⇒ Object
- #can_checkout_books(email) ⇒ Object
#can_manage_agr_app_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
def user_who_can_report_tech_problems_or_better_logged_in? user_logged_in? && (@session_user || check_has_technikamt(@session_user)) end.
- #can_manage_bib_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #can_manage_bib_members_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #can_manage_bib_payment_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #can_manage_bib_special_access_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #can_manage_salzh_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #can_see_all_timetables_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #check_has_technikamt(email) ⇒ Object
- #class_stream_link_for_session_user ⇒ Object
- #color_palette_for_color_scheme(color_scheme) ⇒ Object
- #create_device_token(device, expire_hours) ⇒ Object
- #create_session(email, expire_hours) ⇒ Object
- #css_for_font(font) ⇒ Object
- #current_jitsi_rooms ⇒ Object
- #cypher_content ⇒ Object
- #darken(c, f = 0.2) ⇒ Object
- #delete_audio_comment(tag) ⇒ Object
- #delete_session_user_ical_link ⇒ Object
- #delete_session_user_otp_token ⇒ Object
- #desaturate(c) ⇒ Object
#determine_lehrmittelverein_state_for_email(email) ⇒ Object
returns bits 1 for paid, 2 for zahlungsbefreit, 4 for lehrmittelfreiheit.
- #device_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #eval_lilypads(_content) ⇒ Object
#external_user_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
def developer_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:developer) end.
- #external_users_for_session_user ⇒ Object
- #fach_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
- #find_available_tablet_sets(datum, start_time, end_time, lesson_key = nil, offset = nil) ⇒ Object
- #finished_zeugniskonferenzen ⇒ Object
- #fix_images(s) ⇒ Object
- #gen_jitsi_data(path) ⇒ Object
- #gen_jwt_for_room(room = '', eid = nil, user = nil, email = nil) ⇒ Object
- #gen_jwt_for_stream(name) ⇒ Object
- #gen_poll_data(path) ⇒ Object
- #get_angebote ⇒ Object
- #get_angebote_for_email ⇒ Object
- #get_angebote_for_session_user ⇒ Object
- #get_current_jitsi_users_for_lesson(lesson_key, offset, user = nil) ⇒ Object
- #get_current_salzh_status ⇒ Object
- #get_current_salzh_status_for_logged_in_teacher ⇒ Object
- #get_current_salzh_sus ⇒ Object
- #get_current_user_sessions ⇒ Object
- #get_emails_for_foto_paths ⇒ Object
- #get_gradient(colors, t) ⇒ Object
- #get_gradients ⇒ Object
- #get_ha_amt_lesson_keys ⇒ Object
- #get_hotspot_klassen ⇒ Object
- #get_invited_and_accepted_pk5_for_teacher ⇒ Object
- #get_jitsi_room_name_for_lesson_key(lesson_key, user = nil) ⇒ Object
- #get_login_stats ⇒ Object
- #get_monitor_messages ⇒ Object
- #get_monitor_zeugniskonferenzen ⇒ Object
- #get_my_pk5(email) ⇒ Object
- #get_next_cypher_password ⇒ Object
- #get_next_password ⇒ Object
- #get_omit_ical_types ⇒ Object
- #get_open_doors_for_user ⇒ Object
- #get_poll_run(prid, external_code = nil) ⇒ Object
- #get_poll_run_results(prid) ⇒ Object
- #get_projekte ⇒ Object
- #get_recognized_emails ⇒ Object
- #get_remaining_pk5_projects_for_teacher ⇒ Object
- #get_sessions_for_user(email) ⇒ Object
- #get_sign_ups_for_public_event(event_key) ⇒ Object
- #get_sitzplan_music_choice ⇒ Object
- #get_technikamt_users ⇒ Object
- #get_test_regime_html ⇒ Object
- #get_unread_messages(now) ⇒ Object
- #get_voluntary_testing_sus ⇒ Object
- #gev_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #good_bad_icon(flag) ⇒ Object
- #hack_content ⇒ Object
- #hello ⇒ Object
- #hex_to_rgb(c) ⇒ Object
- #hh_mm_to_i(s) ⇒ Object
- #hsv_to_rgb(c) ⇒ Object
- #html_to_rgb(x) ⇒ Object
- #htmlentities(s) ⇒ Object
- #img_multi_attr_lazy(path, extension, resolutions, lazy = true) ⇒ Object
- #img_multi_attr_lazy_hash(path, extension, resolutions, lazy = true) ⇒ Object
- #iterate_directory(which, first_key = :last_name, second_key = :first_name, &block) ⇒ Object
- #iterate_school_days(options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
- #klasse_for_sus ⇒ Object
- #klassen_for_session_user ⇒ Object
- #klassenleiter_for_klasse_logged_in?(klasse) ⇒ Boolean
- #klassenleiter_for_klasse_or_admin_logged_in?(klasse) ⇒ Boolean
- #klassenraum_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #kurs_tablet_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #lessons_for_session_user_and_klasse(klasse) ⇒ Object
- #line_for_lang(lang) ⇒ Object
- #line_for_lang_dont_end_on_lang(lang) ⇒ Object
- #logout ⇒ Object
- #luminance(color) ⇒ Object
- #mail_addresses_table(klasse) ⇒ Object
- #matrix_get(path, access_token = nil) ⇒ Object
- #matrix_login(user, password) {|access_token| ... } ⇒ Object
- #matrix_post(path, data = {}, access_token = nil) ⇒ Object
- #matrix_request(method, path, data = {}, access_token = nil) ⇒ Object
- #may_edit_lessons?(lesson_key) ⇒ Boolean
- #mix(a, b, t) ⇒ Object
- #monitor_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #my_pk5_history(email) ⇒ Object
- #nav_items(primary_color, now, new_messages_count) ⇒ Object
- #need_sozialverhalten ⇒ Object
- #parse_paths_and_values(paths, values) ⇒ Object
- #parse_projekt_node(p) ⇒ Object
- #parse_request_data(options = {}) ⇒ Object
- #pending_pk5_invitations_outgoing(user_email) ⇒ Object
- #pick_random_color_scheme(go_wild = false) ⇒ Object
- #poll_run_results_to_html(poll, poll_run, responses, target = :web, only_this_email = nil) ⇒ Object
- #print_ad_hoc_2fa_panel ⇒ Object
- #print_admin_dashboard ⇒ Object
- #print_advent_calendar_css ⇒ Object
- #print_advent_calendar_doors ⇒ Object
- #print_adventskalender_sidepanel ⇒ Object
- #print_all_kurse_untis ⇒ Object
- #print_all_lul_logo_didact ⇒ Object
- #print_all_sus_logo_didact ⇒ Object
- #print_all_sus_untis ⇒ Object
- #print_all_users ⇒ Object
- #print_all_users_informatik_biber ⇒ Object
- #print_current_monitor_advent_calendar_images ⇒ Object
- #print_current_polls ⇒ Object
- #print_dev_stats ⇒ Object
- #print_email_accounts ⇒ Object
- #print_email_field(io, email) ⇒ Object
- #print_free_projekt_spots ⇒ Object
- #print_gev_table ⇒ Object
- #print_lehrbuchverein_table ⇒ Object
- #print_lehrerzimmer_panel ⇒ Object
- #print_lesson_keys_history ⇒ Object
- #print_light_structure ⇒ Object
- #print_login_ranking ⇒ Object
- #print_mailing_list(io, list_email) ⇒ Object
- #print_mailing_lists ⇒ Object
- #print_maze_defs ⇒ Object
- #print_password_field(io, password) ⇒ Object
- #print_pending_pk5_invitations_incoming(user_email) ⇒ Object
- #print_phishing_groups_table ⇒ Object
- #print_phishing_mail ⇒ Object
- #print_phishing_panel ⇒ Object
- #print_projekt_assigned_sus ⇒ Object
- #print_projekt_interesse ⇒ Object
- #print_projekt_interesse_stats ⇒ Object
- #print_projekttage_assignment_summary ⇒ Object
- #print_projekttage_vote_summary ⇒ Object
- #print_projektwahl_countdown_panel ⇒ Object
- #print_public_event_table ⇒ Object
- #print_roles ⇒ Object
- #print_salzh_panel ⇒ Object
- #print_salzh_protocol_table(week_delta = 0) ⇒ Object
- #print_salzh_protocol_table_overview(week_delta = 0) ⇒ Object
- #print_self_test_panel ⇒ Object
- #print_semi_public_links ⇒ Object
- #print_sessions ⇒ Object
- #print_stats ⇒ Object
- #print_stream_restriction_table(klasse) ⇒ Object
- #print_summoned_books_panel ⇒ Object
#print_tablet_locations ⇒ Object
post '/api/remove_mobile_device' do require_user_who_can_manage_tablets! data = parse_request_data(:required_keys => [:code]) code = data neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :code => code) MATCH (v:SchulTablet $code) DELETE v END_OF_QUERY respond(:ok => true) end.
- #print_tablet_login ⇒ Object
- #print_techpost_superuser ⇒ Object
- #print_test_klassen_chooser(active = nil) ⇒ Object
- #print_timetable_chooser ⇒ Object
- #print_tresor_countdown_panel ⇒ Object
- #print_users_which_can_fix_tech_problems ⇒ Object
- #public_events_table ⇒ Object
- #purge_missing_sessions(current_sid = nil, remove_other = false) ⇒ Object
- #purge_stale_second_factors ⇒ Object
- #recurse_arrays(path_array, value_array, prefix = [], index_prefix = [], &block) ⇒ Object
- #redirect_on_error(&block) ⇒ Object
- #refresh_second_factor ⇒ Object
- #require_admin! ⇒ Object
- #require_admin_2fa_hotline! ⇒ Object
- #require_admin_or_sekretariat! ⇒ Object
- #require_device! ⇒ Object
- #require_monitor_or_user_who_can_manage_monitors! ⇒ Object
- #require_running_phishing_training! ⇒ Object
- #require_running_phishing_training_hint! ⇒ Object
- #require_teacher! ⇒ Object
- #require_teacher_for_lesson_or_ha_amt_logged_in(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
- #require_teacher_tablet! ⇒ Object
#require_technikteam! ⇒ Object
def require_developer! assert(developer_logged_in?) end.
- #require_user! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_manage_agr_app! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_manage_bib! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_manage_monitors! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_manage_news! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_manage_salzh! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_manage_tablets! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_report_tech_problems! ⇒ Object
- #require_user_who_can_upload_files! ⇒ Object
#require_user_who_can_use_aula! ⇒ Object
def require_user_who_can_report_tech_problems_or_better! assert(user_who_can_report_tech_problems_or_better_logged_in?) end.
- #require_user_with_role!(role) ⇒ Object
- #require_zeugnis_admin! ⇒ Object
- #respond(hash = {}) ⇒ Object
- #respond_raw_with_mimetype(content, mimetype) ⇒ Object
- #respond_raw_with_mimetype_and_filename(content, mimetype, filename) ⇒ Object
- #rgb_to_hex(c) ⇒ Object
- #rgb_to_hsv(c) ⇒ Object
- #rgb_to_html(x) ⇒ Object
- #room_name_for_event(title, eid) ⇒ Object
- #running_phishing_training? ⇒ Boolean
- #running_phishing_training_hint? ⇒ Boolean
- #running_zeugniskonferenzen ⇒ Object
- #sanitize_poll_items(items) ⇒ Object
- #schueler_for_lesson(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
- #schueler_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #score_for_project(nr, project_data) ⇒ Object
- #second_factor_time_left ⇒ Object
- #sekretariat_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #self_tests_this_week ⇒ Object
- #send_sms(telephone_number, message) ⇒ Object
- #send_welcome_mail(recipients) ⇒ Object
- #session_user_has_streaming_button? ⇒ Boolean
- #session_user_jump_table_direction ⇒ Object
- #session_user_otp_qr_code(reveal = false) ⇒ Object
- #session_user_otp_token_good_for_tresor ⇒ Object
- #session_user_preferred_login_method ⇒ Object
- #session_user_telephone_number ⇒ Object
- #session_user_telephone_number_good_for_tresor ⇒ Object
- #shift_hue(c, f = 60) ⇒ Object
- #skytale(s, w) ⇒ Object
- #tablet_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #teacher_for_lesson_or_ha_amt_logged_in?(lesson_key) ⇒ Boolean
- #teacher_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #teacher_tablet_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #technikteam_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #test_request_parameter(data, key, options) ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_devices ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_admins ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_gev ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_teachers ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_users ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_users_who_can_manage_salzh ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_zeugnis_admins ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_manage_monitors ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_manage_news ⇒ Object
- #this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_upload_files ⇒ Object
#this_is_a_page_for_phishing_training ⇒ Object
Put this on top of a webpage to assert that this page can be opened during a phishing training only.
- #this_is_a_page_for_user_with_role(role) ⇒ Object
- #tr_klasse(klasse) ⇒ Object
- #tresor_second_factor_ttl ⇒ Object
- #trigger_send_invites ⇒ Object
- #trigger_stats_update(which) ⇒ Object
- #trigger_update(which) ⇒ Object
- #trigger_update_images ⇒ Object
- #update_monitors ⇒ Object
- #update_monitors_message ⇒ Object
- #update_monitors_vplan ⇒ Object
- #user_eligible_for_projekt_katalog? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_eligible_for_projektwahl? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_has_role(email, role) ⇒ Object
#user_icon(email, c = nil) ⇒ String
Return a <div> with a background image taken from a user's Nextcloud account, with a gray background as a default fallback.
- #user_is_eligible_for_sms? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_is_eligible_for_tresor? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_was_eligible_for_projektwahl? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_who_can_manage_monitors_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_who_can_manage_news_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_who_can_manage_tablets_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_who_can_report_tech_problems_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_who_can_upload_files_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_who_can_use_aula_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
- #user_with_role_logged_in?(role) ⇒ Boolean
- #vote_codes_from_token(vote_code, token, _count) ⇒ Object
- #zeugnis_admin_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
Class Method Details
.assign_projects(emails, users, projects, projects_for_klassenstufe, total_capacity, votes, _votes_by_email, _votes_by_vote, _votes_by_project, user_info) ⇒ Object
744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 744 def self.assign_projects(emails, users, projects, projects_for_klassenstufe, total_capacity, votes, _votes_by_email, _votes_by_vote, _votes_by_project, user_info) votes_by_email = Hash[ { |a, b| [a, b.dup ] } ] votes_by_vote = Hash[ { |a, b| [a, b.dup ] } ] votes_by_project = Hash[ { |a, b| [a, b.dup ] } ] # STDERR.puts "Got #{emails.size} emails" # STDERR.puts "Got #{projects.size} projects with a total capacity of #{total_capacity}" # STDERR.puts "Total capacity: #{total_capacity}" # STDERR.puts "Schueler: #{emails.size}" result = { :project_for_email => {}, :error_for_email => {}, :emails_for_project => Hash[ { |k, v| [k, []] } ], } # STDERR.puts result.to_yaml current_vote = 3 remaining_emails = # STEP 1: Assign projects by priority loop do votes_by_vote[current_vote] ||= while votes_by_vote[current_vote].empty? current_vote -= 1 if current_vote == 0 break end end if current_vote == 0 break end sha1 = votes_by_vote[current_vote].to_a.sample vote = votes[sha1] nr = vote[:nr] email = vote[:email] # STDERR.puts "[#{current_vote} / #{votes_by_vote[current_vote].size} left] #{sha1} => #{vote.to_json}" if result[:emails_for_project][nr].size < projects[nr][:capacity] # user can be assigned to project result[:emails_for_project][nr] << email if result[:project_for_email][email] raise 'argh' end remaining_emails.delete(email) result[:project_for_email][email] = nr result[:error_for_email][email] = users[email][:highest_vote] - current_vote # clear all entries of user votes_by_email[email].each do |x| votes_by_vote[votes[x][:vote]].delete(x) end end votes_by_vote[current_vote].delete(sha1) end # STDERR.puts "Assigned #{result[:project_for_email].size} of #{emails.size} users." # STEP 2: Randomly assign the rest remaining_projects = projects.each_pair do |nr, p| if p[:capacity] - result[:emails_for_project][nr].size > 0 remaining_projects << nr end end while !remaining_emails.empty? email = remaining_emails.to_a.sample klassenstufe = user_info[email][:klassenstufe] || 7 pool = projects_for_klassenstufe[klassenstufe] & remaining_projects if pool.empty? raise 'oops' end nr = pool.to_a.sample remaining_emails.delete(email) if result[:project_for_email][email] raise 'argh' end result[:project_for_email][email] = nr result[:emails_for_project][nr] << email result[:error_for_email][email] = users[email][:highest_vote] || 0 if result[:emails_for_project][nr].size >= projects[nr][:capacity] remaining_projects.delete(nr) end end # STDERR.puts "Assigned #{result[:project_for_email].size} of #{emails.size} users." result end |
.check_zeugnisformular(key) ⇒ Object
265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/zeugnisse.rb', line 265 def self.check_zeugnisformular(key) unless @@zeugnisse[:formulare][key] return ['kein Formular vorhanden!'] end = [] wf_count = 0 FAECHER_FOR_ZEUGNIS[ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR][ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR][key].each do |tag| if tag[0] == '$' wf_count += 1 << "#WF#{wf_count}" << "#WF#{wf_count}_Name" # required_tags << "##{tag[1, tag.size - 1]}" else << "##{tag}" end if DETAIL_NOTEN[key].include?(tag) << "##{tag}_AT" << "##{tag}_SL" end end << '#Zeugnisdatum' << '#Schuljahr' << '#Name' << '#Geburtsdatum' << '#Klasse' << '#VT' << '#VT_UE' << '#VS' << '#VS_UE' << '#VSP' << '#WeitereBemerkungen' if key.include?('sesb') if ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR == '2' << '#Probejahr' if key == '5' || key == '7_sesb' << '#BBR' if key == '9' || key == '9_sesb' << '#MSA' if key == '10' || key == '10_sesb' end = [] << '#Vorname' << '#Angebote' << '#Bemerkungen' << '#BemerkungenAngebote' =[:formulare][key][:tags]) = - =[:formulare][key][:tags]) - -= errors = [] unless .empty? errors << "fehlende Markierungen: #{.join(', ')}" end unless .empty? errors << "unbekannte Markierungen: #{.join(', ')}" end return nil if errors.empty? if .include?('#Bemerkungen') && .include?('#Angebote') && !.include?('#BemerkungenAngebote') elsif !.include?('#Bemerkungen') && !.include?('#Angebote') && .include?('#BemerkungenAngebote') else errors << "Es muss entweder nur #Angebote und #Bemerkungen geben oder nur #BemerkungenAngebote." end return errors end |
.collect_data ⇒ Object
517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 517 def self.collect_data @@user_info = {} @@login_shortcuts = {} @@email_for_matrix_login = {} @@shorthands = {} @@shorthand_order = [] @@shorthands_for_fach = {} @@schueler_for_klasse = {} @@faecher = {} @@ferien_feiertage = [] @@tablets = {} @@tablet_sets = {} @@lehrer_order = [] @@klassen_order = [] @@current_email_addresses = [] @@antikenfahrt_recipients = {} @@antikenfahrt_mailing_lists = {} @@forschertage_recipients = {} @@forschertage_mailing_lists = {} @@birthday_entries = {} @@server_etag = RandomTag.generate(24) @@index_for_klasse = {} @@predefined_external_users = {} @@bib_summoned_books = {} @@bib_unconfirmed_books = {} @@bib_summoned_books_last_ts = 0 if File.exist?('/data/login-shortcuts.txt')'/data/login-shortcuts.txt') do |f| f.each_line do |line| line.strip! next if line.empty? || line[0] == '#' parts = line.split(' ') next if parts.size != 2 @@login_shortcuts[parts[0]] = parts[1] end end end parser = parser.parse_faecher do |fach, bezeichnung| @@faecher[fach] = bezeichnung end @@off_days = parser.parse_ferien_feiertage do |t0, t1, title| @@ferien_feiertage << {:from => t0, :to => t1, :title => title} day = Date.parse(t0) last = Date.parse(t1) while day <= last @@off_days << day.to_s day += 1 end end @@tage_infos = [] parser.parse_tage_infos do |t0, t1, title| @@tage_infos << {:from => t0, :to => t1, :title => title} end begin @@config = YAML::load_file('/data/config.yaml') rescue @@config = { :first_day => '2020-06-25', :first_school_day => '2020-08-10', :last_day => '2021-08-06' } debug "Can't read /data/config.yaml, using a few default values:" debug @@config.to_yaml end parser.parse_lehrer do |record| next unless record[:can_log_in] @@user_info[record[:email]] = { :teacher => true, :shorthand => record[:shorthand], :first_name => record[:first_name], :last_name => record[:last_name], :titel => record[:titel], :display_name => record[:display_name], :display_name_official => record[:display_name_official], :display_last_name => record[:display_last_name], :display_last_name_dativ => record[:display_last_name_dativ], :geschlecht => record[:geschlecht], :email => record[:email], :can_log_in => record[:can_log_in], :nc_login => record[:nc_login], :matrix_login => record[:matrix_login], :initial_nc_password => record[:initial_nc_password], :roles =>[:teacher]), } matrix_login = record[:matrix_login] raise "oops: duplicate matrix / nc login: #{matrix_login}" if @@email_for_matrix_login.include?(matrix_login) @@email_for_matrix_login[matrix_login] = record[:email] @@shorthands[record[:shorthand]] = record[:email] @@lehrer_order << record[:email] end @@klassenleiter = {} parser.parse_klassenleiter do |record| @@klassenleiter[record[:klasse]] = record[:klassenleiter] record[:klassenleiter].each do |shorthand| if @@shorthands[shorthand] email = @@shorthands[shorthand] @@user_info[email][:klassenleitung] ||= [] @@user_info[email][:klassenleitung] << record[:klasse] end end end @@shorthand_order = @@shorthands.keys.sort do |a, b| a.downcase <=> b.downcase end @@lehrer_order.sort!() do |a, b| la = @@user_info[a][:shorthand].downcase lb = @@user_info[b][:shorthand].downcase la = 'zzz' + la if la[0] == '_' lb = 'zzz' + lb if lb[0] == '_' la <=> lb end @@klassen_order = KLASSEN_ORDER @@klassen_index = {} KLASSEN_ORDER.each_with_index do |klasse, i| @@klassen_index[klasse] = i end @@klassen_order.each.with_index { |k, i| @@index_for_klasse[k] = i } @@klassen_id = {} @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| @@klassen_id[klasse] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(KLASSEN_ID_SALT + klasse).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] end self.fix_stundenzeiten() disable_jitsi_for_email = if File.exist?('/data/schueler/disable-jitsi.txt')'/data/schueler/disable-jitsi.txt') do |f| f.each_line do |line| line.strip! next if line.empty? disable_jitsi_for_email << line end end end parser.parse_schueler do |record| matrix_login = "@#{record[:email].split('@').first.sub(/\.\d+$/, '')}:#{MATRIX_DOMAIN_SHORT}" unless KLASSEN_ORDER.include?(record[:klasse]) next # raise "Klasse #{record[:klasse]} is included in KLASSEN_ORDER" end @@user_info[record[:email]] = { :teacher => false, :first_name => record[:first_name], :official_first_name => record[:official_first_name], :display_first_name => record[:display_first_name], :display_last_name => record[:display_last_name], :display_name_official => record[:display_name_official], :last_name => record[:last_name], :display_name => record[:display_name], :email => record[:email], :id => record[:id], :klasse => record[:klasse], :klassenstufe => record[:klasse] =~ /^\d/ ? record[:klasse].to_i : nil, :geschlecht => record[:geschlecht], :nc_login => record[:email].split('@').first.sub(/\.\d+$/, ''), :matrix_login => matrix_login, :initial_nc_password => record[:initial_nc_password], :biber_password => Main.gen_password_for_email(record[:email] + 'biber')[0, 4].downcase, :jitsi_disabled => disable_jitsi_for_email.include?(record[:email]), :geburtstag => record[:geburtstag], :roles =>[:schueler]), } raise "oops: duplicate matrix / nc login: #{matrix_login}" if @@email_for_matrix_login.include?(matrix_login) @@email_for_matrix_login[matrix_login] = record[:email] @@schueler_for_klasse[record[:klasse]] ||= [] @@schueler_for_klasse[record[:klasse]] << record[:email] birthday = record[:geburtstag] if birthday birthday_md = birthday[5, 5] @@birthday_entries[birthday_md] ||= [] @@birthday_entries[birthday_md] << record[:email] end end parser.parse_extra_accounts do |record| if @@user_info[record[:email]] raise "Extra account already exists: #{record[:email]}!" end @@user_info[record[:email]] = { :teacher => false, :first_name => record[:first_name], :last_name => record[:last_name], :titel => record[:titel], :display_name => record[:display_name], :display_name_official => record[:display_name_official], :display_last_name => record[:display_last_name], :display_last_name_dativ => record[:display_last_name_dativ], :geschlecht => record[:geschlecht], :email => record[:email], :can_log_in => true, :nc_login => record[:nc_login], :initial_nc_password => record[:initial_nc_password], :roles =>, } end # Now we have schueler, teacher, and extra accounts, now assign the roles'/data/roles/roles.txt') do |f| role = nil f.each_line do |line| line.strip! next if line.empty? if line[0, 2] == '>>' role = line[2, line.size - 2].strip.downcase.to_sym raise "Unknown role: #{role.to_s.upcase} in /data/roles/roles.txt!" unless AVAILABLE_ROLES.include?(role) else email = line.downcase if @@user_info.include?(email) @@user_info[email][:roles] << role else debug "Warning: Not assigning role #{role.to_s.upcase} to unknown email address #{email}, skipping..." end end end end # Add roles from database self.get_technikamt_users.each do |email| @@user_info[email][:roles] << :technikamt end @@user_info.keys.each do |email| @@user_info[email][:role_transitive_origin] = {} end # now apply transitive roles loop do upgraded_someone = false ROLE_TRANSITIONS.split("\n").each do |line| line.strip! next if line[0] == '#' || line.empty? parts = line.split("=>") role_from = parts[0].strip.to_sym roles_to = parts[1].split(/\s+/).map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| x.empty? }.map { |x| x.to_sym } raise "Unknown role in ROLE_TRANSITIONS: #{role_from}" unless AVAILABLE_ROLES.include?(role_from) roles_to.each do |role| raise "Unknown role in ROLE_TRANSITIONS: #{role}" unless AVAILABLE_ROLES.include?(role) end @@user_info.keys.each do |email| if @@user_info[email][:roles].include?(role_from) roles_to.each do |role| unless @@user_info[email][:roles].include?(role) @@user_info[email][:role_transitive_origin][role] = role_from @@user_info[email][:roles] << role upgraded_someone = true end end end end end break unless upgraded_someone end @@users_for_role = {} @@user_info.each_pair do |email, info| info[:roles].each do |role| @@users_for_role[role] ||= @@users_for_role[role] << email end end all_prefixes = {} @@user_info.keys.each do |email| @@user_info[email][:id] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(USER_ID_SALT + email).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] @@user_info[email][:public_id] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(USER_ID_SALT + 'public' + email).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] ( do |length| prefix = email[0, length] all_prefixes[prefix] ||= all_prefixes[prefix] << email end end @@login_shortcuts.keys.each do |email| ( do |length| prefix = email[0, length] all_prefixes[prefix] ||= all_prefixes[prefix] << email end end @@user_info.keys.each do |email| length = 1 while all_prefixes[email[0, length]].size > 1 length += 1 end @@user_info[email][:shortest_prefix] = email[0, length] end parser.parse_geschwister(@@user_info) @@tablets_for_school_streaming = @@tablets_which_are_lehrer_tablets = parser.parse_tablets do |record| if @@tablets.include?(record[:id]) raise "Ooops: already got this tablet called #{record[:id]}" end @@tablets[record[:id]] = record bg_color = TABLET_COLORS[record[:color]] || TABLET_DEFAULT_COLOR rgb = @@renderer.hex_to_rgb(bg_color).map { |x| x / 255.0 } gray = rgb[0] * 0.299 + rgb[1] * 0.587 + rgb[2] * 0.114 @@tablets[record[:id]][:bg_color] = bg_color @@tablets[record[:id]][:fg_color] = gray < 0.5 ? '#ffffff' : '#000000' if record[:status].index('Klassenstreaming') == 0 @@tablets[record[:id]][:klassen_stream] = record[:status].sub('Klassenstreaming', '').strip end if record[:school_streaming] @@tablets_for_school_streaming << record[:id] end if record[:lehrer_modus] @@tablets_which_are_lehrer_tablets << record[:id] end end @@tablet_sets = parser.parse_tablet_sets || {} # add Eltern @@predefined_external_users = {:groups => [], :recipients => {}} @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| next unless @@schueler_for_klasse.include?(klasse) @@predefined_external_users[:groups] << "/eltern/#{klasse}" @@predefined_external_users[:recipients]["/eltern/#{klasse}"] = { :label => "Eltern der Klasse #{self.tr_klasse(klasse)}", :entries => @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].map { |x| 'eltern.' + @@user_info[x][:email] } } @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each do |x| eltern_email = 'eltern.' + @@user_info[x][:email] @@predefined_external_users[:recipients][eltern_email] = { :label => "Eltern von #{@@user_info[x][:display_name]}" } end end lesson_key_tr = {} lesson_key_tr = self.fix_lesson_key_tr(lesson_key_tr) # if DASHBOARD_SERVICE == 'ruby' # debug lesson_key_tr.to_yaml # end @@lessons, @@vertretungen, @@vplan_timestamp, @@day_messages, @@lesson_key_back_tr, @@original_lesson_key_for_lesson_key, @@shorthands_for_fach = parser.(@@config, lesson_key_tr, @@shorthands) @@original_fach_for_lesson_key = {} @@original_lesson_key_for_lesson_key.each_pair do |k, vl| vl.each do |v| @@original_fach_for_lesson_key[v] = k end end @@current_lesson_key_order = [] @@current_lesson_key_info = {} if DASHBOARD_SERVICE == 'ruby' @@lessons[:lesson_keys].keys.sort do |a, b| afach = (a.split('_').first || '').downcase bfach = (b.split('_').first || '').downcase astufe = a.split('_')[1].to_i bstufe = b.split('_')[1].to_i afach == bfach ? ((astufe == bstufe) ? (a <=> b) : (astufe <=> bstufe)) : (afach <=> bfach) end.each do |lesson_key| lesson = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] stunden = ((@@lessons[:timetables][@@lessons[:timetables].keys.sort.last][lesson_key] || {})[:stunden] || {}).each_pair do |dow, h| h.each_pair do |stunde, info| stunden << sprintf('%d/%02d', info[:tag], info[:stunde]) end end unless stunden.empty? @@current_lesson_key_order << lesson_key @@current_lesson_key_info[lesson_key] = {} @@current_lesson_key_info[lesson_key][:stunden] = stunden.to_a.sort end end end # patch lesson_keys in @@lessons and @@vertretungen @@lessons, @@vertretungen = parser.(@@config, lesson_key_tr, @@shorthands) # patch @@faecher @@lessons[:lesson_keys].each_pair do |lesson_key, info| # STDERR.puts "[#{lesson_key}]" unless @@faecher[lesson_key] x = lesson_key.split('_').first.split('-').first @@faecher[info[:fach]] = @@faecher[x] if @@faecher[x] end end today ='%Y-%m-%d') today = @@config[:first_school_day] if today < @@config[:first_school_day] today = @@config[:last_day] if today > @@config[:last_day] today = @@lessons[:start_date_for_date][today] = @@lessons[:timetables][today] pretty_folder_names_for_teacher = {} @@lessons[:lesson_keys].keys.each do |lesson_key| @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key][:id] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(LESSON_ID_SALT + lesson_key).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] lesson_info = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] fach = lesson_info[:fach] fach = @@faecher[fach] || fach pretty_fach = "#{fach.gsub('/', '-')}" pretty_folder_name = "#{fach.gsub('/', '-')} (#{lesson_info[:klassen] { |x| tr_klasse(x) }.join(', ')})" lesson_info[:lehrer].each do |shorthand| pretty_folder_names_for_teacher[shorthand] ||= {} pretty_folder_names_for_teacher[shorthand][pretty_folder_name] ||= pretty_folder_names_for_teacher[shorthand][pretty_folder_name] << lesson_key end pretty_fach_short = "#{pretty_fach}" pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Sport Jungen', 'Sport') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Sport Mädchen', 'Sport') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Evangelische Religionslehre', 'Religion') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Katholische Religionslehre', 'Religion') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Politikwissenschaft', 'Politik') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Informationstechnischer Grundkurs', 'ITG') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Politische Bildung', 'Politik') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Gesellschaftswissenschaften', 'Gewi') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Naturwissenschaften', 'Nawi') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Streicher Anfänger', 'AGs') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Basketball', 'AGs') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Schach', 'AGs') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Unterstufenorchester', 'AGs') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('AG Garten', 'AGs') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('BlblA', 'AGs') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('neugriechisch', 'ngr') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('(ngr)', '') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Partnersprache', 'PS') pretty_fach_short.gsub!('Förderstunde', 'Fö') pretty_fach_short.strip! @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key][:pretty_fach] = pretty_fach @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key][:pretty_fach_short] = pretty_fach_short @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key][:pretty_folder_name] = pretty_folder_name end # if we have 2x Chemie GK (11) for one teacher, differentiate with A and B @@lessons[:lesson_keys].keys.each do |lesson_key| lesson_info = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] pretty_folder_name = lesson_info[:pretty_folder_name] more_than_one = false lesson_info[:lehrer].each do |shorthand| if ((pretty_folder_names_for_teacher[shorthand] || {})[pretty_folder_name] || > 1 (pretty_folder_names_for_teacher[shorthand] || {})[pretty_folder_name].sort.each.with_index do |lesson_key, _| @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key][:pretty_folder_name] = pretty_folder_name.dup.insert(pretty_folder_name.rindex('('), ('A'.ord + _).chr + ' ') end pretty_folder_names_for_teacher[shorthand].delete(pretty_folder_name) end end end @@lessons_for_klasse = {} @@lessons[:lesson_keys].each_pair do |lesson_key, lesson| lesson[:klassen].each do |klasse| @@lessons_for_klasse[klasse] ||= [] @@lessons_for_klasse[klasse] << lesson_key end end @@lessons_for_shorthand = {} @@lessons[:lesson_keys].each_pair do |lesson_key, lesson| lesson[:lehrer].each do |lehrer| @@lessons_for_shorthand[lehrer] ||= [] @@lessons_for_shorthand[lehrer] << lesson_key end end @@klassen_for_shorthand = {} @@teachers_for_klasse = {} self.fix_lessons_for_shorthand() @@lessons_for_shorthand.keys.each do |shorthand| @@lessons_for_shorthand[shorthand].sort! do |_a, _b| a = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][_a] || {} b = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][_b] || {} (a[:fach] == b[:fach]) ? (((a[:klassen] || []).map { |x| @@klassen_order.index(x) || -1}.min || 0) <=> ((b[:klassen] || []).map { |x| @@klassen_order.index(x) || -1 }.min || 0)) : (a[:fach] <=> b[:fach]) end end @@lessons[:lesson_keys].each_pair do |lesson_key, lesson| next if lesson_key[0, 8] == 'Testung_' lesson[:klassen].each do |klasse| if @@klassen_order.include?(klasse) lesson[:lehrer].each do |lehrer| @@klassen_for_shorthand[lehrer] ||= @@klassen_for_shorthand[lehrer] << klasse end end end end @@klassen_for_shorthand.keys.each do |shorthand| @@klassen_for_shorthand[shorthand] = @@klassen_for_shorthand[shorthand].to_a.sort do |a, b| @@klassen_order.index(a) <=> @@klassen_order.index(b) end end unless @@lessons[:start_dates].empty? @@lessons[:timetables][@@lessons[:start_dates].last].each_pair do |lesson_key, lesson_info| lesson = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] next if lesson[:fach] == 'Testung' lesson[:klassen].each do |klasse| @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse] ||= {} lesson[:lehrer].each do |lehrer| @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse][lehrer] ||= {} @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse][lehrer][lesson[:fach]] ||= 0 lesson_info[:stunden].each_pair do |dow, stunden| stunden.each_pair do |i, stunde| @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse][lehrer][lesson[:fach]] += stunde[:count] end end end end end end last_start_date = nil @@lessons[:start_dates].each do |start_date| if last_start_date added_lesson_keys =[:timetables][start_date].keys) -[:timetables][last_start_date].keys) removed_lesson_keys =[:timetables][last_start_date].keys) -[:timetables][start_date].keys) (added_lesson_keys + removed_lesson_keys).to_a.sort.each do |lesson_key| end end last_start_date = start_date end sesb_sus = parser.parse_sesb(@@user_info.reject { |x, y| y[:teacher] }, @@schueler_for_klasse) sesb_sus.each do |email| @@user_info[email][:sesb] = true end kurse_for_schueler, schueler_for_kurs = parser.parse_kurswahl(@@user_info.reject { |x, y| y[:teacher] }, @@lessons, lesson_key_tr, @@original_lesson_key_for_lesson_key, @@shorthands) @@kurse_for_schueler = kurse_for_schueler wahlpflicht_sus_for_lesson_key = parser.parse_wahlpflichtkurswahl(@@user_info.reject { |x, y| y[:teacher] }, @@lessons, lesson_key_tr, @@schueler_for_klasse) @@materialamt_for_lesson = {} rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User)-[r:HAS_AMT {amt: 'material'}]->(l:Lesson) RETURN, l.key; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |row| @@materialamt_for_lesson[row['l.key']] ||= @@materialamt_for_lesson[row['l.key']] << row[''] end @@lessons_for_user = {} @@schueler_for_lesson = {} @@schueler_offset_in_lesson = {} @@user_info.keys.sort do |a, b| (@@user_info[a][:last_name].downcase == @@user_info[b][:last_name].downcase) ? (@@user_info[a][:first_name].downcase <=> @@user_info[b][:first_name].downcase) : (@@user_info[a][:last_name].downcase <=> @@user_info[b][:last_name].downcase) end.each do |email| user = @@user_info[email] lessons = nil if user_has_role(email, :teacher) lessons = @@lessons_for_shorthand[user[:shorthand]].dup elsif user_has_role(email, :schueler) lessons = @@lessons_for_klasse[user[:klasse]].dup end if user_has_role(email, :schueler) if ['11', '12'].include?(user[:klasse]) lessons = (kurse_for_schueler[email] || end end lessons ||= [] if user_has_role(email, :schueler) lessons.reject! do |lesson_key| lesson = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] (lesson[:fach] == 'SpoM' && user[:geschlecht] != 'w') || (lesson[:fach] == 'SpoJ' && user[:geschlecht] != 'm') end end lessons += wahlpflicht_sus_for_lesson_key.keys lessons.uniq! if user_has_role(email, :schueler) lessons.each do |lesson_key| if wahlpflicht_sus_for_lesson_key.include?(lesson_key) next unless wahlpflicht_sus_for_lesson_key[lesson_key].include?(email) end @@schueler_for_lesson[lesson_key] ||= [] @@schueler_for_lesson[lesson_key] << email @@lessons_for_user[email] ||= @@lessons_for_user[email] << lesson_key end end end @@schueler_for_lesson.each_pair do |lesson_key, emails| @@schueler_offset_in_lesson[lesson_key] ||= {} sorted_emails = emails.sort do |a, b| @@user_info[a][:display_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:display_name] end sorted_emails.each.with_index do |email, i| @@schueler_offset_in_lesson[lesson_key][email] = i end end @@schueler_for_teacher = {} @@lessons_for_shorthand.each_pair do |shorthand, lesson_keys| @@schueler_for_teacher[shorthand] ||= lesson_keys.each do |lesson_key| (@@schueler_for_lesson[lesson_key] || []).each do |email| @@schueler_for_teacher[shorthand] << email end end end @@pausenaufsichten = parser.parse_pausenaufsichten(@@config) @@mailing_lists = {} self.update_antikenfahrt_groups() self.update_forschertage_groups() self.update_mailing_lists() @@current_email_addresses = parser.parse_current_email_addresses() @@holiday_dates = @@ferien_feiertage.each do |entry| temp0 = Date.parse(entry[:from]) temp1 = Date.parse(entry[:to]) while temp0 <= temp1 @@holiday_dates << temp0.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') temp0 += 1 end end @@room_ids = {} ROOM_ORDER.each do |room| @@room_ids[room] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(KLASSEN_ID_SALT + room).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] end @@rooms_for_shorthand = {} room_order_set = undeclared_rooms = unless .nil? .each_pair do |lesson_key, info| info[:stunden].each_pair do |wday, day_info| day_info.each_pair do |stunde, lesson_info| lesson_info[:lehrer].each do |shorthand| (lesson_info[:raum] || '').split('/').each do |room| unless (room || '').strip.empty? if room_order_set.include?(room) @@rooms_for_shorthand[shorthand] ||= @@rooms_for_shorthand[shorthand] << room else undeclared_rooms << room end end end end end end end end unless undeclared_rooms.empty? debug("Undeclared rooms: #{undeclared_rooms.to_a.sort.join(' ')}") end @@lesson_keys_with_sus_feedback = {} if File.exist?('/data/kurswahl/sus_feedback.yaml') @@lesson_keys_with_sus_feedback = YAML::load_file('/data/kurswahl/sus_feedback.yaml') end if ENV['DASHBOARD_SERVICE'] == 'ruby' self.parse_zeugnisformulare() end if ENV['DASHBOARD_SERVICE'] == 'ruby' FileUtils.rm_rf('/internal/debug/') FileUtils.mkpath('/internal/debug/') Main.class_variables.each do |x|'/internal/debug', "#{x.to_s}.yaml"), 'w') do |f| f.write Main.class_variable_get(x).to_yaml end end File::open('/internal/debug/emails.txt', 'w') do |f| @@user_info.keys.sort.each do |email| f.puts "#{email}" end end end end |
.compile_css ⇒ Object
1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1439 def self.compile_css() files = [ '/include/flowbite/flowbite.min.css', '/include/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css', '/include/summernote/summernote-bs4.min.css', '/include/fork-awesome/fork-awesome.min.css', '/include/fullcalendar/main.min.css', '/include/bootstrap4-toggle/bootstrap4-toggle.min.css', '/include/dropzone/dropzone.min.css', '/include/chart.js/Chart.min.css', '/styles.css', '/cling.css', '/include/print.min.css', '/include/odometer-theme-default.css', ] self.compile_files(:css, 'text/css', files) FileUtils::rm_rf('/gen/css/') FileUtils::mkpath('/gen/css/')"/gen/css/compiled-#{@@compiled_files[:css][:sha1]}.css", 'w') do |f| f.print(@@compiled_files[:css][:content]) end end |
.compile_files(key, mimetype, paths) ⇒ Object
1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1349 def self.compile_files(key, mimetype, paths) @@compiled_files[key] ||= {:timestamp => nil, :content => nil} = do |path| File.mtime(File.join('/static', path)) end.max if @@compiled_files[key][:timestamp].nil? || @@compiled_files[key][:timestamp] < @@compiled_files[key][:content] = do |io| paths.each do |path| io.puts'/static', path)) end io.string end @@compiled_files[key][:sha1] = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(@@compiled_files[key][:content])[0, 16] @@compiled_files[key][:timestamp] = end end |
.compile_js ⇒ Object
1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1397 def self.compile_js() files = [ '/include/jquery/jquery-3.6.1.min.js', '/include/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js', '/include/popper.js/popper.min.js', '/include/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js', '/include/fullcalendar/main.min.js', '/include/fullcalendar/de.js', '/include/pako/pako_inflate.min.js', '/include/bootstrap4-toggle/bootstrap4-toggle.min.js', '/include/summernote/summernote-bs4.min.js', '/include/summernote/summernote-de-DE.min.js', '/include/clipboard/clipboard.min.js', '/include/moment/moment-with-locales.min.js', '/include/dropzone/dropzone.min.js', '/include/chart.js/Chart.min.js', '/include/jszip/dist/jszip.min.js', '/include/flowbite/flowbite.js', '/code.js', '/include/zxing.min.js', '/barcode-widget.js', '/sound.js', '/include/howler.core.min.js', '/sortable-table.js', '/include/print.min.js', '/include/odometer.min.js', '/include/zoom.min.js', '/include/turn.min.js', '/include/scissor.min.js', '/include/hash.js', '/include/typewriter.js', '/include/bootstrap-autocomplete.min.js', ] self.compile_files(:js, 'application/javascript', files) FileUtils::rm_rf('/gen/js/') FileUtils::mkpath('/gen/js/')"/gen/js/compiled-#{@@compiled_files[:js][:sha1]}.js", 'w') do |f| f.print(@@compiled_files[:js][:content]) end end |
.determine_lehrmittelverein_state_for_all ⇒ Object
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lehrbuchverein.rb', line 6 def self.determine_lehrmittelverein_state_for_all() @@lehrmittelverein_state_cache = {} @@user_info.each_pair do |email, info| @@lehrmittelverein_state_cache[email] = info[:teacher] end temp = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| { :email => x[''] } } MATCH (u:User {lmv_no_pay: true}) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY temp.each do |row| email = row[:email] @@lehrmittelverein_state_cache[email] = true end temp = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:jahr => LEHRBUCHVEREIN_JAHR}).map { |x| { :email => x[''] } } MATCH (u:User)-[:PAID_FOR]->(j:Lehrbuchvereinsjahr {jahr: $jahr}) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY temp.each do |row| email = row[:email] @@lehrmittelverein_state_cache[email] = true end end |
.determine_zeugnislisten ⇒ Object
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/zeugnisse.rb', line 77 def self.determine_zeugnislisten() # STDERR.puts "ATTENTION determine_zeugnislisten() IS DOING NOTHING RIGHT NOW" # return @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse = {} @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer = {} # @@need_sozialverhalten is a hash of teacher shorthands and klassen @@need_sozialverhalten = {} kurse_for_klasse = Hash[ do |klasse| [klasse, (@@lessons_for_klasse[klasse] || []).map { |x| @@lessons[:lesson_keys][x].merge({:lesson_key => x})}] end] delegates = {} delegates_for_klasse = {} rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :path => "#{ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR}/#{ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR}/") MATCH (n:ZeugnisDelegate)-[:WHO]->(u:User) WHERE n.path STARTS WITH $path RETURN n.path AS path, AS email; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |row| delegates[row['path']] ||= delegates[row['path']] << row['email'] klasse = row['path'].split('/')[2] delegates_for_klasse[klasse] ||= {} delegates_for_klasse[klasse][row['path']] ||= delegates_for_klasse[klasse][row['path']] << row['email'] end if ZEUGNIS_USE_MOCK_NAMES srand(42) end need_sv_for_klasse = {} ((ANLAGE_SOZIALVERHALTEN[ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR] || {})[ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR] || []).each do |entry| if entry == '*' ZEUGNIS_KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| need_sv_for_klasse[klasse] = true end else if ZEUGNIS_KLASSEN_ORDER.include?(entry) need_sv_for_klasse[entry] = true else raise "zeugnis config: unknown klasse #{entry}" end end end ZEUGNIS_KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| lesson_keys_for_fach = {} shorthands_for_fach = {} # get teachers from stundenplan (kurse_for_klasse[klasse]).each do |kurs| lesson_keys_for_fach[kurs[:fach]] ||= [] lesson_keys_for_fach[kurs[:fach]] << kurs[:lesson_key] fach = ZEUGNIS_CONSOLIDATE_FACH[kurs[:fach]] || kurs[:fach] # next unless FAECHER_FOR_ZEUGNIS[ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR][ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR].include?(fach) || FAECHER_FOR_ZEUGNIS[ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR][ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR].include?('$' + fach) shorthands = kurs[:lehrer] # check if we have delegate overrides path = "#{ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR}/#{ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR}/#{klasse}/#{fach}" if delegates[path] shorthands = delegates[path] { |email| @@user_info[email][:shorthand] } end shorthands.each do |shorthand| shorthands_for_fach[fach] ||= {} shorthands_for_fach[fach][shorthand] = true @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand] ||= {} @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{fach}"] = true if FAECHER_SPRACHEN.include?(fach) @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{fach}_AT"] = true @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{fach}_SL"] = true end if need_sv_for_klasse[klasse] SOZIALNOTEN_KEYS.each do |item| @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{item}/#{fach}"] = true end @@need_sozialverhalten[shorthand] = true @@need_sozialverhalten[klasse] = true end end end # get teachers from delegate entries (delegates_for_klasse[klasse] || {}).each_pair do |path, emails| fach = path.split('/')[3] # next unless FAECHER_FOR_ZEUGNIS[ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR][ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR].include?(fach) || FAECHER_FOR_ZEUGNIS[ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR][ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR].include?('$' + fach) emails.to_a.sort.each do |email| shorthand = @@user_info[email][:shorthand] shorthands_for_fach[fach] ||= {} shorthands_for_fach[fach][shorthand] = true @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand] ||= {} @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{fach}"] = true if FAECHER_SPRACHEN.include?(fach) @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{fach}_AT"] = true @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{fach}_SL"] = true end if need_sv_for_klasse[klasse] SOZIALNOTEN_KEYS.each do |item| @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{item}/#{fach}"] = true end @@need_sozialverhalten[shorthand] = true @@need_sozialverhalten[klasse] = true end end end @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse] = {} @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach] = {} @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach_is_delegate] = {} (@@klassenleiter[klasse] || []).each do |shorthand| @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach]['_KL'] ||= [] @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach]['_KL'] << shorthand ['VT', 'VT_UE', 'VS', 'VS_UE', 'VSP'].each do |item| @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand] ||= {} @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{item}"] = true end if need_sv_for_klasse[klasse] SOZIALNOTEN_KEYS.each do |item| @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand] ||= {} @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{item}/_KL"] = true end @@need_sozialverhalten[shorthand] = true @@need_sozialverhalten[klasse] = true end end path = "#{ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR}/#{ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR}/#{klasse}/_KL" if delegates[path] @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach]['_KL'] = [] @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach_is_delegate]['_KL'] = true delegates[path].each do |email| shorthand = @@user_info[email][:shorthand] @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach]['_KL'] << shorthand ['VT', 'VT_UE', 'VS', 'VS_UE', 'VSP'].each do |item| @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand] ||= {} @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{item}"] = true end if need_sv_for_klasse[klasse] SOZIALNOTEN_KEYS.each do |item| @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand] ||= {} @@zeugnisliste_for_lehrer[shorthand]["#{klasse}/#{item}/_KL"] = true end @@need_sozialverhalten[shorthand] = true @@need_sozialverhalten[klasse] = true end end end @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach]['_KL'] ||= [] @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach]['_KL'].uniq! faecher = self.zeugnis_faecher_for_emails(@@schueler_for_klasse[klasse]) @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:faecher] = do |x| x[0] == '$' ? x[1, x.size - 1] : x end @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:faecher].uniq! @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:wahlfach] = Hash[ do |x| [x.sub('$', ''), x[0] == '$' ? true : false] end] @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:faecher].each do |fach| @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach][fach] = (shorthands_for_fach[fach] || {}).keys path = "#{ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR}/#{ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR}/#{klasse}/#{fach}" @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:lehrer_for_fach_is_delegate][fach] = delegates.include?(path) end @mock = {} if ZEUGNIS_USE_MOCK_NAMES @mock[:nachnamen] = JSON.parse('mock/nachnamen.json')) @mock[:vornamen] = { 'm' => JSON.parse('mock/vornamen-m.json')), 'w' => JSON.parse('mock/vornamen-w.json')) } end @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:index_for_schueler] ||= {} @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each.with_index do |email, index| @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:index_for_schueler][email] = index end @@zeugnisliste_for_klasse[klasse][:schueler] = @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].map do |email| geschlecht = ZEUGNIS_USE_MOCK_NAMES ? ['m', 'w'].sample : @@user_info[email][:geschlecht] { :email => email, :zeugnis_key => self.zeugnis_key_for_email(email), :official_first_name => ZEUGNIS_USE_MOCK_NAMES ? @mock[:vornamen][geschlecht].sample : @@user_info[email][:official_first_name], :last_name => ZEUGNIS_USE_MOCK_NAMES ? @mock[:nachnamen].sample : @@user_info[email][:last_name], :geburtstag => ZEUGNIS_USE_MOCK_NAMES ? sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", @@user_info[email][:geburtstag][0, 4].to_i, (1..12).to_a.sample, (1..28).to_a.sample) : @@user_info[email][:geburtstag], :geschlecht => geschlecht, } end end end |
.fix_lesson_key_tr(lesson_key_tr) ⇒ Object
354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 |
# File 'src/ruby/credentials.rb', line 354 def self.fix_lesson_key_tr(lesson_key_tr) # # Kursawe: Agr 9c => Agr 9c, 9e # lesson_key_tr['Agr~741a'] = 'Agr~184a' # # Hollmann-Stelzer: Agr 10c => Agr 10c, 10e # lesson_key_tr['Agr~207a'] = 'Agr~403a' # # Munk: Deutsch GK 11 # lesson_key_tr['de-G01~497a'] = 'de-G01~474a' # # Crome: Deutsch GK 11 # lesson_key_tr['de3~497a'] = 'de1~477a' # # Liebe: Deutsch GK 11 # lesson_key_tr['de6~497a'] = 'de1~769a' # # Kilian: Deutsch GK 12 # lesson_key_tr['de5~755a'] = 'de1~513a' # # AP: Deutsch GK 12 # lesson_key_tr['de3~755a'] = 'de1~474b' # # AP / Ho: Deutsch GK 11 # lesson_key_tr['de4~497a'] = 'de1~477a' # lesson_key_tr['ds-G119~791a'] = 'ds-G119~505a' # lesson_key_tr['mo-G46~795a'] = 'mo-G46~786a' # # [???] de4~497a Deutsch GK 11 Frau Arias Porras, Frau Hodgkiss 1 Stunde # # [???] en1~499a Englisch GK 11 Herr Weging, 6 Stunden # lesson_key_tr['de03'] = 'de-G02' lesson_key_tr end |
.fix_lessons_for_shorthand ⇒ Object
380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 |
# File 'src/ruby/credentials.rb', line 380 def self.fix_lessons_for_shorthand # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Led'] ||= [] # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Led'] << 'Ma~99a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Sch'] ||= [] # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Sch'] << 'Ge~353a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Sch'] << 'GE-L11~474a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Sch'] << 'evR~331a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Sch'] << 'evR~709a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Sch'] << 'evR~399a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Eb'] ||= [] # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Eb'] << 'katR~830a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Wr'] ||= [] # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Wr'] << 'ch-G35~788a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Wr'] << 'Ch~115a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Wr'] << 'Ch~160a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Wr'] << 'BI-L115~515a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Wr'] << 'Bio~190a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Eb'] ||= [] # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Eb'] << 'Pol~118a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] ||= [] # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'D~609a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'EN-L105-107~513a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'En~21a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'En~258a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'EN-L05-07~529a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'En~354a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'En~611a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'En~196a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'en-G109-111~557a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'En~48a' # @@lessons_for_shorthand['Rk'] << 'En~12a' # ['5b', '7a', '8a', '9b', '11'].each do |klasse| # @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse] ||= {} # @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse]['Sch'] ||= {} # @@klassen_for_shorthand['Sch'] ||= # @@klassen_for_shorthand['Sch'] << klasse # end # ['7a', '7b', '7c'].each do |klasse| # @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse] ||= {} # @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse]['Eb'] ||= {} # @@klassen_for_shorthand['Eb'] ||= # @@klassen_for_shorthand['Eb'] << klasse # end # ['8a', '9a', '9c', '11', '12'].each do |klasse| # @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse] ||= {} # @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse]['Wr'] ||= {} # @@klassen_for_shorthand['Wr'] ||= # @@klassen_for_shorthand['Wr'] << klasse # end # ['11', '12', '5b', '5c', '6c', '6d', '8a', '9b', '9e'].each do |klasse| # @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse] ||= {} # @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse]['Rk'] ||= {} # @@klassen_for_shorthand['Rk'] ||= # @@klassen_for_shorthand['Rk'] << klasse # end @@klassen_for_shorthand['_Sek'] = KLASSEN_ORDER end |
.fix_parsed_klasse(klasse) ⇒ Object
439 440 441 442 |
# File 'src/ruby/credentials.rb', line 439 def self.fix_parsed_klasse(klasse) d = {'12' => '11', '13' => '12'} d[klasse] || klasse end |
.fix_public_event_config ⇒ Object
350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/public_event.rb', line 350 def self.fix_public_event_config debug "Fixing public event config!"! do |entry| if entry[:auto_rows] rows = [] entry[:auto_rows].each do |auto_entry| row = {} day = Date.parse(auto_entry[:day]) row[:description] = "#{%w(So Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa)[day.wday]}., #{day.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}" row[:entries] = [] auto_entry[:spans].each do |span| t = Time.parse("#{auto_entry[:day]}T#{span[0]}") while t <= Time.parse("#{auto_entry[:day]}T#{span[1]}") row[:entries] << { :key => "#{t.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")}", :deadline => entry[:auto_rows_no_signup_deadline] ? "#{(t - entry[:auto_rows_no_signup_deadline] * 3600).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")}" : nil, :description => "#{t.strftime("%H:%M")} Uhr", :row_description => row[:description], :capacity => 1, } t += auto_entry[:duration] * 60 end end rows << row end entry[:rows] = rows end entry end end |
.fix_stundenzeiten ⇒ Object
220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 |
# File 'src/ruby/credentials.rb', line 220 def self.fix_stundenzeiten hd = '2020-08-10' HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd] = {} @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| klassenstufe = klasse.to_i HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] = [] if [5, 6].include?(klassenstufe) HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:00', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:50', '09:40'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:55', '10:35'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:40', '11:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:25', '12:10'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:50', '13:35'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:40', '14:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] elsif [7, 8, 9, 10].include?(klassenstufe) HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:00', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:50', '09:35'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:35', '10:20'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:40', '11:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:25', '12:10'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:15', '13:00'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:40', '14:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] else HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:00', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:00', '09:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:45', '10:30'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:35', '11:20'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:20', '12:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:40', '13:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:30', '14:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] end end hd = '2020-11-23' HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd] = {} @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| klassenstufe = klasse.to_i HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] = [] if klassenstufe == 5 || klassenstufe == 6 || klasse == '7e' HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:00', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:50', '09:40'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:40', '10:20'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:40', '11:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:25', '12:10'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:15', '13:00'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:40', '14:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] elsif [8, 9, 10].include?(klassenstufe) || ['7a', '7b', '7c'].include?(klasse) HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:00', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:50', '09:40'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:55', '10:35'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:40', '11:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:25', '12:10'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:50', '13:35'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:40', '14:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] else HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['07:15', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:00', '09:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:45', '10:30'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:35', '11:20'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:20', '12:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:40', '13:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:30', '14:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] end end hd = '2021-01-04' HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd] = {} @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| klassenstufe = klasse.to_i HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] = [] if [5, 6].include?(klassenstufe) || klasse == '7e' HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:00', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:50', '09:40'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:40', '10:20'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:40', '11:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:25', '12:10'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:15', '13:00'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:40', '14:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] elsif [7, 8, 9, 10].include?(klassenstufe) HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:00', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:50', '09:40'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:55', '10:35'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:40', '11:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:25', '12:10'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:50', '13:35'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:40', '14:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] else HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['08:00', '08:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:00', '09:45'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['09:45', '10:30'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['10:35', '11:20'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['11:20', '12:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['12:40', '13:25'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['13:30', '14:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['14:30', '15:15'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['15:20', '16:05'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:10', '16:55'] HOURS_FOR_KLASSE[hd][klasse] << ['16:55', '17:40'] end end end |
.force_reload_monitors ⇒ Object
23 24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/monitor.rb', line 23 def self.force_reload_monitors (@@ws_clients[:monitor] || {}).each_pair do |client_id, info| ws = info[:ws] ws.send({:command => 'force_reload'}.to_json) end end |
.gen_password_for_email(email) ⇒ Object
479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 479 def self.gen_password_for_email(email) chars = 'BCDFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ23456789'.split('') sha2 = sha2 << EMAIL_PASSWORD_SALT sha2 << email srand(sha2.hexdigest.to_i(16)) password = '' while true do if password =~ /[a-z]/ && password =~ /[A-Z]/ && password =~ /[0-9]/ && password.include?('-') break end password = '' 8.times do c = chars.sample.dup c.downcase! if [0, 1].sample == 1 password += c end password += '-' 4.times do c = chars.sample.dup c.downcase! if [0, 1].sample == 1 password += c end end password end |
.get_all_homeschooling_users ⇒ Object
325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 325 def self.get_all_homeschooling_users() temp = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User {homeschooling: true}) RETURN END_OF_QUERY all_homeschooling_users = temp.each do |user| all_homeschooling_users << user[''] end all_homeschooling_users end |
.get_all_stream_restrictions ⇒ Object
475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lesson.rb', line 475 def self.get_all_stream_restrictions() temp = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (l:Lesson) RETURN l.key AS lesson_key, COALESCE(l.stream_restriction, []) AS restriction END_OF_QUERY results = {} temp.each do |entry| lesson_key = entry['lesson_key'] restriction = entry['restriction'] while restriction.size < 5 restriction << 0 end results[lesson_key] = restriction end results end |
.get_aula_events ⇒ Object
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/aula.rb', line 3 def self.get_aula_events results = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| x['e'] } MATCH (e:AulaEvent) RETURN e ORDER BY toInteger(e.number), e.title; END_OF_QUERY results end |
.get_current_ab_week ⇒ Object
Returns A or B or nil
349 350 351 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 349 def self.get_current_ab_week() get_switch_week_for_date( end |
.get_current_salzh_status ⇒ Object
343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 343 def self.get_current_salzh_status entries = [] temp = self.get_salzh_status_for_emails() temp.each_pair do |email, info| next unless @@user_info[email] next if @@user_info[email][:teacher] next if info[:status].nil? entries << { :email => email, :name => @@user_info[email][:display_name], :first_name => @@user_info[email][:display_first_name], :last_name => @@user_info[email][:display_last_name], :klasse => @@user_info[email][:klasse], :klasse_tr => tr_klasse(@@user_info[email][:klasse]), :status => info[:status], :status_end_date => info[:status_end_date] } end entries.sort! do |a, b| if a[:klasse] == b[:klasse] if a[:last_name] == b[:last_name] a[:first_name] <=> b[:first_name] else a[:last_name] <=> b[:last_name] end else (KLASSEN_ORDER.index(a[:klasse]) <=> KLASSEN_ORDER.index(b[:klasse])) end end entries end |
.get_current_salzh_status_for_all_teachers ⇒ Object
387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 387 def self.get_current_salzh_status_for_all_teachers all_entries = Main.get_current_salzh_status result = {} @@lehrer_order.each do |email| shorthand = @@user_info[email][:shorthand] entries = do |entry| (@@schueler_for_teacher[shorthand] || []).include?(entry[:email]) end result[shorthand] = entries end result end |
.get_current_salzh_sus ⇒ Object
259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 259 def self.get_current_salzh_sus # purge stale salzh entries !!! Main.purge_stale_salzh_entries(false) rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (s:Salzh)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) RETURN, COALESCE(s.mode, 'salzh') AS smode, s.end_date; END_OF_QUERY entries = [] rows.each do |row| email = row[''] mode = row['smode'] end_date = row['s.end_date'] entries << { :email => email, :name => @@user_info[email][:display_name], :first_name => @@user_info[email][:display_first_name], :last_name => @@user_info[email][:display_last_name], :klasse => @@user_info[email][:klasse], :klasse_tr => tr_klasse(@@user_info[email][:klasse]), :salzh_mode => mode, :salzh_end_date => end_date } end entries.sort! do |a, b| if a[:klasse] == b[:klasse] if a[:last_name] == b[:last_name] a[:first_name] <=> b[:first_name] else a[:last_name] <=> b[:last_name] end else (KLASSEN_ORDER.index(a[:klasse]) <=> KLASSEN_ORDER.index(b[:klasse])) end end entries end |
.get_homeschooling_for_user(email, datum = nil, is_homeschooling_user = nil, group2_for_email = nil) ⇒ Object
378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 378 def self.get_homeschooling_for_user(email, datum = nil, is_homeschooling_user = nil, group2_for_email = nil) datum ||='%Y-%m-%d') if is_homeschooling_user.nil? self.get_homeschooling_for_user_by_switch_week(email, datum, group2_for_email) || self.get_homeschooling_for_user_by_dauer_salzh(email) else self.get_homeschooling_for_user_by_switch_week(email, datum, group2_for_email) end end |
.get_homeschooling_for_user_by_dauer_salzh(email) ⇒ Object
353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 353 def self.get_homeschooling_for_user_by_dauer_salzh(email) info = $neo4j.neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => email}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.homeschooling, false) AS homeschooling END_OF_QUERY marked_as_homeschooling = info['homeschooling'] marked_as_homeschooling end |
.get_homeschooling_for_user_by_switch_week(email, datum, group2_for_email) ⇒ Object
362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 362 def self.get_homeschooling_for_user_by_switch_week(email, datum, group2_for_email) group2 = nil if group2_for_email.nil? info = $neo4j.neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => email}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.group2, 'A') AS group2 END_OF_QUERY group2 = info['group2'] else group2 = group2_for_email end current_week = get_switch_week_for_date(Date.parse(datum)) marked_as_homeschooling_by_week = (current_week != group2) marked_as_homeschooling_by_week end |
.get_homework_feedback_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/homework.rb', line 23 def self.get_homework_feedback_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) hf = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :lesson_key => lesson_key).map { |x| {:offset => x['li.offset'], :hf => x['hf']} } MATCH (u:User)<-[:FROM]-(hf:HomeworkFeedback)-[:FOR]->(li:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $lesson_key}) RETURN hf, li.offset ORDER BY li.offset; END_OF_QUERY results = {} hf.each do |_entry| entry = _entry[:hf] offset = _entry[:offset] results[offset] ||= { :state_histogram => {}, :time_spent_min => nil, :time_spent_max => nil } if entry[:state] results[offset][:state_histogram][entry[:state]] ||= 0 results[offset][:state_histogram][entry[:state]] += 1 end if entry[:time_spent] results[offset][:time_spent_min] ||= entry[:time_spent] results[offset][:time_spent_min] = entry[:time_spent] if entry[:time_spent] < results[offset][:time_spent_min] results[offset][:time_spent_max] ||= entry[:time_spent] results[offset][:time_spent_max] = entry[:time_spent] if entry[:time_spent] > results[offset][:time_spent_max] end end final_result = {} results.each_pair do |offset, data| result = {} if results[offset][:time_spent_min] if results[offset][:time_spent_min] != results[offset][:time_spent_max] result[:time_spent] = "#{results[offset][:time_spent_min]} – #{results[offset][:time_spent_max]} Minuten" else result[:time_spent] = "#{results[offset][:time_spent_min]} Minuten" end end unless results[offset][:state_histogram].empty? parts = [] short_parts = [] HOMEWORK_FEEDBACK_STATES.each do |state| if results[offset][:state_histogram][state] parts << "#{HOMEWORK_FEEDBACK_EMOJIS[state]} × #{results[offset][:state_histogram][state]}" short_parts << "#{HOMEWORK_FEEDBACK_EMOJIS[state]}" end end result[:state] = parts.join(', ') result[:short_state] = short_parts.join('') end final_result[offset] = result end final_result end |
.get_hotspot_klassen ⇒ Object
227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 227 def self.get_hotspot_klassen # purge stale entries Main.purge_stale_salzh_entries(false) hotspot_dates = {} rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (k:Klasse) RETURN k.klasse, k.hotspot_end_date; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |x| hotspot_dates[x['k.klasse']] = x['k.hotspot_end_date'] end do |io| KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| next if ['11', '12'].include?(klasse) io.puts "<tr data-klasse='#{klasse}'>" io.puts "<td>#{tr_klasse(klasse)}</td>" # io.puts "<td>#{@@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].size}</td>" io.puts "<td>" hotspot_end_date = hotspot_dates[klasse] io.puts "<div class='input-group input-group-sm'><input type='date' class='form-control ti_hotspot_end_date' value='#{hotspot_end_date}' /><div class='input-group-append'><button #{hotspot_end_date.nil? ? 'disabled' : ''} class='btn #{hotspot_end_date.nil? ? 'btn-outline-secondary' : 'btn-danger'} bu_delete_hotspot_end_date'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></button></div></div>" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.string end end |
.get_lesson_data(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lesson.rb', line 132 def self.get_lesson_data(lesson_key) # purge unconfirmed tablet bookings for this lesson_key $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :key => lesson_key) MATCH (t:Tablet)<-[:WHICH]-(b:Booking {confirmed: false})-[:FOR]->(i:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $key}) DETACH DELETE b; END_OF_QUERY # purge unconfirmed tablet bookings for any lesson key older than 30 minutes $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :timestamp => ( - 30 * 60).to_i) MATCH (t:Tablet)<-[:WHICH]-(b:Booking {confirmed: false})-[:FOR]->(i:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson) WHERE b.updated < $timestamp DETACH DELETE b; END_OF_QUERY rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :key => lesson_key).map { |x| x['i'] } MATCH (i:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $key}) RETURN i ORDER BY i.offset; END_OF_QUERY results = {} rows.each do |row| results[row[:offset]] ||= {} results[row[:offset]][:info] = row.reject do |k, v| [:offset, :updated].include?(k) end end rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :key => lesson_key).map { |x| {:comment => x['c'], :user => x['u'], :text_comment_from => x[''] } } MATCH (u:User)<-[:TO]-(c:TextComment)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $key}) MATCH (c)-[:FROM]->(tcf:User) RETURN c, u, ORDER BY c.offset; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |row| results[row[:comment][:offset]] ||= {} results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments] ||= {} results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments][row[:user][:email]] ||= {} if row[:comment][:comment] results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments][row[:user][:email]][:text_comment] = row[:comment][:comment] results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments][row[:user][:email]][:text_comment_from] = row[:text_comment_from] end end rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :key => lesson_key).map { |x| {:comment => x['c'], :user => x['u'], :audio_comment_from => x[''] } } MATCH (u:User)<-[:TO]-(c:AudioComment)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $key}) MATCH (c)-[:FROM]->(acf:User) RETURN c, u, ORDER BY c.offset; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |row| results[row[:comment][:offset]] ||= {} results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments] ||= {} results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments][row[:user][:email]] ||= {} if row[:comment][:tag] results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments][row[:user][:email]][:audio_comment_tag] = row[:comment][:tag] results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments][row[:user][:email]][:duration] = row[:comment][:duration] results[row[:comment][:offset]][:comments][row[:user][:email]][:audio_comment_from] = row[:audio_comment_from] end end rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :key => lesson_key).map { |x| {:offset => x['li.offset'], :feedback => x['hf'], :user => x[''] }} MATCH (u:User)<-[:FROM]-(hf:HomeworkFeedback)-[:FOR]->(li:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $key}) RETURN hf, li.offset,; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |row| results[row[:offset]] ||= {} results[row[:offset]][:feedback] ||= {} results[row[:offset]][:feedback][:sus] ||= {} results[row[:offset]][:feedback][:sus][row[:user]] = row[:feedback].reject do |k, v| [:done].include?(k) end results[row[:offset]][:feedback][:sus][row[:user]][:name] = (@@user_info[row[:user]] || {})[:display_name] end results.each_pair do |offset, info| next unless info[:feedback] results[offset][:feedback][:summary] = 'Es liegt bisher kein Feedback zu dieser Stunde vor.' feedback_str = do |io| state_histogram = {} time_spent_values = [] info[:feedback][:sus].each_pair do |email, feedback| if feedback[:state] state_histogram[feedback[:state]] ||= 0 state_histogram[feedback[:state]] += 1 end if feedback[:time_spent] time_spent_values << feedback[:time_spent] end end unless state_histogram.empty? io.puts "<p>" parts = [] HOMEWORK_FEEDBACK_STATES.each do |x| parts << "#{HOMEWORK_FEEDBACK_EMOJIS[x]} × #{state_histogram[x]}" if state_histogram[x] end io.puts parts.join(', ') io.puts "</p>" end time_spent_values.sort! unless time_spent_values.empty? io.puts "<p>" io.puts "SuS haben zwischen #{time_spent_values.first} und #{time_spent_values.last} Minuten für diese Hausaufgabe benötigt (#{time_spent_values.size} Angabe#{time_spent_values.size == 1 ? '' : 'n'})." io.puts "</p>" end io.string end results[offset][:feedback][:summary] = feedback_str end rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :key => lesson_key) MATCH (t:Tablet)<-[:WHICH]-(b:Booking {confirmed: true})-[:FOR]->(i:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $key}) RETURN, i.offset; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |entry| offset = entry['i.offset'] tablet_id = entry[''] results[offset] ||= {} results[offset][:info] ||= {} results[offset][:info][:booked_tablet] = { :tablet_id => tablet_id, :lagerort => @@tablets[tablet_id][:lagerort], :bg_color => @@tablets[tablet_id][:bg_color], :fg_color => @@tablets[tablet_id][:fg_color] } end rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :key => lesson_key) MATCH (t:TabletSet)<-[:BOOKED]-(b:Booking)-[:FOR]->(i:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $key}) RETURN, i.offset ORDER BY; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |entry| offset = entry['i.offset'] tablet_set_id = entry[''] next if @@tablet_sets[tablet_set_id].nil? results[offset] ||= {} results[offset][:info] ||= {} results[offset][:info][:booked_tablet_sets] ||= [] results[offset][:info][:booked_tablet_sets] << tablet_set_id results[offset][:info][:booked_tablet_sets_tablet_count] ||= 0 results[offset][:info][:booked_tablet_sets_tablet_count] += @@tablet_sets[tablet_set_id][:count] end results end |
.get_regular_testing_days ⇒ Object
1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 1012 def self.get_regular_testing_days() pattern = $neo4j.neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY)['pattern'] MERGE (n:RegularTestingDays) RETURN COALESCE(n.pattern, 0) AS pattern; END_OF_QUERY return (0..4).map do |i| ((pattern >> i) & 1) == 0 end end |
.get_salzh_status_for_emails(emails = nil, force_refresh = true) ⇒ Object
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 32 def self.get_salzh_status_for_emails(emails = nil, force_refresh = true) Main.purge_stale_salzh_entries(false) temp = [] temp2 = [] hotspot_dates = {} rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (k:Klasse) RETURN k.klasse, k.hotspot_end_date; END_OF_QUERY rows.each do |x| hotspot_dates[x['k.klasse']] = x['k.hotspot_end_date'] end if emails.nil? temp = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (s:Salzh)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) RETURN COALESCE(s.mode, 'salzh') AS smode, s.end_date,; END_OF_QUERY temp2 = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User) RETURN, u.freiwillig_salzh, COALESCE(u.testing_required, TRUE) AS testing_required, COALESCE(u.voluntary_testing, FALSE) AS voluntary_testing; END_OF_QUERY else emails = [emails] unless emails.is_a? Array temp = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:emails => emails}) MATCH (s:Salzh)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) WHERE IN $emails RETURN COALESCE(s.mode, 'salzh') AS smode, s.end_date,; END_OF_QUERY temp2 = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:emails => emails}) MATCH (u:User) WHERE IN $emails RETURN, u.freiwillig_salzh, COALESCE(u.testing_required, TRUE) AS testing_required, COALESCE(u.voluntary_testing, FALSE) AS voluntary_testing; END_OF_QUERY end result = {} temp2.each do |row| email = row[''] result[email] = { :freiwillig_salzh => row['u.freiwillig_salzh'], # end_date or nil :testing_required => row['testing_required'], :voluntary_testing => row['voluntary_testing'] } end temp.each do |row| result[row['']][:salzh] = row['smode'] result[row['']][:salzh_end_date] = row['s.end_date'] end result.each_pair do |email, info| status = nil status_end_date = nil if info[:freiwillig_salzh] status = :salzh status_end_date = info[:freiwillig_salzh] if info[:salzh] == 'salzh' status_end_date = [status_end_date, info[:salzh_end_date]].max end else if info[:salzh] == 'salzh' status = :salzh status_end_date = info[:salzh_end_date] elsif info[:salzh] == 'contact_person' status = :contact_person status_end_date = info[:salzh_end_date] end end if status.nil? # see if it's a hotspot klasse if @@user_info[email] klasse = @@user_info[email][:klasse] if hotspot_dates[klasse] status = :hotspot_klasse status_end_date = hotspot_dates[klasse] end end end info[:status] = status info[:status_end_date] = status_end_date wday = needs_testing_today = true unless info[:testing_required] needs_testing_today = false end info[:needs_testing_today] = needs_testing_today end result end |
.get_stream_restriction_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lesson.rb', line 464 def self.get_stream_restriction_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) results = $neo4j.neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :key => lesson_key)['restriction'] MERGE (l:Lesson {key: $key}) RETURN COALESCE(l.stream_restriction, []) AS restriction END_OF_QUERY while results.size < 5 results << 0 end results end |
.get_switch_week_for_date(d) ⇒ Object
337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 337 def self.get_switch_week_for_date(d) ds = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') d_info = do |d| ds >= d end.last info = SWITCH_WEEKS[d_info] return nil if info.nil? week_number = (d.strftime('%-V').to_i - Date.parse(d_info).strftime('%-V').to_i) return (((week_number + (info[0].ord - 'A'.ord)) % info[1]) + 'A'.ord).chr end |
.get_technikamt_users ⇒ Object
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/techpost.rb', line 12 def self.get_technikamt_users results = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User)-[:HAS_AMT {amt: 'technikamt'}]->(v:Techpost) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY return { |result| result[""] } || [] end |
.get_test_events ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/test_events.rb', line 2 def self.get_test_events ts_now ='%Y-%m-%d') # $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => ts_now).map { |x| x['e'] } # MATCH (e:TestEvent) # WHERE < $today # DELETE e; # END_OF_QUERY results = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => ts_now).map { |x| x['e'] } MATCH (e:TestEvent) RETURN e ORDER BY, e.title; END_OF_QUERY results end |
.get_test_list_label_type(status, regular_test_required, regular_test_day) ⇒ Object
804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 804 def self.get_test_list_label_type(status, regular_test_required, regular_test_day) today ='%Y-%m-%d') if status == :salzh return :strike end if status == :hotspot_klasse return :enabled end if status == :contact_person return :enabled end if regular_test_required == false return :enabled if today >= '2022-04-01' return :disabled end if regular_test_required && !regular_test_day && status == nil return :enabled if today >= '2022-04-01' return :disabled end return :enabled end |
.get_voluntary_testing_sus ⇒ Object
303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 303 def self.get_voluntary_testing_sus rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).select do |x| MATCH (u:User {voluntary_testing: true}) RETURN, u.last_skipped_voluntary_testing; END_OF_QUERY @@user_info[x['']] do |x| d = @@user_info[x['']] d[:last_skipped_voluntary_testing] = x['u.last_skipped_voluntary_testing'] d end rows.sort! do |a, b| if a[:klasse] == b[:klasse] if a[:last_name] == b[:last_name] a[:first_name] <=> b[:first_name] else a[:last_name] <=> b[:last_name] end else (KLASSEN_ORDER.index(a[:klasse]) <=> KLASSEN_ORDER.index(b[:klasse])) end end today_s ='%Y-%m-%d') do |info| { :email => info[:email], :first_name => info[:first_name], :last_name => info[:last_name], :display_name => info[:display_name], :skipped_today => info[:last_skipped_voluntary_testing] == today_s, :klasse => tr_klasse(info[:klasse]) } end end |
.get_website_events ⇒ Object
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/website.rb', line 11 def self.get_website_events ts_now ='%Y-%m-%d') $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => ts_now).map { |x| x['e'] } MATCH (e:WebsiteEvent) WHERE e.date_end IS NULL AND < $today DELETE e; END_OF_QUERY $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => ts_now).map { |x| x['e'] } MATCH (e:WebsiteEvent) WHERE e.date_end IS NOT NULL AND e.date_end < $today DELETE e; END_OF_QUERY results = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => ts_now).map { |x| x['e'] } MATCH (e:WebsiteEvent) RETURN e ORDER BY, e.title; END_OF_QUERY results end |
.invite_external_user_for_event(eid, email, session_user_email) ⇒ Object
168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/event.rb', line 168 def self.invite_external_user_for_event(eid, email, session_user_email) STDERR.puts "Sending invitation mail for event #{eid} to #{email}" = data = {} data[:eid] = eid data[:email] = email data[:timestamp] = event = nil # TODO: There is a potential bug here when someone adds a PredefinedExternalUser # as a recipient and there will be two results here where we would have expected # one before temp = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data).first MATCH (u:User)<-[:ORGANIZED_BY]-(e:Event {id: $eid})<-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]-(r) WHERE (r:ExternalUser OR r:PredefinedExternalUser) AND ( = $email) AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(e.deleted, false) = false RETURN e,; END_OF_QUERY event = temp['e'] session_user = @@user_info[temp['']][:display_last_name] code = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(EXTERNAL_USER_EVENT_SCRAMBLER + data[:eid] + data[:email]).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 8] # remove invitation request / if something goes wrong, we won't keep sending out invites blocking the queue rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data) MATCH (e:Event {id: $eid})<-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]-(r) WHERE (r:ExternalUser OR r:PredefinedExternalUser) AND ( = $email) AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(e.deleted, false) = false REMOVE rt.invitation_requested; END_OF_QUERY begin deliver_mail do to data[:email] bcc SMTP_FROM from SMTP_FROM reply_to "#{@@user_info[session_user_email][:display_name]} <#{session_user_email}>" subject "Einladung: #{event[:title]}" do |io| io.puts "<p>Sie haben eine Einladung zu einem Termin via Jitsi Meet erhalten.</p>" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "Eingeladen von: #{session_user}<br />" io.puts "Titel: #{event[:title]}<br />" io.puts "Datum und Uhrzeit: #{WEEKDAYS[Time.parse(event[:date]).wday]}., den #{Time.parse(event[:date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')}, #{event[:start_time]} – #{event[:end_time]}<br />" link = WEB_ROOT + "/e/#{data[:eid]}/#{code}" io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<p>Link zum Termin:<br /><a href='#{link}'>#{link}</a></p>" io.puts "<p>Bitte geben Sie den Link nicht weiter. Er ist personalisiert und enthält Ihren Namen, den Raumnamen und ist nur am Tag des Termins gültig.</p>" io.puts event[:description] io.string end end rescue deliver_mail do to session_user_email bcc SMTP_FROM from SMTP_FROM subject "Einladung konnte nicht versendet werden: #{event[:title]}" do |io| io.puts "<p>Die Einladung für den folgenden Termin konnte nicht versendet werden:</p>" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "E-Mail: #{data[:email]}<br />" io.puts "Titel: #{event[:title]}<br />" io.puts "Datum und Uhrzeit: #{WEEKDAYS[Time.parse(event[:date]).wday]}., den #{Time.parse(event[:date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')}, #{event[:start_time]} – #{event[:end_time]}<br />" link = WEB_ROOT + "/e/#{data[:eid]}/#{code}" io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<p>Link zum Termin:<br /><a href='#{link}'>#{link}</a></p>" io.puts "<p>Bitte überprüfen Sie die E-Mail-Adresse, sie ist vermutlich falsch.</p>" io.string end end end # add timestamp to list of successfully sent invitations rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data) MATCH (e:Event {id: $eid})<-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]-(r) WHERE (r:ExternalUser OR r:PredefinedExternalUser) AND ( = $email) AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(e.deleted, false) = false SET rt.invitations = COALESCE(rt.invitations, []) + [$timestamp]; END_OF_QUERY end |
.invite_external_user_for_poll_run(prid, email, session_user_email) ⇒ Object
791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/poll.rb', line 791 def self.invite_external_user_for_poll_run(prid, email, session_user_email) STDERR.puts "Sending invitation mail for poll run #{prid} to #{email}" = data = {} data[:prid] = prid data[:email] = email data[:timestamp] = poll_run = nil results = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data) MATCH (u:User)<-[:ORGANIZED_BY]-(p:Poll)<-[:RUNS]-(pr:PollRun {id: $prid})<-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]-(r) WHERE (r:ExternalUser OR r:PredefinedExternalUser) AND ( = $email) AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(pr.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(p.deleted, false) = false RETURN pr, p,; END_OF_QUERY if results.empty? raise 'no results found, expected at least one!' end temp = results.first poll_run = temp['pr'] poll = temp['p'] session_user = @@user_info[temp['']][:display_last_name] code = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(EXTERNAL_USER_EVENT_SCRAMBLER + data[:prid] + data[:email]).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 8] rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data) MATCH (pr:PollRun {id: $prid})<-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]-(r) WHERE (r:ExternalUser OR r:PredefinedExternalUser) AND ( = $email) AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(pr.deleted, false) = false REMOVE rt.invitation_requested END_OF_QUERY begin deliver_mail do to data[:email] bcc SMTP_FROM from SMTP_FROM reply_to "#{@@user_info[session_user_email][:display_name]} <#{session_user_email}>" subject "Einladung zur Umfrage: #{poll[:title]}" do |io| io.puts "<p>Sie haben eine Einladung zu einer Umfrage erhalten.</p>" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "Eingeladen von: #{session_user}<br />" io.puts "Titel: #{poll[:title]}<br />" io.puts "Datum und Uhrzeit: #{WEEKDAYS[Time.parse(poll_run[:start_date]).wday]}., den #{Time.parse(poll_run[:start_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')}, #{poll_run[:start_time]} – #{WEEKDAYS[Time.parse(poll_run[:end_date]).wday]}., den #{Time.parse(poll_run[:end_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')}, #{poll_run[:end_time]}<br />" link = WEB_ROOT + "/p/#{data[:prid]}/#{code}" io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<p>Link zur Umfrage:<br /><a href='#{link}'>#{link}</a></p>" io.puts "<p>Bitte geben Sie den Link nicht weiter. Er ist personalisiert und nur im angegebenen Zeitraum gültig.</p>" io.string end end rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data) MATCH (pr:PollRun {id: $prid})<-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]-(r) WHERE (r:ExternalUser OR r:PredefinedExternalUser) AND ( = $email) AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(pr.deleted, false) = false SET rt.invitations = COALESCE(rt.invitations, []) + [$timestamp]; END_OF_QUERY rescue deliver_mail do to session_user_email bcc SMTP_FROM from SMTP_FROM subject "Einladung zur Umfrage konnte nicht versendet werden: #{poll[:title]}" do |io| io.puts "<p>Die Einladung für die folgende Umfrage konnte nicht versendet werden:</p>" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "E-Mail: #{data[:email]}<br />" io.puts "Titel: #{poll[:title]}<br />" io.puts "Datum und Uhrzeit: #{WEEKDAYS[Time.parse(poll_run[:start_date]).wday]}., den #{Time.parse(poll_run[:start_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')}, #{poll_run[:start_time]} – #{WEEKDAYS[Time.parse(poll_run[:end_date]).wday]}., den #{Time.parse(poll_run[:end_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')}, #{poll_run[:end_time]}<br />" link = WEB_ROOT + "/p/#{data[:prid]}/#{code}" io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<p>Link zur Umfrage:<br /><a href='#{link}'>#{link}</a></p>" io.puts "<p>Bitte überprüfen Sie die E-Mail-Adresse, sie ist vermutlich falsch.</p>" io.string end end end end |
.iterate_school_days(options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 462 def self.iterate_school_days( = {}, &block) day = Date.parse(@@config[:first_day]) last_day = Date.parse(@@config[:last_day]) while day <= last_day do ds = day.to_s off_day = @@off_days.include?(ds) unless off_day yield ds, (day.wday + 6) % 7 end day += 1 end end |
.log_freiwillig_salzh_sus_for_today ⇒ Object
989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 989 def self.log_freiwillig_salzh_sus_for_today() wall_time ='%H:%M') return if wall_time < '12:00' today ='%Y-%m-%d') path = "/internal/salzh_protocol/#{today}.txt" return if File.exist?(path) unless File.exist?(File.dirname(path)) FileUtils.mkpath(File.dirname(path)) end Main.purge_stale_salzh_entries(true) rows = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| x[''] } MATCH (u:User) WHERE EXISTS(u.freiwillig_salzh) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY, 'w') do |f| f.puts "# watch out, only count days which were actual school days! we need to filter this..." f.puts rows.join("\n") end end |
.parse_zeugnisformulare ⇒ Object
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/zeugnisse.rb', line 13 def self.parse_zeugnisformulare FileUtils.mkpath('/internal/lowriter_home') @@zeugnisse = {} @@zeugnisse[:formulare] ||= {} debug "Parsing Zeugnisformulare..." Dir["/data/zeugnisse/formulare/#{ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR}/#{ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR}/*.docx"].each do |path| sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest( out_path = File.join("/internal/zeugnisse/formulare/#{sha1}") unless File.exist?(out_path) FileUtils.mkpath(File.dirname(out_path)) system("unzip -d \"#{out_path}\" \"#{path}\"") end doc =, 'word', 'document.xml')) = doc.scan(/[#\$][A-Za-z0-9_]+\./) key = File.basename(path).sub('.docx', '') # debug "#{key} (#{out_path}): #{tags.to_json}" @@zeugnisse[:formulare][key] ||= {} @@zeugnisse[:formulare][key][:sha1] = sha1 @@zeugnisse[:formulare][key][:tags] = .map { |x| x[0, x.size - 1] } @@zeugnisse[:formulare][key][:formular_fehler] = self.check_zeugnisformular(key) if ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR == '2' unless doc.include?('<w:strike/></w:rPr><w:t>nicht</w:t>') @@zeugnisse[:formulare][key][:formular_fehler] ||= [] @@zeugnisse[:formulare][key][:formular_fehler] << "fehlende Versetzungsmarkierung (<s>nicht</s>)" end end end self.determine_zeugnislisten() end |
.purge_stale_salzh_entries(force = true) ⇒ Object
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 6 def self.purge_stale_salzh_entries(force = true) today ='%Y-%m-%d') unless force @@last_purge_stale_salzh_entries_date ||= '' if today <= @@last_purge_stale_salzh_entries_date return end @@last_purge_stale_salzh_entries_date = today end $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => today) MATCH (s:Salzh)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) WHERE s.end_date < $today DETACH DELETE s; END_OF_QUERY $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => today) MATCH (u:User) WHERE EXISTS(u.freiwillig_salzh) AND u.freiwillig_salzh < $today REMOVE u.freiwillig_salzh; END_OF_QUERY $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => today) MATCH (k:Klasse) WHERE k.hotspot_end_date < $today DETACH DELETE k; END_OF_QUERY end |
.refresh_bib_data ⇒ Object
1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1368 def self.refresh_bib_data() begin now = return if now - @@bib_summoned_books_last_ts < 60 * (DEVELOPMENT ? 1 : 60) @@bib_summoned_books_last_ts = now @@bib_summoned_books = {} debug "Refreshing bib data..." url = "#{BIB_HOST}/api/get_summoned_books" res = Curl.get(url) do |http| payload = {:exp => + 60, :email => 'timetable'} http.headers['X-JWT'] = JWT.encode(payload, JWT_APPKEY_BIB, "HS256") end raise 'oops' if res.response_code != 200 @@bib_summoned_books = JSON.parse(res.body) @@bib_unconfirmed_books = {} url = "#{BIB_HOST}/api/get_unconfirmed_books" res = Curl.get(url) do |http| payload = {:exp => + 60, :email => 'timetable'} http.headers['X-JWT'] = JWT.encode(payload, JWT_APPKEY_BIB, "HS256") end raise 'oops' if res.response_code != 200 @@bib_unconfirmed_books = JSON.parse(res.body) # debug @@bib_summoned_books.to_yaml rescue StandardError => e debug e end end |
.refresh_public_event_config ⇒ Object
381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/public_event.rb', line 381 def self.refresh_public_event_config() @@public_event_config_timestamp ||= 0 path = '/data/public_events/public_events.yaml' if DEVELOPMENT || @@public_event_config_timestamp < File.mtime(path).to_i debug "Reloading public event config from #{path}!" @@public_event_config = YAML.load( || [] self.fix_public_event_config() @@public_event_config_timestamp = File.mtime(path).to_i end end |
.sms_gateway_ready? ⇒ Boolean
24 25 26 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/sms.rb', line 24 def self.sms_gateway_ready? (@@ws_clients[:authenticated_sms] || {}).values.size > 0 end |
.stream_allowed_for_date_lesson_key_and_email(datum, lesson_key, email, restrictions = nil, is_homeschooling_user = nil, group2_for_email = nil) ⇒ Object
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/jitsi.rb', line 86 def self.stream_allowed_for_date_lesson_key_and_email(datum, lesson_key, email, restrictions = nil, is_homeschooling_user = nil, group2_for_email = nil) # temporarily disable all stream restrictions return true restrictions ||= Main.get_stream_restriction_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) weekday = (Date.parse(datum).wday + 6) % 7 return true if restrictions[weekday] == 0 user = @@user_info[email] return true if user.nil? return true if user_has_role(email, :teacher) klassenstufe = user[:klasse].to_i return true unless WECHSELUNTERRICHT_KLASSENSTUFEN.include?(klassenstufe) if restrictions[weekday] == 1 if is_homeschooling_user.nil? return get_homeschooling_for_user_by_dauer_salzh(email) else return is_homeschooling_user end elsif restrictions[weekday] == 2 return get_homeschooling_for_user(email, datum, is_homeschooling_user, group2_for_email) else true end end |
.tr_klasse(klasse) ⇒ Object
513 514 515 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 513 def self.tr_klasse(klasse) KLASSEN_TR[klasse] || klasse end |
.update_angebote_groups ⇒ Object
483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 483 def self.update_angebote_groups() @@angebote_mailing_lists = {} $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| {:info => x['a'], :recipient => x[''], :owner => x[''] } }.each do |row| MATCH (a:Angebot)-[:DEFINED_BY]->(ou:User) WITH a, ou OPTIONAL MATCH (u:User)-[r:IS_PART_OF]->(a) RETURN a,, ORDER BY a.created DESC,; END_OF_QUERY ['', 'eltern.'].each do |who| list_email = who + remove_accents(row[:info][:name].downcase).split(/[^a-z0-9]+/).map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| x.empty? }.join('-') + '@' + MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN @@angebote_mailing_lists[list_email] ||= { :label => row[:info][:name] + (who.empty? ? '' : ' (Eltern)'), :recipients => [], } @@angebote_mailing_lists[list_email][:recipients] << who + row[:recipient] end end end |
.update_antikenfahrt_groups ⇒ Object
387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 387 def self.update_antikenfahrt_groups() results = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| {:email => x['email'], :group_af => x['group_af'] }} MATCH (u:User) RETURN AS email, COALESCE(u.group_af, '') AS group_af; END_OF_QUERY groups = {} main_user_info = @@user_info results.each do |row| next unless ['gr', 'it'].include?(row[:group_af]) user_info = main_user_info[row[:email]] next unless user_info next unless user_info[:teacher] == false next unless ['11', '12'].include?(user_info[:klasse]) groups[user_info[:klasse]] ||= {} groups[user_info[:klasse]][row[:group_af]] ||= [] groups[user_info[:klasse]][row[:group_af]] << row[:email] end @@antikenfahrt_recipients = { :recipients => {}, :groups => [] } @@antikenfahrt_mailing_lists = {} ['11', '12'].each do |klasse| ['gr', 'it'].each do |group_af| next if ((groups[klasse] || {})[group_af] || []).empty? @@antikenfahrt_recipients[:groups] << "/af/#{klasse}/#{group_af}/sus" @@antikenfahrt_recipients[:recipients]["/af/#{klasse}/#{group_af}/sus"] = { :label => "Antikenfahrt #{GROUP_AF_ICONS[group_af]} – SuS #{klasse}", :entries => groups[klasse][group_af] } @@antikenfahrt_recipients[:groups] << "/af/#{klasse}/#{group_af}/eltern" @@antikenfahrt_recipients[:recipients]["/af/#{klasse}/#{group_af}/eltern"] = { :label => "Antikenfahrt #{GROUP_AF_ICONS[group_af]} – Eltern #{klasse} (extern)", :external => true, :entries => groups[klasse][group_af].map { |x| 'eltern.' + x } } @@antikenfahrt_mailing_lists["antikenfahrt.#{group_af}.#{klasse}@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Antikenfahrt #{GROUP_AF_ICONS[group_af]} – SuS Klassenstufe #{klasse}", :recipients => groups[klasse][group_af] } @@antikenfahrt_mailing_lists["antikenfahrt.#{group_af}.eltern.#{klasse}@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Antikenfahrt #{GROUP_AF_ICONS[group_af]} – Eltern Klassenstufe #{klasse}", :recipients => groups[klasse][group_af].map { |x| 'eltern.' + x } } end end end |
.update_forschertage_groups ⇒ Object
435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 435 def self.update_forschertage_groups() results = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| {:email => x['email'], :group_ft => x['group_ft'] }} MATCH (u:User) RETURN AS email, COALESCE(u.group_ft, '') AS group_ft; END_OF_QUERY groups = {} main_user_info = @@user_info results.each do |row| next unless ['nawi', 'gewi', 'musik', 'medien'].include?(row[:group_ft]) user_info = main_user_info[row[:email]] next unless user_info next unless user_info[:teacher] == false next unless ['5', '6'].include?(user_info[:klasse][0]) groups[user_info[:klasse][0]] ||= {} groups[user_info[:klasse][0]][row[:group_ft]] ||= [] groups[user_info[:klasse][0]][row[:group_ft]] << row[:email] end @@forschertage_recipients = { :recipients => {}, :groups => [] } @@forschertage_mailing_lists = {} ['5', '6'].each do |klasse| ['nawi', 'gewi', 'musik', 'medien'].each do |group_ft| next if ((groups[klasse] || {})[group_ft] || []).empty? @@forschertage_recipients[:groups] << "/ft/#{klasse}/#{group_ft}/sus" @@forschertage_recipients[:recipients]["/ft/#{klasse}/#{group_ft}/sus"] = { :label => "Forschertage #{GROUP_FT_ICONS[group_ft]} – SuS #{klasse}", :entries => groups[klasse][group_ft] } @@forschertage_recipients[:groups] << "/af/#{klasse}/#{group_ft}/eltern" @@forschertage_recipients[:recipients]["/af/#{klasse}/#{group_ft}/eltern"] = { :label => "Forschertage #{GROUP_FT_ICONS[group_ft]} – Eltern #{klasse} (extern)", :external => true, :entries => groups[klasse][group_ft].map { |x| 'eltern.' + x } } @@forschertage_mailing_lists["forschertage.#{group_ft}.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Forschertage #{GROUP_FT_ICONS[group_ft]} – SuS Klassenstufe #{klasse}", :recipients => groups[klasse][group_ft] } @@forschertage_mailing_lists["forschertage.#{group_ft}.eltern.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Forschertage #{GROUP_FT_ICONS[group_ft]} – Eltern Klassenstufe #{klasse}", :recipients => groups[klasse][group_ft].map { |x| 'eltern.' + x } } end end end |
.update_mailing_lists ⇒ Object
1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1187 def self.update_mailing_lists() self.update_antikenfahrt_groups() self.update_forschertage_groups() self.update_angebote_groups() self.update_projekttage_groups() @@mailing_lists = {} @@angebote_mailing_lists.each_pair do |k, v| @@mailing_lists[k] = v end all_kl = @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| klasse = klasse.downcase next unless @@schueler_for_klasse.include?(klasse) @@mailing_lists["klasse.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "SuS der Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}", :recipients => @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse] } @@mailing_lists["eltern.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Eltern der Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}", :recipients => @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].map do |email| "eltern.#{email}" end } @@mailing_lists["lehrer.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Lehrer der Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}", :recipients => ((@@teachers_for_klasse[klasse] || {}).keys.sort).map do |shorthand| email = @@shorthands[shorthand] end.reject do |email| email.nil? end } if klasse.to_i > 0 if @@klassenleiter[klasse] @@mailing_lists["team.#{klasse.to_i}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] ||= { :label => "Klassenleiterteam der Klassenstufe #{klasse.to_i}", :recipients => [] } @@klassenleiter[klasse].each do |shorthand| if @@shorthands[shorthand] @@mailing_lists["team.#{klasse.to_i}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"][:recipients] << @@shorthands[shorthand] all_kl << @@shorthands[shorthand] end end end end end @@mailing_lists["lehrer@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Gesamtes Kollegium", :recipients => do |email| @@user_info[email][:teacher] && @@user_info[email][:can_log_in] && email != '' end } @@mailing_lists["sus@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Alle Schülerinnen und Schüler", :recipients => do |email| !@@user_info[email][:teacher] end } @@mailing_lists["eltern@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Alle Eltern", :recipients => do |email| !@@user_info[email][:teacher] do |email| "eltern.#{email}" end } temp = $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| { :email => x[''] } } MATCH (u:User {ev: true}) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY @@mailing_lists["ev@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Alle Elternvertreter:innen", :recipients => { |x| 'eltern.' + x[:email] } } @@mailing_lists["kl@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Alle Klassenleiter:innen", :recipients => all_kl.to_a.sort } @@shorthands_for_fach.each_pair do |fach, shorthands| @@mailing_lists["lehrer.#{fach.downcase}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"] = { :label => "Alle Lehrkräfte im Fach #{fach}", :recipients => { |x| @@shorthands[x] } } end @@antikenfahrt_mailing_lists.each_pair do |k, v| @@mailing_lists[k] = v end @@forschertage_mailing_lists.each_pair do |k, v| @@mailing_lists[k] = v end @@projekttage_mailing_lists.each_pair do |k, v| @@mailing_lists[k] = v end VERTEILER_TEST_EMAILS.each do |m| @@mailing_lists[m] = { :label => "Verteiler-Test", :recipients => VERTEILER_DEVELOPMENT_EMAILS } end projekte = {} $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (u:User)-[:ASSIGNED_TO]->(p:Projekt) RETURN,, p.title; END_OF_QUERY nr = row[''] projekte[nr] ||= { :title => row['p.title'], :participants => [], :organized_by => [], } projekte[nr][:participants] << row[''] end $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (p:Projekt)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(u:User) RETURN,; END_OF_QUERY nr = row[''] next unless projekte[nr] projekte[nr][:organized_by] << row[''] end projekte.each_pair do |nr, info| ['', 'eltern.'].each do |prefix| email = "#{prefix}projekt-#{nr}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}" @@mailing_lists[email] = { :label => "Alle Teilnehmer:innen im Projekt »#{info[:title]}#{prefix == '' ? '' : ' (Eltern)'}«", :recipients => info[:participants].map { |x| prefix + x }, :extra_allowed_users => info[:organized_by], } end end if File.exist?('/internal/projekttage/votes/assign-result.json') assign_results = JSON.parse('/internal/projekttage/votes/assign-result.json')) users_for_error = {} assign_results['error_for_email'].each_pair do |email, error| users_for_error[error] ||= [] users_for_error[error] << email end users_for_error.each_pair do |error, emails| emails_sorted = emails.sort do |a, b| (@@user_info[a][:last_name] == @@user_info[b][:last_name]) ? (@@user_info[a][:first_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:first_name]) : (@@user_info[a][:last_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:last_name]) end ['', 'eltern.'].each do |prefix| email = "#{prefix}projekt-abweichung-#{error}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}" @@mailing_lists[email] = { :label => "Alle Projektteilnehmer:innen mit Abweichung #{error}#{prefix == '' ? '' : ' (Eltern)'}", :recipients => { |x| prefix + x }, } end end end if DASHBOARD_SERVICE == 'ruby''/internal/mailing_lists.yaml.tmp', 'w') do |f| f.puts @@mailing_lists.to_yaml end FileUtils::mv('/internal/mailing_lists.yaml.tmp', '/internal/mailing_lists.yaml', force: true) end end |
.update_projekttage_groups ⇒ Object
503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 503 def self.update_projekttage_groups() @@projekttage_mailing_lists = {} $neo4j.neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| {:recipient => x[''] } }.each do |row| MATCH (u:User) WHERE NOT (u)-[:VOTED_FOR]->(:Projekt) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY email = row[:recipient] next unless user_has_role(email, :schueler) && ((@@user_info[email][:klassenstufe] || 7) < 10) ['', 'eltern.'].each do |who| list_email = who + 'kein.projekt.gewaehlt' + '@' + MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN @@projekttage_mailing_lists[list_email] ||= { :label => 'Kein Projekt gewählt' + (who.empty? ? '' : ' (Eltern)'), :recipients => [], } @@projekttage_mailing_lists[list_email][:recipients] << who + email end end end |
.user_has_role(email, role) ⇒ Object
6 7 8 9 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 6 def self.user_has_role(email, role) assert(AVAILABLE_ROLES.include?(role), "Unknown role: #{role}") @@user_info[email] && @@user_info[email][:roles].include?(role) end |
.zeugnis_faecher_for_emails(emails) ⇒ Object
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/zeugnisse.rb', line 50 def self.zeugnis_faecher_for_emails(emails) zeugnis_keys = {} emails.each do |email| zeugnis_keys[self.zeugnis_key_for_email(email)] = true end faecher = [] faecher_wf = [] zeugnis_keys.keys.sort.each do |key| FAECHER_FOR_ZEUGNIS[ZEUGNIS_SCHULJAHR][ZEUGNIS_HALBJAHR][key].each do |fach| if fach[0] == '$' faecher_wf << fach unless faecher_wf.include?(fach) else faecher << fach unless faecher.include?(fach) end end end return faecher + faecher_wf end |
.zeugnis_key_for_email(email) ⇒ Object
44 45 46 47 48 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/zeugnisse.rb', line 44 def self.zeugnis_key_for_email(email) sesb = @@user_info[email][:sesb] || false klassenstufe = @@user_info[email][:klassenstufe] return "#{klassenstufe}#{sesb ? '_sesb': ''}" end |
Instance Method Details
#_include_file(name, label) ⇒ Object
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/website.rb', line 133 def _include_file(name, label) icon = '' if name[-4, 4] == '.pdf' icon = "<i class='file-type fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i>" elsif name[-4, 4] == '.doc' || name[-5, 5] == '.docx' icon = "<i class='file-type fa fa-file-word-o'></i>" elsif name[-4, 4] == '.xls' || name[-5, 5] == '.xlsx' icon = "<i class='file-type fa fa-file-excel-o'></i>" elsif name[-4, 4] == '.ppt' || name[-5, 5] == '.pptx' icon = "<i class='file-type fa fa-file-powerpoint-o'></i>" elsif name[-4, 4] == '.zip' icon = "<i class='file-type fa fa-file-zip-o'></i>" end "#{icon}<a href='https://#{WEBSITE_HOST}/f/#{name}' target='_blank'>#{label}</a>" end |
#_include_image(slug, mode = nil, caption = nil) ⇒ Object
203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/website.rb', line 203 def _include_image(slug, mode = nil, caption = nil) mode = nil if (mode || '').empty? caption = nil if (caption|| '').empty? if mode.nil? do |io| io.puts "<div class='image'>" # io.puts "<img src='https://#{WEBSITE_HOST}/gen/i/#{slug}-1024.jpg' />" io.puts _include_lazyload_image(slug) io.puts "<div class='caption'>#{caption}</div>" if caption io.puts "</div>" io.string end else do |io| width = mode[1] align = mode[0] == 'r' ? 'right' : 'left' io.puts "<div class='image iw-#{width} pull-#{align}'>" # io.puts "<img src='https://#{WEBSITE_HOST}/gen/i/#{slug}-1024.jpg' />" io.puts _include_lazyload_image(slug, :cols => width.to_i) io.puts "<div class='caption'>#{caption}</div>" if caption io.puts "</div>" io.string end # "<img src='https://#{WEBSITE_HOST}/gen/i/#{slug}-1024.jpg' class='col-md-4 pull-left' />" end end |
#_include_lazyload_image(slug, options = {}) ⇒ Object
180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/website.rb', line 180 def _include_lazyload_image(slug, = {}) dir = '' [:x] ||= 50 [:y] ||= 50 [:classes] ||= [] if [:cols] [:lg] ||= "#{(@@BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS[:lg].to_f * [:cols] / 12 / 12 * 9).to_i}px" [:md] ||= "#{(@@BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS[:md].to_f * [:cols] / 12 / 12 * 9).to_i}px" [:sm] ||= "#{(@@BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS[:sm].to_f * [:cols] / 12 / 12 * 9).to_i}px" [:xs] ||= "100vw" end do |io| io.puts "<picture>" ['webp', 'jpg'].each do |extension| mime_type = extension == 'webp' ? 'image/webp' : 'image/jpeg' io.puts "<source type='#{mime_type}' class='lazy' #{img_multi_attr_lazy(File.join("https://#{WEBSITE_HOST}/gen/i/#{slug}"), extension, )} />" end io.puts "<img src='#{slug}-p.jpg' class='#{[:classes].join(' ')}' style='object-position: #{[:x]}% #{[:y]}%' alt='#{[:label]}' />" io.puts "</picture>" io.string end end |
#admin_2fa_hotline_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
68 69 70 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 68 def admin_2fa_hotline_logged_in? admin_logged_in? && user_with_role_logged_in?(:datentresor_hotline) end |
#admin_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
56 57 58 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 56 def admin_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:admin) end |
#advent_calendar_images ⇒ Object
2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2570 def advent_calendar_images return [] unless File.exist?('advent-calendar-images.txt')'advent-calendar-images.txt').split(/\s+/).map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| x.empty? }.map do |x| unless File.exist?("/gen/ac-#{x}.png") system("wget -O /gen/ac-#{x}-dl.png{x}.png") system("convert /gen/ac-#{x}-dl.png -scale 1600% /gen/ac-#{x}.png") end "/gen/ac-#{x}.png" end end |
#advents_calendar_date_today ⇒ Object
returns 0 if before Dec 1 returns 1 .. 24 if in range returns 24 if Dec 25 .. 31
1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1878 def advents_calendar_date_today() date =[0, 10] # if DEVELOPMENT # date = '2021-12-24' # end return 0 if date < '2021-12-01' return 0 if date > '2021-12-31' day = date[8, 2].to_i day = 24 if day > 24 return day end |
#all_sessions ⇒ Object
438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 438 def all_sessions sids = request.['sid'] users = [] if (sids.is_a? String) && (sids =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z,]+$/) sids.split(',').each do |sid| if sid =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/ results = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :sid => sid).map { |x| {:sid => x['sid'], :email => x['email'] } } MATCH (s:Session {sid: $sid})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) RETURN s.sid AS sid, AS email; END_OF_QUERY results.each do |entry| if entry[:email] && @@user_info[entry[:email]] users << {:sid => entry[:sid], :user => @@user_info[entry[:email]].dup, :method => entry[:method]} end end end end end users end |
#already_booked_tablet_sets_for_day(datum) ⇒ Object
return all booked tablet sets for a specific day
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tablet_set.rb', line 70 def already_booked_tablet_sets_for_day(datum) require_user_with_role!(:can_book_tablets) rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, { :datum => datum }).map { |x| {:tablet_set_id => x[''], :lesson_key => x['l.key'], :reason =>x['b.reason'], :start_time => x['b.start_time'], :end_time => x['b.end_time'], :email => x[''] } } MATCH (t:TabletSet)<-[:BOOKED]-(b:Booking {datum: $datum})-[:BOOKED_BY]->(u:User) OPTIONAL MATCH (b)-[:FOR]->(i:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson) RETURN, l.key, b.start_time, b.end_time,; END_OF_QUERY result = {} rows.each do |row| result[row[:tablet_set_id]] ||= [] result[row[:tablet_set_id]] << { :lesson_key => row[:lesson_key], :reason => row[:reason], :email => row[:email], :display_name => (@@user_info[row[:email]] || {})[:display_last_name_dativ] || (@@user_info[row[:email]] || {})[:display_name] || 'NN', :start_time => row[:start_time], :end_time => row[:end_time] } end result end |
#already_booked_tablet_sets_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time) ⇒ Object
check whether we can book a list of tablet sets for a specific time span
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tablet_set.rb', line 42 def already_booked_tablet_sets_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time) require_user_with_role!(:can_book_tablets) data = { :datum => datum, :start_time => start_time, :end_time => end_time } rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data).map { |x| {:tablet_set_id => x[''], :lesson_key => x['l.key'], :reason => x['b.reason'], :email => x[''] } } MATCH (t:TabletSet)<-[:BOOKED]-(b:Booking {datum: $datum})-[:BOOKED_BY]->(u:User) WHERE NOT ((b.end_time <= $start_time) OR (b.start_time >= $end_time)) OPTIONAL MATCH (b)-[:FOR]->(i:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson) RETURN, l.key, b.reason,; END_OF_QUERY debug rows result = {} rows.each do |row| result[row[:tablet_set_id]] ||= [] result[row[:tablet_set_id]] << { :lesson_key => row[:lesson_key], :reason => row[:reason], :email => row[:email], :display_name => (@@user_info[row[:email]] || {})[:display_last_name_dativ] || (@@user_info[row[:email]] || {})[:display_name] || 'NN' } end result end |
#book_tablet_set_for_lesson(datum, start_time, end_time, tablet_sets = [], lesson_key, offset) ⇒ Object
book a list of tablet sets for a specific lesson, or unbook all tablet sets
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tablet_set.rb', line 93 def book_tablet_set_for_lesson(datum, start_time, end_time, tablet_sets = [], lesson_key, offset) require_user_with_role!(:can_book_tablets) conflicting_tablets = [] unless tablet_sets.empty? # check if it's bookable temp = already_booked_tablet_sets_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time) conflicting_tablets = temp.keys.reject do |x| temp[x].reject do |y| y[:lesson_key] == lesson_key end.empty? end! { |x| tablet_sets.include?(x) } end if conflicting_tablets.empty? transaction do # make sure tablet sets exist in database tablet_sets.each do |tablet_set_id| neo4j_query("MERGE (:TabletSet {id: '#{tablet_set_id}'})") end = data = { :email => @session_user[:email], :lesson_key => lesson_key, :offset => offset, :tablet_set_ids => tablet_sets, :timestamp => , :datum => datum, :start_time => start_time, :end_time => end_time } # create booking node neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) MERGE (l:Lesson {key: $lesson_key}) MERGE (i:LessonInfo {offset: $offset})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l) MERGE (b:Booking)-[:FOR]->(i) MERGE (u)<-[:BOOKED_BY]-(b) SET i.updated = $timestamp SET b.updated = $timestamp SET b.datum = $datum SET b.start_time = $start_time SET b.end_time = $end_time WITH b MATCH (b)-[r:BOOKED]->(:TabletSet) DELETE r END_OF_QUERY # connect booked tablet sets to booking node neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data) MATCH (l:Lesson {key: $lesson_key}) MATCH (i:LessonInfo {offset: $offset})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l) MATCH (b:Booking)-[:FOR]->(i) MATCH (t:TabletSet) WHERE IN $tablet_set_ids MERGE (b)-[:BOOKED]->(t) END_OF_QUERY end else debug "Cannot book tablet sets because of these:" debug conflicting_tablets.to_yaml raise :unable_to_book_tablet_sets end end |
#book_tablet_set_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time, reason, tablet_sets) ⇒ Object
book a list of tablet sets for a specific lesson, or unbook all tablet sets
158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tablet_set.rb', line 158 def book_tablet_set_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time, reason, tablet_sets) require_user_who_can_manage_tablets! conflicting_tablets = [] unless tablet_sets.empty? # check if it's bookable temp = already_booked_tablet_sets_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time) conflicting_tablets = temp.keys! { |x| tablet_sets.include?(x) } end if conflicting_tablets.empty? transaction do # make sure tablet sets exist in database tablet_sets.each do |tablet_set_id| neo4j_query("MERGE (:TabletSet {id: '#{tablet_set_id}'})") end = data = { :email => @session_user[:email], :tablet_set_ids => tablet_sets, :timestamp => , :datum => datum, :start_time => start_time, :end_time => end_time, :reason => reason } # create booking node neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, data) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) CREATE (u)<-[:BOOKED_BY]-(b:Booking {datum: $datum, start_time: $start_time, end_time: $end_time, reason: $reason}) SET b.updated = $timestamp WITH b MATCH (t:TabletSet) WHERE IN $tablet_set_ids CREATE (b)-[:BOOKED]->(t) END_OF_QUERY end else debug "Cannot book tablet sets because of these:" debug conflicting_tablets.to_yaml raise :unable_to_book_tablet_sets end end |
#bytes_to_str(ai_Size) ⇒ Object
2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2252 def bytes_to_str(ai_Size) if ai_Size < 1024 return "#{ai_Size} B" elsif ai_Size < 1024 * 1024 return "#{sprintf('%1.1f', ai_Size.to_f / 1024.0)} kB" elsif ai_Size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 return "#{sprintf('%1.1f', ai_Size.to_f / 1024.0 / 1024.0)} MB" elsif ai_Size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 return "#{sprintf('%1.1f', ai_Size.to_f / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0)} GB" end return "#{sprintf('%1.1f', ai_Size.to_f / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0)} TB" end |
#caesar(s, shift) ⇒ Object
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/cypher.rb', line 157 def caesar(s, shift) t = '' s.each_char do |c| code = c.upcase.ord if code >= 'A'.ord && code <= 'Z'.ord i = code - 'A'.ord i = (i + shift) % 26 c = (i + 'A'.ord).chr end t += c end t end |
#can_checkout_books(email) ⇒ Object
46 47 48 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lehrbuchverein.rb', line 46 def can_checkout_books(email) determine_lehrmittelverein_state_for_email(email) > 0 end |
#can_manage_agr_app_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
def user_who_can_report_tech_problems_or_better_logged_in?
user_logged_in? && (@session_user[:can_manage_tablets] || check_has_technikamt(@session_user[:email]))
142 143 144 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 142 def can_manage_agr_app_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_agr_app) end |
#can_manage_bib_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 146 def can_manage_bib_logged_in? flag = user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_bib) if flag unless teacher_logged_in? unless device_logged_in? flag = false end end end flag end |
#can_manage_bib_members_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
162 163 164 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 162 def can_manage_bib_members_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_bib_members) end |
#can_manage_bib_payment_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
166 167 168 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 166 def can_manage_bib_payment_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_bib_payment) end |
#can_manage_bib_special_access_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
158 159 160 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 158 def can_manage_bib_special_access_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_bib_special_access) end |
#can_manage_salzh_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
76 77 78 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 76 def can_manage_salzh_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_salzh) end |
#can_see_all_timetables_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
72 73 74 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 72 def user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_see_all_timetables) end |
#check_has_technikamt(email) ⇒ Object
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/techpost.rb', line 3 def check_has_technikamt(email) rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => email) MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[:HAS_AMT {amt: 'technikamt'}]->(v:Techpost) RETURN CASE WHEN EXISTS((u)-[:HAS_AMT {amt: 'technikamt'}]->(v)) THEN true ELSE false END AS hasRelation; END_OF_QUERY return false if rows.empty? return rows.first['hasRelation'] end |
#class_stream_link_for_session_user ⇒ Object
1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1583 def class_stream_link_for_session_user require_user! if PROVIDE_CLASS_STREAM && schueler_logged_in? && (!['11', '12'].include?(@session_user[:klasse])) "/jitsi/Klassenstreaming#{@session_user[:klasse]}" else nil end end |
#color_palette_for_color_scheme(color_scheme) ⇒ Object
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 115 def color_palette_for_color_scheme(color_scheme) primary_color = '#' + color_scheme[7, 6] light = luminance(primary_color) > 160 primary_color_lighter = rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(primary_color), hex_to_rgb('#ffffff'), 0.3)) primary_color_much_lighter = rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(desaturate(primary_color)), hex_to_rgb('#ffffff'), 0.8)) primary_color_darker = darken(primary_color, 0.8) primary_color_much_darker = rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(desaturate(primary_color)), hex_to_rgb('#000000'), 0.5)) desaturated_color = darken(desaturate(primary_color), 0.9) if light desaturated_color = rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(desaturate(primary_color)), hex_to_rgb('#ffffff'), 0.1)) end desaturated_color_darker = darken(desaturate(primary_color), 0.3) disabled_color = light ? rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(primary_color), [255, 255, 255], 0.5)) : rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(primary_color), [192, 192, 192], 0.5)) darker_color = rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(primary_color), [0, 0, 0], 0.6)) shifted_color = shift_hue(primary_color, 350) main_text_color = light ? rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(primary_color), [0, 0, 0], 0.7)) : rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(primary_color), [255, 255, 255], 0.8)) contrast_color = rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(primary_color), color_scheme[0] == 'l' ? [0, 0, 0] : [255, 255, 255], 0.7)) color_palette = { :is_light => light, :primary => primary_color, :primary_color_lighter => primary_color_lighter, :primary_color_much_lighter => primary_color_much_lighter, :primary_color_darker => primary_color_darker, :primary_color_much_darker => primary_color_much_darker, :primary_color_dark => rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(primary_color), [0, 0, 0], 0.8)), :disabled => disabled_color, :darker => darker_color, :shifted => desaturated_color, :left => '#' + color_scheme[1, 6], :right => '#' + color_scheme[13, 6], :main_text => main_text_color, :contrast => contrast_color } color_palette end |
#create_device_token(device, expire_hours) ⇒ Object
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 34 def create_device_token(device, expire_hours) token = RandomTag::generate(24) assert(token =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/) data = {:device => device, :token => token, :expires => ( + expire_hours / 24.0).to_s} neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :data => data) CREATE (t:DeviceToken $data) RETURN t; END_OF_QUERY token end |
#create_session(email, expire_hours) ⇒ Object
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 5 def create_session(email, expire_hours) sid = RandomTag::generate(24) assert(sid =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/) data = {:sid => sid, :expires => ( + expire_hours / 24.0).to_s} begin ua = USER_AGENT_PARSER.parse(request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) usa = "#{} #{ua.version.segments.first} (#{}" usa += " / #{}" if != 'other' usa += ')' data[:user_agent] = usa rescue end all_sessions().each do |session| other_sid = session[:sid] result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => email, :other_sid => other_sid).map { |x| x['sid'] } MATCH (s:Session {sid: $other_sid})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User {email: $email}) DETACH DELETE s; END_OF_QUERY end neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => email, :data => data) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) CREATE (s:Session $data)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u) RETURN s; END_OF_QUERY sid end |
#css_for_font(font) ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/theme.rb', line 2 def css_for_font(font) if font == 'Alegreya' {'font-family' => 'AlegreyaSans', 'letter-spacing' => 'unset'} elsif font == 'Billy' {'font-family' => 'Billy', 'letter-spacing' => 'unset'} elsif font == 'Riffic' {'font-family' => 'Riffic', 'letter-spacing' => '0.05em'} else {'font-family' => 'Roboto', 'letter-spacing' => 'unset'} end end |
#current_jitsi_rooms ⇒ Object
428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/jitsi.rb', line 428 def current_jitsi_rooms() @@current_jitsi_rooms ||= nil @@current_jitsi_rooms_timestamp ||= if @@current_jitsi_rooms.nil? || > @@current_jitsi_rooms_timestamp + 10 @@current_jitsi_rooms_timestamp = begin debug "Refreshing Jitsi presence!" c = c.perform if c.status.to_i == 200 @@current_jitsi_rooms = JSON.parse(c.body_str)['rooms'] else @@current_jitsi_rooms = nil end rescue @@current_jitsi_rooms = nil end end return @@current_jitsi_rooms end |
#cypher_content ⇒ Object
274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/cypher.rb', line 274 def cypher_content require_user! parts = request.env['REQUEST_PATH'].split('/') provided_password = (parts[2] || '').strip.downcase provided_password = nil if provided_password.empty? debug "provided: [#{provided_password}]" result = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.cypher_level, 0) AS cypher_level, u.cypher_seed AS cypher_seed, COALESCE(u.failed_cypher_tries, 0) AS failed_cypher_tries, COALESCE(u.cypher_name, '') AS cypher_name; END_OF_QUERY @cypher_level = result['cypher_level'] @cypher_seed = result['cypher_seed'] @cypher_name = result['cypher_name'].strip failed_cypher_tries = result['failed_cypher_tries'] @tries_left = 3 - failed_cypher_tries if @cypher_level == 7 @tries_left = 50 - failed_cypher_tries end if @cypher_seed.nil? || (@cypher_level == 0 && provided_password.nil?) @cypher_seed = result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email], :cypher_seed => @cypher_seed}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.cypher_seed = $cypher_seed; END_OF_QUERY end get_next_cypher_password() STDERR.puts "CYPHER // #{@session_user[:email]} // level: #{@cypher_level}, next password: #{@cypher_next_password}#{@cypher_next_password.nil? ? '(nil)':''}" unless provided_password.nil? || @cypher_next_password.nil? result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email], :cypher_provided => provided_password }) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.cypher_provided = $cypher_provided; END_OF_QUERY if provided_password.downcase == @cypher_next_password.downcase @cypher_level += 1 result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email], :cypher_level => @cypher_level}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.cypher_level = $cypher_level, u.failed_cypher_tries = 0 REMOVE u.cypher_provided; END_OF_QUERY else result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.failed_cypher_tries = COALESCE(u.failed_cypher_tries, 0) + 1; END_OF_QUERY if @tries_left <= 1 result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.cypher_level = 0, u.failed_cypher_tries = 0, u.cypher_name = '' REMOVE u.cypher_provided; END_OF_QUERY end end end unless provided_password.nil? debug "REDIRECTING!" redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/cyph3r", 302 end get_next_cypher_password() do |io| # io.puts "<p style='text-align: left; margin-top: 0;'><b>#{@session_user[:first_name]}</b> <#{@session_user[:email]}></p>" if @cypher_level == MAX_CYPHER_LEVEL # io.puts "<p style='float: right; margin-top: 0;'><a href='/hackers'>=> Hall of Fame</a></p>" io.puts'/static/cypher/hall_of_fame.html') result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User) WHERE COALESCE(u.cypher_level, 0) > 0 RETURN, u.cypher_level, COALESCE(u.cypher_name, '') AS cypher_name END_OF_QUERY io.puts "<p>" io.puts "Bisher #{result.size == 1 ? 'hat' : 'haben'} <b>#{result.size} Code Cracker:in#{result.size == 1 ? '' : 'nen'}</b> versucht, die Aufgaben zu lösen." histogram = {} names = [] result.each do |row| histogram[row['u.cypher_level']] ||= [] histogram[row['u.cypher_level']] << row[''] names << row['cypher_name'] unless row['cypher_name'].strip.empty? end names.sort! parts = [] histogram.keys.sort.each do |level| l = 'in der <b>Hall of Fame</b>' if level + 1 <= MAX_CYPHER_LEVEL l = "in <b>Level #{level + 1}</b>" end parts << "<b>#{histogram[level].size} Person#{histogram[level].size == 1 ? '' : 'en'}</b> #{l}" end io.puts "Davon befinde#{histogram[histogram.keys.sort.first].size == 1 ? 't' : 'n'} sich #{join_with_sep(parts, ', ', ' und ')}." io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<hr style='margin-bottom: 15px;'/>" # io.puts "<p>" # io.puts "Hier kannst du festlegen, ob und wie du in der Hall of Fame erscheinen möchtest:" # io.puts "</p>" # io.puts "<hr />" possible_names = [] possible_names << @session_user[:first_name] unless teacher_logged_in? possible_names << "#{@session_user[:first_name]} (#{@session_user[:klasse]})" end possible_names << @session_user[:display_name] if schueler_logged_in? possible_names << "#{@session_user[:display_name]} (#{@session_user[:klasse]})" else possible_names << "#{@session_user[:display_last_name]}" end io.puts "<p style='text-align: left; margin-top: 0;'>" io.puts "<span class='name-pref' data-name=''>[#{@cypher_name == '' ? 'x': ' '}] Ich möchte <b>nicht</b> aufgelistet werden.</span><br />" possible_names.each do |name| io.puts "<span class='name-pref' data-name=\"#{name}\">[#{@cypher_name == name ? 'x': ' '}] Ich möchte als <b>»#{name}«</b> erscheinen.</span><br />" end io.puts "<span class='cypher-reset text-danger'>[!] Ich möchte meinen <b>Fortschritt löschen</b> und von vorn beginnen.</span>" io.puts "<span class='text-danger' id='cypher_reset_confirm' style='display: none;'><br /> Bist du sicher? <span id='cypher_reset_confirm_yes'><b>[Ja]</b></span> <span id='cypher_reset_confirm_no'><b>[Nein]</b></span></span>" io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<h2><b>Hall of Fame</b></h2>" names.each do |name| io.puts "<p class='name'>#{name}</p>" end io.puts'/static/cypher/hall_of_fame_foot.html') else io.puts'/static/cypher/title.html').gsub('#{next_cypher_level}', (@cypher_level + 1).to_s) if failed_cypher_tries == 0 if @cypher_level > 0 io.puts "<p><b>Gut gemacht!</b></p>" io.puts "<hr />" end else if @cypher_level > 0 io.puts "<p class='text-danger'><b>Achtung!</b> Deine letzte Antwort war leider falsch. Du hast noch <b>#{@tries_left} Versuch#{@tries_left == 1 ? '' : 'e'}</b>, bevor du wieder von vorn beginnen musst.</p>" io.puts "<hr />" else io.puts "<p class='text-danger'><b>Achtung!</b> Deine letzte Antwort war leider falsch.</p>" io.puts "<hr />" end end path = "/static/cypher/level_#{@cypher_level + 1}.html" if File.exist?(path) io.puts end io.puts'/static/cypher/form.html') end io.string end end |
#darken(c, f = 0.2) ⇒ Object
91 92 93 94 95 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 91 def darken(c, f = 0.2) hsv = rgb_to_hsv(hex_to_rgb(c)) hsv[2] *= f rgb_to_hex(hsv_to_rgb(hsv)) end |
#delete_audio_comment(tag) ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/comment.rb', line 2 def delete_audio_comment(tag) require_teacher! if tag && tag.class == String && tag =~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/ dir = tag[0, 2] filename = tag[2, tag.size - 2] ['.ogg', '.mp3'].each do |ext| path = "/raw/uploads/audio_comment/#{dir}/#{filename}#{ext}" if File.exist?(path) STDERR.puts "DELETING #{path}" FileUtils::rm_f(path) end end end end |
#delete_session_user_ical_link ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/ical.rb', line 2 def delete_session_user_ical_link() require_user! result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email]).map { |x| x['u.ical_token'] } MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) WHERE EXISTS(u.ical_token) RETURN u.ical_token; END_OF_QUERY result.each do |token| path = "/gen/ical/#{token}.ics" STDERR.puts path if File.exist?(path) FileUtils.rm(path) end end result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email]) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) REMOVE u.ical_token; END_OF_QUERY end |
#delete_session_user_otp_token ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/otp.rb', line 2 def delete_session_user_otp_token() require_user! result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email]) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) REMOVE u.otp_token REMOVE u.otp_token_changed REMOVE u.preferred_login_method; END_OF_QUERY end |
#desaturate(c) ⇒ Object
78 79 80 81 82 83 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 78 def desaturate(c) hsv = rgb_to_hsv(hex_to_rgb(c)) hsv[1] *= 0.7 hsv[2] *= 0.9 rgb_to_hex(hsv_to_rgb(hsv)) end |
#determine_lehrmittelverein_state_for_email(email) ⇒ Object
returns bits 1 for paid, 2 for zahlungsbefreit, 4 for lehrmittelfreiheit
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lehrbuchverein.rb', line 30 def determine_lehrmittelverein_state_for_email(email) result = 0 temp = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => email}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email, lmv_no_pay: true}) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY result += 2 if temp.size > 0 # result += 4 if [5, 6].include?(((@@user_info[email] || {})[:klasse] || '').to_i) temp = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => email, :jahr => LEHRBUCHVEREIN_JAHR}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[:PAID_FOR]->(j:Lehrbuchvereinsjahr {jahr: $jahr}) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY result += 1 if temp.size > 0 return result end |
#device_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
92 93 94 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 92 def device_logged_in? !@session_device.nil? end |
#eval_lilypads(_content) ⇒ Object
251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/website.rb', line 251 def eval_lilypads(_content) content = _content.dup while true index = content.index('#{') break if index.nil? length = 2 balance = 1 while index + length < content.size && balance > 0 c = content[index + length] balance -= 1 if c == '}' balance += 1 if c == '{' length += 1 end code = content[index + 2, length - 3] begin # STDERR.puts code content[index, length] = eval(code).to_s || '' rescue STDERR.puts "Error while evaluating:" STDERR.puts code raise end end content end |
#external_user_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
def developer_logged_in?
36 37 38 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 36 def external_user_logged_in? return !(teacher_logged_in? || schueler_logged_in?) end |
#external_users_for_session_user ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/ext_user.rb', line 2 def external_users_for_session_user result = {:groups => [], :recipients => {}, :order => []} return result unless user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_create_events) # add pre-defined external users @@predefined_external_users[:groups].each do |x| result[:groups] << x end @@predefined_external_users[:recipients].each_pair do |k, v| result[:recipients][k] = v end # add external users from user's address book ext_users = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :session_email => @session_user[:email]).map { |x| x['e'] } MATCH (u:User {email: $session_email})-[:ENTERED_EXT_USER]->(e:ExternalUser) RETURN e ORDER BY END_OF_QUERY ext_users.each do |entry| result[:recipients][entry[:email]] = {:label => entry[:name]} result[:order] << entry[:email] end result end |
#fach_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
207 208 209 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tablet_set.rb', line 207 def fach_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) (@@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] || {})[:pretty_folder_name] || 'NN' end |
#find_available_tablet_sets(datum, start_time, end_time, lesson_key = nil, offset = nil) ⇒ Object
217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tablet_set.rb', line 217 def find_available_tablet_sets(datum, start_time, end_time, lesson_key = nil, offset = nil) available_tablet_sets = [] @@tablet_sets.keys.each do |tablet_id| available_tablet_sets << tablet_id end booked_tablet_sets_timespan = already_booked_tablet_sets_for_timespan(datum, start_time, end_time) booked_tablet_sets_day = already_booked_tablet_sets_for_day(datum) klasse5or6 = nil if lesson_key # consider klasse klassen = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key][:klassen] klasse5or6 = klassen.any? { |x| [5, 6].include?(x.to_i) } # sort by :prio_unterstufe # available_tablet_sets.sort! do |a, b| # a_prio = (!!@@tablet_sets[a][:prio_unterstufe]) ? 1 : 0 # b_prio = (!!@@tablet_sets[b][:prio_unterstufe]) ? 1 : 0 # dir = a_prio <=> b_prio # if dir == 0 # a <=> b # else # dir * (klasse5or6 ? -1 : 1) # end # end # also consider room begin = @@lessons[:start_date_for_date][datum] wday = (Date.parse(datum).wday + 6) % 7 raum = @@lessons[:timetables][][lesson_key][:stunden][wday].values.first[:raum]! do |x| if @@tablet_sets[x][:only_these_rooms_strict] if @@tablet_sets[x][:only_these_rooms] @@tablet_sets[x][:only_these_rooms].include?(raum) else true end else true end end rescue StandardError => e debug("An error occured while trying to determine the room for a lesson: #{e}, ignoring the room now...") end end tablet_sets = {} available_tablet_sets.each do |x| blocked_by = booked_tablet_sets_timespan[x] if lesson_key if blocked_by blocked_by.reject! { |x| x[:lesson_key] == lesson_key} end end tablet_sets[x] = { :count => @@tablet_sets[x][:count], :standort => @@tablet_sets[x][:standort], :is_tablet_set => @@tablet_sets[x][:is_tablet_set], :label => @@tablet_sets[x][:label], :blocked_by => blocked_by } hints = [] if booked_tablet_sets_timespan[x] booked_tablet_sets_timespan[x].to_a.each do |entry| debug entry[:reason] if entry[:lesson_key] pretty_fach = fach_for_lesson_key(entry[:lesson_key]) if @@tablet_sets[x][:is_tablet_set] == true hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span> Dieser Tabletsatz wurde bereits von <b>#{entry[:display_name]}</b> gebucht#{entry[:lesson_key] ? ': ' + pretty_fach : ''}." else hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span> Dieses Gerät wurde bereits von <b>#{entry[:display_name]}</b> gebucht#{entry[:lesson_key] ? ': ' + pretty_fach : ''}." end else if @@tablet_sets[x][:is_tablet_set] == true hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span> Dieser Tabletsatz wurde bereits von <b>#{entry[:display_name]}</b> gebucht#{entry[:reason] != "" ? ': ' : ''} #{entry[:reason]}." else hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span> Dieses Gerät wurde bereits von <b>#{entry[:display_name]}</b> gebucht#{entry[:reason] != "" ? ': ' : ''} #{entry[:reason]}." end end end elsif booked_tablet_sets_day[x] bookings_before = [] bookings_after = [] booked_tablet_sets_day[x].each do |entry| if entry[:end_time] <= start_time bookings_before << entry else bookings_after << entry end end unless bookings_before.empty? booking = bookings_before.last t = hh_mm_to_i(start_time) - hh_mm_to_i(booking[:end_time]) if t <= TABLET_SET_WARNING_BEFORE_MINUTES pretty_fach = fach_for_lesson_key(booking[:lesson_key]) if @@tablet_sets[x][:is_tablet_set] == true hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i></span> Dieser Tabletsatz wird bis #{t} Minuten vor Stundenbeginn noch von <b>#{booking[:display_name]}</b> benötigt#{booking[:lesson_key] ? ': ' + pretty_fach : ''}." else hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i></span> Dieses Gerät wird bis #{t} Minuten vor Stundenbeginn noch von <b>#{booking[:display_name]}</b> benötigt#{booking[:lesson_key] ? ': ' + pretty_fach : ''}." end end end unless bookings_after.empty? booking = bookings_after.first t = hh_mm_to_i(booking[:start_time]) - hh_mm_to_i(end_time) if t <= TABLET_SET_WARNING_AFTER_MINUTES pretty_fach = fach_for_lesson_key(booking[:lesson_key]) if @@tablet_sets[x][:is_tablet_set] == true hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i></span> Dieser Tabletsatz wird bereits #{t} Minuten nach Stundenende von <b>#{booking[:display_name]}</b> benötigt#{booking[:lesson_key] ? ': ' + pretty_fach : ''}." else hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i></span> Dieses Gerät wird bereits #{t} Minuten nach Stundenende von <b>#{booking[:display_name]}</b> benötigt#{booking[:lesson_key] ? ': ' + pretty_fach : ''}." end end end end unless !@@tablet_sets[x][:is_tablet_set] if lesson_key && @@tablet_sets[x][:only_these_rooms] = @@lessons[:start_date_for_date][datum] wday = (Date.parse(datum).wday + 6) % 7 raum = nil begin raum = @@lessons[:timetables][][lesson_key][:stunden][wday].values.first[:raum] rescue end if raum unless @@tablet_sets[x][:only_these_rooms].include?(raum) hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span> Dieser Tabletsatz ist weit vom Raum #{raum} entfernt. Bitte wählen Sie deshalb – falls möglich – einen anderen Tabletsatz." end end end end unless !@@tablet_sets[x][:is_tablet_set] unless klasse5or6.nil? if klasse5or6 && !@@tablet_sets[x][:prio_unterstufe] hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span> Sie buchen einen Tabletsatz für eine Unterstufenklasse, dieser Tabletsatz ist allerdings für die Unterstufe nicht so leicht zu transportieren. Bitte wählen Sie deshalb – falls möglich – einen anderen Tabletsatz." elsif !klasse5or6 && @@tablet_sets[x][:prio_unterstufe] hints << "<span class='text-danger'><i class='fa fa-warning'></i></span> Sie buchen einen Tabletsatz für die Mittel- oder Oberstufe, dieser Tabletsatz ist allerdings für die Unterstufe besonders leicht zu transportieren. Bitte wählen Sie deshalb – falls möglich – einen anderen Tabletsatz." end end end if hints.empty? if @@tablet_sets[x][:is_tablet_set] == true hints << "<span class='text-success'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></span> Dieser Tabletsatz ist eine gute Wahl für Ihre Unterrichtsstunde." end end if @@tablet_sets[x][:hint] hints << "<span class='text-info'><i class='fa fa-info-circle'></i></span> #{@@tablet_sets[x][:hint]}" end unless hints.empty? tablet_sets[x][:hint] = hints.join('<br />') end end return tablet_sets, available_tablet_sets end |
#finished_zeugniskonferenzen ⇒ Object
173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/monitor.rb', line 173 def finished_zeugniskonferenzen sha1_list = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:t1 =>}).map { |x| x['m.sha1'] } MATCH (m:MonitorZeugniskonferenzState) WHERE m.t1 IS NOT NULL RETURN m.sha1; END_OF_QUERY sha1_list = result = [] today ='%Y-%m-%d') (ZEUGNISKONFERENZEN[today] || []).each do |entry| sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest([today, entry].to_json)[0, 16] if sha1_list.include?(sha1) result << entry[0] end end result end |
#fix_images(s) ⇒ Object
230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/website.rb', line 230 def fix_images(s) s.gsub(/image{[^}]+}/) do |x| m = x.match(/^image{([^}]+)}$/) parts = m[1].split(',') slug = parts[0].strip pos = (parts[1] || '').strip caption = nil if ['l3', 'l4', 'l5', 'l6', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6'].include?(pos) caption = (parts[2, parts.size - 2] || []).join(',').strip else caption = (parts[1, parts.size - 1] || []).join(',').strip pos = nil end caption = (caption[1, caption.size - 2] || '').strip '#{' + "_include_image(\"#{slug}\", \"#{pos}\", \"#{caption.gsub('"', '\\"')}\")}" end.gsub(/file{[^}]+}{[^}]+}/) do |x| m = x.match(/^file{([^}]+)}{([^}]+)}$/) '#{_include_file("' + m[1] + '", "' + m[2] + '")}' end end |
#gen_jitsi_data(path) ⇒ Object
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/jitsi.rb', line 111 def gen_jitsi_data(path) ua = USER_AGENT_PARSER.parse(request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) browser_icon = 'fa-microphone' browser_name = 'Browser' ['edge', 'firefox', 'chrome', 'safari', 'opera'].each do |x| if browser_icon = x browser_name = x.capitalize end end os_family =\s+/, '').strip result = {:html => "<p class='alert alert-danger'>Der Videochat konnte nicht gefunden werden.</p>"} room_name = nil can_enter_room = false eid = nil ext_name = nil begin presence_token = nil event_stream_jwt = nil if path == 'Lehrerzimmer' if teacher_logged_in? room_name = 'Lehrerzimmer' can_enter_room = true result[:html] = '' result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-warning'><strong>Hinweis:</strong> Wenn Sie das Lehrerzimmer betreten, wird allen Kolleginnen und Kollegen über dem Stundenplan angezeigt, dass Sie momentan im Lehrerzimmer sind. Das Lehrerzimmer steht nicht nur Lehrkräften, sondern auch unseren Kolleg*innen aus dem Otium und dem Sekretariat zur Verfügung. Für Schülerinnen und Schüler ist der Zutritt nicht möglich.</div>" end elsif path[0, 6] == 'event/' result[:html] = '' # it's an event! parts = path.split('/') eid = parts[1] code = parts[2] invitation = nil organizer_email = nil event = nil data = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :eid => eid) MATCH (e:Event {id: $eid})-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(ou:User) WHERE COALESCE(e.deleted, false) = false RETURN e,; END_OF_QUERY organizer_email = data[''] event = data['e'] room_name = room_name_for_event(event[:title], eid) if code # EVENT - EXTERNAL USER WITH CODE rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :eid => eid) MATCH (u)-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(e:Event {id: $eid})-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(ou:User) WHERE (u:ExternalUser OR u:PredefinedExternalUser) AND COALESCE(e.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false RETURN e,, u; END_OF_QUERY invitation = do |row| row_code = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(EXTERNAL_USER_EVENT_SCRAMBLER + row['e'][:id] + row['u'][:email]).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 8] code == row_code end.first ext_name = invitation['u'][:name] event_stream_jwt = gen_jwt_for_stream(ext_name) if event[:stream] else # EVENT - INTERNAL USER require_user! begin # EVENT - INTERNAL USER IS ORGANIZER invitation = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :eid => eid, :email => @session_user[:email]) MATCH (e:Event {id: $eid})-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(ou:User {email: $email}) WHERE COALESCE(e.deleted, false) = false RETURN e,; END_OF_QUERY rescue # EVENT - INTERNAL USER IS INVITED invitation = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :eid => eid, :email => @session_user[:email]) MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(e:Event {id: $eid})-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(ou:User) WHERE COALESCE(e.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false RETURN e,, u; END_OF_QUERY end event_stream_jwt = gen_jwt_for_stream(@session_user[:display_name]) if event[:stream] end assert(invitation != nil) now = event_start = Time.parse("#{event[:date]}T#{event[:start_time]}") event_end = Time.parse("#{event[:date]}T#{event[:end_time]}") result[:html] += "<b class='key'>Termin:</b>#{event[:title]}<br />\n" result[:html] += "<b class='key'>Eingeladen von:</b>#{(@@user_info[organizer_email] || {})[:display_name]}<br />\n" event_date = Date.parse(event[:date]) result[:html] += "<b class='key'>Datum:</b>#{WEEKDAYS[event_date.wday]}, #{event_date.strftime('%d.%m.%Y')}<br />\n" result[:html] += "<b class='key'>Zeit:</b>#{event[:start_time]} – #{event[:end_time]} Uhr<br />\n" if now < event_start - JITSI_EVENT_PRE_ENTRY_TOLERANCE * 60 result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-warning'>Sie können den Raum erst #{JITSI_EVENT_PRE_ENTRY_TOLERANCE} Minuten vor Beginn betreten. Bitte laden Sie die Seite dann neu, um in den Raum zu gelangen.</div>" # room can't yet be entered (too early) elsif now > event_end + JITSI_EVENT_POST_ENTRY_TOLERANCE * 60 # room can't be entered anymore (too late) result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Der Termin liegt in der Vergangenheit. Sie können den Videochat deshalb nicht mehr betreten.</div>" else can_enter_room = true end can_enter_room = true if admin_logged_in? result[:html] += "<hr />" else # it's a lesson, only allow between 07:00 and 18:00 result[:html] = '' require_user! can_enter_room = true room_name = path if room_name.index('Klassenstream') == 0 if (schueler_logged_in?) && (!Main.get_homeschooling_for_user(@session_user[:email])) && room_name.index('Klassenstream') == 0 result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-danger'>Du bist momentan nicht für den Klassenstream freigeschaltet, da du in Gruppe #{@session_user[:group2]} eingeteilt bist und auch nicht als »zu Hause« markiert bist. Deine Klassenleiterin oder dein Klassenleiter kann dich freischalten.</div>" can_enter_room = false end if can_enter_room now_s ='%H:%M') if now_s < '07:00' || now_s > '18:00' result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-warning'>Der #{PROVIDE_CLASS_STREAM ? 'Klassenstream' : 'Stream'} ist nur von 07:00 bis 18:00 Uhr geöffnet.</div>" can_enter_room = false end end else if teacher_tablet_logged_in? ext_name = path.split('@')[1] ext_name = URI.decode_www_form(ext_name).first.first path = path.split('@')[0] end if kurs_tablet_logged_in? ext_name = 'Kursraum' path = path.split('@')[0] end = @session_user[:id] if @session_user[:is_tablet] tablet_id = @session_user[:tablet_id] if (@@tablets[tablet_id] || {})[:school_streaming] # determine teacher who has booked the tablet now today ='%Y-%m-%d') results = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:tablet_id => tablet_id, :today => today}) MATCH (t:Tablet {id: $tablet_id})<-[:WHICH]-(b:Booking {datum: $today, confirmed: true})-[:FOR]->(i:LessonInfo)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson) RETURN b, i, l END_OF_QUERY now ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') found_teachers = results.each do |item| booking = item['b'] lesson = item['l'] lesson_key = lesson[:key] lesson_info = item['i'] lesson_data = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] start_time = "#{booking[:datum]}T#{booking[:start_time]}" end_time = "#{booking[:datum]}T#{booking[:end_time]}" start_time = (DateTime.parse("#{start_time}:00") - STREAMING_TABLET_BOOKING_TIME_PRE / 24.0 / 60.0).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') end_time = (DateTime.parse("#{start_time}:00") + STREAMING_TABLET_BOOKING_TIME_POST / 24.0 / 60.0).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M') if now >= start_time && now <= end_time found_teachers |=[:lehrer]) end end unless found_teachers.empty? # force timetable_id to teacher who's currently running the lesson = @@user_info[@@shorthands[found_teachers.to_a.sort.first]][:id] end end end result[:html] = '' lesson_key = path.split('/')[1] if kurs_tablet_logged_in? || teacher_tablet_logged_in? || klassenraum_logged_in? = @@user_info[@@shorthands[@@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key][:lehrer].first]][:id] end breakout_room_name = path.split('/')[2] # TODO: use code from get_jitsi_room_name_for_lesson_key p_ymd ='%Y-%m-%d') p_yw ='%Y-%V') assert(user_logged_in?) = "/gen/w/#{}/#{p_yw}.json.gz" = nil # debug timetable_path do |f| = JSON.parse( end assert(!(.nil?)) = ['events'].select do |entry| entry['lesson'] && entry['lesson_key'] == lesson_key && ((entry['datum'] == p_ymd) || DEVELOPMENT || admin_logged_in?) && (entry['data'] || {})['lesson_jitsi'] end.sort { |a, b| a['start'] <=> b['start'] } now_time = = .size # unless admin_logged_in? = .reject do |entry| t = Time.parse("#{entry['end']}:00") + JITSI_LESSON_POST_ENTRY_TOLERANCE * 60 now_time > t end # end if .empty? if > 0 result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-warning'>Dieser Jitsi-Raum ist heute nicht mehr geöffnet.</div>" else result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-warning'>Dieser Jitsi-Raum ist heute nicht geöffnet.</div>" end if tablet_logged_in? result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-info'>Falls Sie Jitsi gerade erst aktiviert haben sollten, versuchen Sie bitte, die Seite neu zu laden, da es manchmal ein paar Sekunden dauern kann, bis der Raum tatsächlich aktiviert ist.</div>" end can_enter_room = false else # check if we have streaming restrictions for this lesson lesson_info = .first # debug lesson_info.to_yaml unless self.class.stream_allowed_for_date_lesson_key_and_email('%Y-%m-%d'), lesson_info['lesson_key'], @session_user[:email]) result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-info'>Du bist für diesen Jitsi-Raum leider nicht freigeschaltet.</div>" can_enter_room = false else t = Time.parse("#{lesson_info['start']}:00") - JITSI_LESSON_PRE_ENTRY_TOLERANCE * 60 room_name = lesson_info['label_lehrer_lang'].gsub(/<[^>]+>/, '') + ' ' + lesson_info['klassen'] { |x| tr_klasse(x) }.join(', ') unless ((lesson_info['data'] || {})['breakout_rooms'] || []).empty? if teacher_logged_in? presence_token = RandomTag::generate(24) else # SuS is logged in, generate a presence token if we have roaming breakout rooms if (lesson_info['data'] || {})['breakout_rooms_roaming'] presence_token = RandomTag::generate(24) end end if presence_token query_data = { :token => presence_token, :lesson_key => lesson_info['lesson_key'], :offset => lesson_info['lesson_offset'], :email => @session_user[:email], :timestamp => ( + PRESENCE_TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME).to_i } if DEVELOPMENT debug "Generating presence token" debug query_data.to_yaml end neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, query_data) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}), (i:LessonInfo {offset: $offset})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $lesson_key}) CREATE (n:PresenceToken {token: $token, expiry: $timestamp}) CREATE (i)<-[:FOR]-(n)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u) RETURN n; END_OF_QUERY end end if breakout_room_name room_name += " #{breakout_room_name}" end if now_time >= t can_enter_room = true else timediff = ((t - now_time).to_f / 60.0).ceil tds = "#{timediff} Minute#{timediff == 1 ? '' : 'n'}" tds = "#{timediff / 60} Stunde#{timediff / 60 == 1 ? '' : 'n'} und #{timediff % 60} Minute#{(timediff % 60) == 1 ? '' : 'n'}" if timediff > 60 if timediff == 1 tds = 'einer Minute' elsif timediff == 2 tds = 'zwei Minuten' elsif timediff == 3 tds = 'drei Minuten' elsif timediff == 4 tds = 'vier Minuten' elsif timediff == 5 tds = 'fünf Minuten' end result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-warning'>Der Jitsi-Raum <strong>»#{room_name}«</strong> ist erst ab #{t.strftime('%H:%M')} Uhr geöffnet. Du kannst ihn in #{tds} betreten.</div>" can_enter_room = false end end end room_name = CGI.unescape(room_name) end end if can_enter_room # room can be entered now if ext_name temp_name = ext_name.dup if teacher_tablet_logged_in? temp_name = @@user_info[@@shorthands[ext_name]][:display_last_name] end result[:html] += "<p>Sie können dem Videochat jetzt als <b>#{temp_name}</b> beitreten.</p>\n" end result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-secondary'>\n" result[:html] += "<p>Ich habe die <a href='/api/jitsi_terms'>Nutzerordnung</a> und die <a href='/api/jitsi_dse'>Datenschutzerklärung</a> zur Kenntnis genommen und willige ein.</p>\n" room_name = CGI.escape(remove_accents(room_name).gsub(/[\:\?#\[\]@!$&\\'()*+,;=><\/"]/, '')).gsub('+', '%20') jwt = gen_jwt_for_room(room_name, eid, ext_name) result[:html] += "<div class='go_div'>\n" # edge firefox chrome safari opera internet-explorer if os_family == 'ios' || os_family == 'macosx' result[:html] += "<a class='btn btn-success' href='{JITSI_HOST}/#{room_name}?jwt=#{jwt}'><i class='fa fa-apple'></i> Jitsi-Raum mit Jitsi Meet betreten (iPhone und iPad)</a>" result[:html] += "<p style='font-size: 90%;'><em>Installieren Sie bitte die Jitsi Meet-App aus dem <a href='' target='_blank'>App Store</a>.</em></p>" unless browser_icon == 'safari' result[:html] += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='https://#{JITSI_HOST}/#{room_name}?#{presence_token ? "presence_token=#{presence_token}&" : ''}jwt=#{jwt}'><i class='fa fa-#{browser_icon}'></i> Jitsi-Raum mit #{browser_name} betreten</a>" end if browser_icon == 'safari' result[:html] += "<p style='font-size: 90%;'><em>Falls Sie einen Mac verwenden: Leider funktioniert Jitsi Meet nicht mit Safari. Verwenden Sie bitte einen anderen Web-Browser wie <a href='' target='_blank'>Google Chrome</a> oder <a href='' target='_blank'>Firefox</a>.</em></p>" end elsif os_family == 'android' result[:html] += "<a class='btn btn-success' href='intent://#{JITSI_HOST}/#{room_name}?jwt=#{jwt}#Intent;;;end'><i class='fa fa-microphone'></i> Jitsi-Raum mit Jitsi Meet für Android betreten</a>" result[:html] += "<p style='font-size: 90%;'><em>Installieren Sie bitte die Jitsi Meet-App aus dem <a href='' target='_blank'>Google Play Store</a> oder via <a href='' target='_blank' style=''>F‑Droid</a>.</em></p>" result[:html] += "<a class='btn btn-outline-secondary' href='https://#{JITSI_HOST}/#{room_name}?#{presence_token ? "presence_token=#{presence_token}&" : ''}jwt=#{jwt}'><i class='fa fa-#{browser_icon}'></i> Jitsi-Raum mit #{browser_name} betreten</a>" else result[:html] += "<a class='btn btn-success' href='https://#{JITSI_HOST}/#{room_name}?#{presence_token ? "presence_token=#{presence_token}&" : ''}jwt=#{jwt}'><i class='fa fa-#{browser_icon}'></i> Jitsi-Raum mit #{browser_name} betreten</a>" end if event_stream_jwt result[:html] += "<div class='alert alert-warning'>" result[:html] += "<p>Falls Sie im Jitsi-Raum <strong>Verbindungsprobleme</strong> oder <strong>Zeitverzögerungen</strong> erleben sollten, probieren Sie bitte den Livestream, der für diesen Termin bereitgestellt wird. Sie finden dort einen Chat, über den Sie Wortmeldungen und Fragen senden können.</p>" result[:html] += "<a class='btn btn-warning' href='/livestream?jwt=#{event_stream_jwt}'><i class='fa fa-video-camera'></i> Zum Livestream…</a>" result[:html] += "</div>" end result[:html] += "</div>\n" result[:html] += "</div>\n" end rescue StandardError => e debug "gen_jitsi_data failed for path [#{path}]" debug e debug e.backtrace result = {:html => "<p class='alert alert-danger'>Der Videochat konnte nicht gefunden werden.</p>"} end result end |
#gen_jwt_for_room(room = '', eid = nil, user = nil, email = nil) ⇒ Object
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/jitsi.rb', line 13 def gen_jwt_for_room(room = '', eid = nil, user = nil, email = nil) payload = { :context => { :user => {}}, :aud => JWT_APPAUD, :iss => JWT_APPISS, :sub => JWT_SUB, :room => room.strip, :exp => DateTime.parse("#{'%Y-%m-%d')} 00:00:00").to_time.to_i + 24 * 60 * 60, :moderator => teacher_logged_in? } payload[:context][:user][:name] = user if user payload[:context][:user][:email] = email if email if user_logged_in? use_user = @session_user # don't generate JWT if user is on negative list (/data/schueler/disable-jitsi.txt) if @@user_info[@session_user[:email]] && @@user_info[@session_user[:email]][:jitsi_disabled] raise 'no jitsi for you' end if teacher_tablet_logged_in? use_user = @@user_info[@@shorthands[user]] elsif kurs_tablet_logged_in? use_user = {:display_name => 'Kursraum'} elsif klassenraum_logged_in? use_user = {:display_name => 'Klassenraum'} elsif tablet_logged_in? if @@tablets[@session_user[:tablet_id]][:klassen_stream] use_user = {:display_name => "Klassenstreaming-Tablet #{@@tablets[@session_user[:tablet_id]][:klassen_stream]}"} payload[:moderator] = true else use_user = {:display_name => 'Tablet'} end end payload[:context][:user][:name] = user_has_role(use_user[:email], :teacher) ? use_user[:display_last_name] : use_user[:display_name] payload[:context][:user][:email] = use_user[:email] payload[:context][:user][:avatar] = "#{NEXTCLOUD_URL}/index.php/avatar/#{use_user[:nc_login]}/128" if eid organizer_email = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :eid => eid, :session_email => use_user[:email])[''] MATCH (e:Event {id: $eid})-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(ou:User) WHERE COALESCE(e.deleted, false) = false RETURN; END_OF_QUERY payload[:moderator] = admin_logged_in? || (organizer_email == use_user[:email]) end end assert(!(payload[:context][:user][:name].nil?)) assert(payload[:context][:user][:name].strip.size > 0) assert(room.strip.size > 0) debug "Generated Jitsi token for #{payload[:context][:user][:name]} for #{payload[:room]}" if DEVELOPMENT || true token = JWT.encode payload, JWT_APPKEY, algorithm = 'HS256', header_fields = {:typ => 'JWT'} token end |
#gen_jwt_for_stream(name) ⇒ Object
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/jitsi.rb', line 67 def gen_jwt_for_stream(name) payload = { :context => { :user => { :name => name }}, :aud => JWT_APPAUD_STREAM, :iss => JWT_APPISS, :sub => JWT_SUB, :exp => DateTime.parse("#{'%Y-%m-%d')} 00:00:00").to_time.to_i + 24 * 60 * 60 } assert(!(payload[:context][:user][:name].nil?)) assert(payload[:context][:user][:name].strip.size > 0) token = JWT.encode payload, JWT_APPKEY_STREAM, algorithm = 'HS256', header_fields = {:typ => 'JWT'} token end |
#gen_poll_data(path) ⇒ Object
943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/poll.rb', line 943 def gen_poll_data(path) result = {} result[:html] = '' parts = path.sub('/poll/', '').split('/') prid = parts[0] code = parts[1] assert((prid.is_a? String) && (!code.empty?)) assert((code.is_a? String) && (!code.empty?)) rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :prid => prid) MATCH (u)-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(ou:User) WHERE (u:ExternalUser OR u:PredefinedExternalUser) AND COALESCE(pr.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false RETURN pr,, u, p; END_OF_QUERY invitation = do |row| row_code = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(EXTERNAL_USER_EVENT_SCRAMBLER + row['pr'][:id] + row['u'][:email]).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 8] code == row_code end.first if invitation.nil? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/poll_not_found", 302 return end ext_name = invitation['u'][:name] poll = invitation['p'] poll_run = invitation['pr'] now = "#{'%Y-%m-%d')}T#{'%H:%M')}:00" start_time = "#{poll_run[:start_date]}T#{poll_run[:start_time]}:00" end_time = "#{poll_run[:end_date]}T#{poll_run[:end_time]}:00" result[:organizer] = (@@user_info[invitation['']] || {})[:display_last_name] result[:organizer_icon] = user_icon(invitation[''], 'avatar-fill') result[:title] = poll[:title] result[:end_date] = poll_run[:end_date] result[:end_time] = poll_run[:end_time] result[:prid] = prid result[:code] = code result[:external_user_name] = ext_name if now < start_time result[:disable_launch_button] = true result[:html] += "Die Umfrage öffnet erst am" result[:html] += " #{Date.parse(poll_run[:start_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')} um #{poll_run[:start_time]} Uhr (in <span class='moment-countdown' data-target-timestamp='#{poll_run[:start_date]}T#{poll_run[:start_time]}:00' data-before-label='' data-after-label=''></span>)." elsif now > end_time result[:disable_launch_button] = true result[:html] += "Die Umfrage ist bereits beendet." else result[:disable_launch_button] = false result[:html] += "Sie können noch bis zum #{Date.parse(poll_run[:end_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')} um #{poll_run[:end_time]} Uhr teilnehmen (die Umfrage <span class='moment-countdown' data-target-timestamp='#{poll_run[:end_date]}T#{poll_run[:end_time]}:00' data-before-label='läuft noch' data-after-label='ist vorbei'></span>)." end result end |
#get_angebote ⇒ Object
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/angebote.rb', line 3 def get_angebote # first, purge all connections to users which no longer exist neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (a:Angebot)<-[r:IS_PART_OF]->(u:User) RETURN DISTINCT; END_OF_QUERY email = row[''] unless @@user_info[email] neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => email) MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[r:IS_PART_OF]->(a:Angebot) DELETE r; END_OF_QUERY end end angebote = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| {:info => x['a'], :recipient => x[''], :owner => x[''] } } MATCH (a:Angebot)-[:DEFINED_BY]->(ou:User) WITH a, ou OPTIONAL MATCH (u:User)-[r:IS_PART_OF]->(a) RETURN a,, ORDER BY a.created DESC,; END_OF_QUERY temp = {} temp_order = [] angebote.each do |x| unless temp[x[:info][:id]] temp[x[:info][:id]] = { :recipients => [], :aid => x[:info][:id], :info => x[:info], :owner => x[:owner], } temp_order << x[:info][:id] end temp[x[:info][:id]][:recipients] << x[:recipient] end angebote = do |x| temp[x] end angebote.sort! do |a, b| a[:info][:name].downcase <=> b[:info][:name].downcase end angebote.each do |angebot| angebot[:recipients].sort! do |a, b| (@@user_info[a][:klasse] == @@user_info[b][:klasse]) ? (@@user_info[a][:last_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:last_name]) : (KLASSEN_ORDER.index(@@user_info[a][:klasse]) <=> KLASSEN_ORDER.index(@@user_info[b][:klasse])) end end angebote end |
#get_angebote_for_email ⇒ Object
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/angebote.rb', line 175 def get_angebote_for_email require_teacher! angebote = {} neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (u:User)-[:IS_PART_OF]->(a:Angebot)-[:DEFINED_BY]->(ou:User) RETURN,,; END_OF_QUERY owner = row[''] name = row[''] email = row[''] angebote[email] ||= [] angebote[email] << { :owner => @@user_info[owner][:display_name], :name => name, } end angebote end |
#get_angebote_for_session_user ⇒ Object
154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/angebote.rb', line 154 def get_angebote_for_session_user require_user! angebote = [] neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}).each do |row| MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[:IS_PART_OF]->(a:Angebot)-[:DEFINED_BY]->(ou:User) RETURN a,; END_OF_QUERY owner = row[''] angebot = row['a'] next unless @@user_info[owner] angebote << { :owner => @@user_info[owner][:display_name], :name => angebot[:name], } end angebote.sort! do |a, b| a[:name].downcase <=> b[:name].downcase end angebote end |
#get_current_jitsi_users_for_lesson(lesson_key, offset, user = nil) ⇒ Object
481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/jitsi.rb', line 481 def get_current_jitsi_users_for_lesson(lesson_key, offset, user = nil) lesson_info = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:lesson_key => lesson_key, :offset => offset})['i'] MATCH (i:LessonInfo {offset: $offset})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(l:Lesson {key: $lesson_key}) RETURN i; END_OF_QUERY room_name = get_jitsi_room_name_for_lesson_key(lesson_key, user) assert(!(room_name.nil?), 'not today!', true) lesson_room_name = CGI.escape(room_name.gsub(/[\:\?#\[\]@!$&\\'()*+,;=><\/"]/, '')).gsub('+', '%20').downcase jitsi_rooms = current_jitsi_rooms() room_participants = [] breakout_room_index = {} breakout_room_urls = [] (lesson_info[:breakout_rooms] || []).each.with_index do |room_name, i| room_participants << [] escaped_room_name = CGI.escape(room_name.gsub(/[\:\?#\[\]@!$&\\'()*+,;=><\/"]/, '')).gsub('+', '%20').downcase escaped_room_name = "#{lesson_room_name}%20#{escaped_room_name}" breakout_room_urls << escaped_room_name breakout_room_index[escaped_room_name] = { :room_name => room_name, :index => i } end lesson_room_participants = [] present_sus = if jitsi_rooms jitsi_rooms.each do |room| entry = breakout_room_index[room['roomName'].downcase] if entry room_participants[entry[:index]] = room['participants'].select do |x| !((@@user_info[x['jwtEMail']] || {})[:teacher]) do |x| present_sus << x['jwtEMail'] x['jwtName'] end.sort.uniq end if room['roomName'].downcase == lesson_room_name lesson_room_participants = room['participants'].select do |x| !((@@user_info[x['jwtEMail']] || {})[:teacher]) do |x| present_sus << x['jwtEMail'] x['jwtName'] end.sort.uniq end end end missing_sus = ([lesson_key] || [])) - present_sus).map do |email| @@user_info[email][:display_name] end.sort {:lesson_room => lesson_room_participants, :breakout_rooms => room_participants, :missing_sus => (@@user_info[user] || {})[:teacher] ? missing_sus : nil, :breakout_room_names => lesson_info[:breakout_rooms], :lesson_room_name => lesson_room_name, :breakout_room_index => breakout_room_index, :breakout_room_urls => breakout_room_urls} end |
#get_current_salzh_status ⇒ Object
375 376 377 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 375 def get_current_salzh_status Main.get_current_salzh_status end |
#get_current_salzh_status_for_logged_in_teacher ⇒ Object
379 380 381 382 383 384 385 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 379 def get_current_salzh_status_for_logged_in_teacher entries = get_current_salzh_status! do |entry| (@@schueler_for_teacher[@session_user[:shorthand]] || []).include?(entry[:email]) end entries end |
#get_current_salzh_sus ⇒ Object
299 300 301 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 299 def get_current_salzh_sus Main.get_current_salzh_sus end |
#get_current_user_sessions ⇒ Object
653 654 655 656 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 653 def get_current_user_sessions() require_user! get_sessions_for_user(@session_user[:email]) end |
#get_emails_for_foto_paths ⇒ Object
2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2943 def get_emails_for_foto_paths require_teacher! results = {} neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.foto_path IS NOT NULL RETURN AS email, u.foto_path AS path; END_OF_QUERY results[row['path']] = row['email'] end results end |
#get_gradient(colors, t) ⇒ Object
105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 105 def get_gradient(colors, t) i = (t * (colors.size - 1)).to_i i = colors.size - 2 if i == colors.size - 1 f = (t * (colors.size - 1)) - i f1 = 1.0 - f a = html_to_rgb(colors[i]) b = html_to_rgb(colors[i + 1]) rgb_to_html([a[0] * f1 + b[0] * f, a[1] * f1 + b[1] * f, a[2] * f1 + b[2] * f]) end |
#get_gradients ⇒ Object
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/theme.rb', line 42 def get_gradients() results = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User) WITH COALESCE(u.color_scheme, '#{@@standard_color_scheme}') AS scheme RETURN scheme, count(scheme) AS count ORDER BY count DESC, scheme DESC; END_OF_QUERY histogram = {} results.each do |entry| entry['scheme'] ||= @@standard_color_scheme histogram[entry['scheme'][1, 18]] ||= 0 histogram[entry['scheme'][1, 18]] += entry['count'] end histogram_style = {} results.each do |entry| entry['scheme'] ||= @@standard_color_scheme style = (entry['scheme'][19] || '0').to_i histogram_style[style] ||= 0 histogram_style[style] += entry['count'] end color_schemes = do |x| paint_colors = x[0, 3].map do |c| rgb_to_hex(mix(hex_to_rgb(c), [255, 255, 255], 0.3)) end [x[1], x[0, 3], paint_colors, x[3], x[4], x[5], histogram[x[0, 3].join('').gsub('#', '')], color_palette_for_color_scheme("l#{x[0, 3].join('').gsub('#', '')}")] end {:color_schemes => color_schemes, :style_histogram => histogram_style} end |
#get_ha_amt_lesson_keys ⇒ Object
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lesson.rb', line 68 def get_ha_amt_lesson_keys() return [] unless user_logged_in? return [] if teacher_logged_in? results = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email]) MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[r:HAS_AMT {amt: 'hausaufgaben'}]->(l:Lesson) RETURN l.key; END_OF_QUERY return { |x| x['l.key'] } end |
#get_hotspot_klassen ⇒ Object
255 256 257 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 255 def get_hotspot_klassen Main.get_hotspot_klassen end |
#get_invited_and_accepted_pk5_for_teacher ⇒ Object
618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/pk5.rb', line 618 def get_invited_and_accepted_pk5_for_teacher return '' unless teacher_logged_in? result = get_remaining_pk5_projects_for_teacher() invited = result[:invited] accepted = result[:accepted] left = result[:left] "Sie haben bisher #{accepted == 0 ? 'keine' : accepted} Prüfung#{accepted == 1 ? '' : 'en'} angenommen und #{(invited - accepted) == 0 ? 'keine' : (invited - accepted)} ausstehende Anfrage#{(invited - accepted) == 1 ? '' : 'n'}. Sie können insgesamt höchstens fünf Prüfungen annehmen, also nach aktuellem Stand noch #{left} Prüfung#{left == 1 ? '' : 'en'}." end |
#get_jitsi_room_name_for_lesson_key(lesson_key, user = nil) ⇒ Object
449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/jitsi.rb', line 449 def get_jitsi_room_name_for_lesson_key(lesson_key, user = nil) p_ymd ='%Y-%m-%d') p_yw ='%Y-%V') user_id = @@user_info[user || @session_user[:email]][:id] = "/gen/w/#{user_id}/#{p_yw}.json.gz" = nil do |f| = JSON.parse( end assert(!(.nil?)) = ['events'].select do |entry| entry['lesson'] && (entry['lesson_key'] == lesson_key) && ((entry['datum'] == p_ymd) || DEVELOPMENT || (user && user_has_role(user, :admin))) && (entry['data'] || {})['lesson_jitsi'] end.sort { |a, b| a['start'] <=> b['start'] } now_time = = .size unless (user && user_has_role(user, :admin)) = .reject do |entry| t = Time.parse("#{entry['end']}:00") + JITSI_LESSON_POST_ENTRY_TOLERANCE * 60 now_time > t end end if .empty? return nil else room_name = .first['label_lehrer_lang'].gsub(/<[^>]+>/, '') + ' ' + .first['klassen'] { |x| tr_klasse(x) }.join(', ') return room_name end end |
#get_login_stats ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/stats.rb', line 2 def get_login_stats login_seen = {} LOGIN_STATS_D.each do |d| login_counts = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :today => ( - d).to_s) MATCH (u:User) WHERE EXISTS(u.last_access) AND u.last_access >= $today RETURN; END_OF_QUERY { |x| x[''] }.each do |email| login_seen[email] ||= {} login_seen[email][d] = true end end login_stats = {} @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| login_stats[klasse] = {:total => (@@schueler_for_klasse[klasse] || []).size, :count => {}} end teacher_count = 0 sus_count = 0 @@user_info.each_pair do |email, user| if user_has_role(email, :teacher) teacher_count += 1 elsif user_has_role(email, :schueler) sus_count += 1 end end login_stats[:lehrer] = {:total => teacher_count, :count => {}} login_stats[:sus] = {:total => sus_count, :count => {}} login_seen.each_pair do |email, seen| user = @@user_info[email] next if user.nil? seen.keys.each do |d| if user_has_role(email, :teacher) login_stats[:lehrer][:count][d] ||= 0 login_stats[:lehrer][:count][d] += 1 elsif user_has_role(email, :schueler) login_stats[:sus][:count][d] ||= 0 login_stats[:sus][:count][d] += 1 if login_stats[user[:klasse]] login_stats[user[:klasse]][:count][d] ||= 0 login_stats[user[:klasse]][:count][d] += 1 end end end end login_stats end |
#get_monitor_messages ⇒ Object
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/monitor.rb', line 5 def () data = {} if File.exist?(MONITOR_MESSAGE_PATH) data = JSON.parse( end result = { :messages => [], :images => [] } [:messages, :images].each do |key| (data[key.to_s] || '').split("\n").each do |line| line.strip! result[key] << line unless line.empty? end end result end |
#get_monitor_zeugniskonferenzen ⇒ Object
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/monitor.rb', line 120 def get_monitor_zeugniskonferenzen rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (m:MonitorZeugniskonferenz) RETURN m.key, COALESCE(m.value, FALSE) AS value; END_OF_QUERY result = {} rows.each do |row| result[row['m.key']] = row['value'] end result['flur'] ||= false result['lz'] ||= false result['sek'] ||= false result end |
#get_my_pk5(email) ⇒ Object
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/pk5.rb', line 21 def get_my_pk5(email) require_user! result = nil neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => email}).each do |row| MATCH (p:Pk5)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User {email: $email}) WITH p MATCH (p)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(ou:User) RETURN p,; END_OF_QUERY if result.nil? result = row['p'] result[:sus] = [] end result[:sus] << row[''] end if result.nil? { :sus => [@@user_info[email][:display_name]], } else if result[:sus] result[:sus].sort! do |a, b| @@user_info[a][:last_name].downcase <=> @@user_info[b][:last_name].downcase end result[:sus].map! { |email| @@user_info[email][:display_name_official] } end if result[:betreuende_lehrkraft] result[:betreuende_lehrkraft] = result[:betreuende_lehrkraft] result[:betreuende_lehrkraft_display_name] = @@user_info[result[:betreuende_lehrkraft]][:display_name_official] result[:betreuende_lehrkraft_is_confirmed] = result[:betreuende_lehrkraft] == result[:betreuende_lehrkraft_confirmed_by] end result end end |
#get_next_cypher_password ⇒ Object
205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/cypher.rb', line 205 def get_next_cypher_password @cypher_next_password = nil srand(@cypher_seed) languages = CYPHER_LANGUAGES.shuffle if @cypher_level == 0 lang = languages[@cypher_level] line = line_for_lang(lang) @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = caesar(line, 3) elsif @cypher_level == 1 lang = languages[@cypher_level] line = line_for_lang_dont_end_on_lang(lang) @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = skytale(line, [3, 4, 5, 6].sample) elsif @cypher_level == 2 lang = languages[@cypher_level] line = line_for_lang(lang) @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = line elsif @cypher_level == 3 lang = languages[@cypher_level] @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = nil elsif @cypher_level == 4 lang = languages[@cypher_level] @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = nil elsif @cypher_level == 5 lang = languages[@cypher_level] line = line_for_lang(lang) @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = line elsif @cypher_level == 6 lang = languages[@cypher_level] tag = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{lang.downcase}-cypher").to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 4] @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = tag elsif @cypher_level == 7 pin = (0..3).map { |x| rand(10).to_s }.join('') tag = '' provided_password = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]})['provided'] MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.cypher_provided, '') AS provided; END_OF_QUERY srand( provided_password = ' ' if provided_password.strip.empty? unless provided_password == ' ' t = rand(5) + 1 (0...4).each do |i| t += rand(10) + 55 break unless provided_password[i] == pin[i] end tag = "Die Überprüfung der PIN dauerte #{t} µs." end @cypher_next_password = pin @cypher_token = tag elsif @cypher_level == 8 lang = languages[@cypher_level] line = "Das naechste Loesungswort lautet #{lang}" @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = line elsif @cypher_level == 9 lang = languages[@cypher_level].upcase # line = line_for_lang(lang) @cypher_next_password = lang @cypher_token = nil end end |
#get_next_password ⇒ Object
94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/hack.rb', line 94 def get_next_password @hack_next_password = nil srand(@hack_seed) if @hack_level == 0 names = NAMES.shuffle @hack_next_password = names[@hack_level] elsif @hack_level == 1 number = [1, 2].sample * 1000 + [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].sample * 100 + [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].sample * 10 + [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9].sample @hack_next_password = number.to_roman.downcase @hack_token = "#{number}" elsif @hack_level == 2 names = NAMES.shuffle @hack_next_password = names[@hack_level] elsif @hack_level == 3 notes = [['C', 'Cis', 'D', 'Es', 'E', 'F', 'Fis', 'G', 'As', 'A', 'B', 'H'], ['c', 'cis', 'd', 'es', 'e', 'f', 'fis', 'g', 'as', 'a', 'b', 'h']] index = (0...(notes[0].size)).to_a.sample mode = (0..1).to_a.sample available_indices = (0...(notes[0].size)).to_a a = (index + 0) % 12 b = (index + ((mode == 0) ? 4 : 3)) % 12 c = (index + 7) % 12 available_indices.delete(a) available_indices.delete(b) available_indices.delete(c) available_indices.shuffle! x = available_indices.shift() y = available_indices.shift() z = available_indices.shift() chord = "#{notes[mode][index]}-#{mode == 0 ? 'Dur' : 'Moll'}" correct_note = [b, c].sample @hack_next_password = notes[1][correct_note] n0, n1, n2, n3 = *([correct_note, x, y, z].shuffle) @hack_description = "<span style='font-size: 150%;'><b>#{notes[1][n0]}</b>, <b>#{notes[1][n1]}</b>, <b>#{notes[1][n2]}</b> oder <b>#{notes[1][n3]}</b></span>" @hack_token = chord elsif @hack_level == 4 names = NAMES.shuffle @hack_next_password = names[@hack_level] elsif @hack_level == 5 space_events = SPACE_EVENTS.keys.shuffle date = space_events.first @hack_token = SPACE_EVENTS[date].first @hack_description = "#{SPACE_EVENTS[date][1].gsub('__DATE__', "<b>#{SPACE_EVENTS[date].first}</b>")} Wie viele Tage sind seitdem vergangen?" @hack_next_password = ( - Date.parse(date)).to_i.to_s elsif @hack_level == 6 ascii = '@#$%&*()[]{}'.split('').shuffle @hack_token = ascii.first @hack_next_password = sprintf('%02x', ascii.first.ord) elsif @hack_level == 7 primes = PRIMES.shuffle ps = primes[0, 6] p = ps.sample @hack_token = ps.inject(1) { |_, x| _ * x } * p @hack_next_password = p.to_s elsif @hack_level == 8 names = NAMES.shuffle @hack_next_password = names[@hack_level] response.headers['X-Dashboard-Hackers-Passwort'] = @hack_next_password elsif @hack_level == 9 fruit = FRUIT.shuffle @hack_next_password = fruit.first @hack_token = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(@hack_next_password) end @hack_next_password end |
#get_omit_ical_types ⇒ Object
428 429 430 431 432 433 434 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 428 def get_omit_ical_types types = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email])['types'] MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.omit_ical_types, []) AS types; END_OF_QUERY types end |
#get_open_doors_for_user ⇒ Object
2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2561 def get_open_doors_for_user() require_user! doors = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email])['doors'] MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.advent_calendar_doors, 0) AS doors; END_OF_QUERY doors end |
#get_poll_run(prid, external_code = nil) ⇒ Object
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/poll.rb', line 4 def get_poll_run(prid, external_code = nil) result = {} if external_code && !external_code.empty? rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :prid => prid) MATCH (u)-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(au:User) WHERE (u:ExternalUser OR u:PredefinedExternalUser) AND COALESCE(p.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(pr.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false RETURN,, ID(u) AS unid, ID(pr) AS prnid; END_OF_QUERY invitation = do |row| row_code = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(EXTERNAL_USER_EVENT_SCRAMBLER + row[''] + row['']).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 8] external_code == row_code end.first assert(!(invitation.nil?)) result = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :prid => prid, :email => invitation[''], :unid => invitation['unid'], :prnid => invitation['prnid']) MATCH (u)-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(au:User) WHERE ID(u) = $unid AND ID(pr) = $prnid MATCH (ou)-[rt2:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr2:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p2:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(au2:User) WHERE COALESCE(rt2.deleted, false) = false RETURN u, pr, p,, COUNT(ou) AS total_participants; END_OF_QUERY else require_user! result = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:prid => prid, :email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(au:User) WITH pr, p, au MATCH (ou)-[rt2:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr2:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p2:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(au2:User) WHERE COALESCE(rt2.deleted, false) = false RETURN pr, p,, COUNT(ou) AS total_participants END_OF_QUERY end poll = result['p'] poll.delete(:items) poll_run = result['pr'] poll_run[:items] = JSON.parse(poll_run[:items]) return poll, poll_run, result[''], result['total_participants'] end |
#get_poll_run_results(prid) ⇒ Object
161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/poll.rb', line 161 def get_poll_run_results(prid) require_user_with_role!(:can_create_polls) unless admin_logged_in? # make sure we have the right user unless an admin is logged in temp = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:prid => prid, :email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (pr:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(au:User {email: $email}) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY end temp = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:prid => prid}) MATCH (pu)-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(au:User) WHERE COALESCE(p.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(pr.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false RETURN, pr, p, COUNT(pu) AS participant_count; END_OF_QUERY participants = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:prid => prid}) MATCH (pu)-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll) WHERE COALESCE(p.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(pr.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false RETURN labels(pu),, END_OF_QUERY participants = Hash[ do |x| [x[''], x[''] || (@@user_info[x['']] || {})[:display_name] || 'NN'] end] poll = temp['p'] poll_run = temp['pr'] poll[:organizer] = (@@user_info[temp['']] || {})[:display_last_name] || temp[''] poll_run[:items] = JSON.parse(poll_run[:items]) poll_run[:participant_count] = temp['participant_count'] poll_run[:participants] = participants responses = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:prid => prid}).map { |x| {:response => JSON.parse(x['prs.response']), :email => x['']} } MATCH (u)<-[:RESPONSE_BY]-(prs:PollResponse)-[:RESPONSE_TO]->(pr:PollRun {id: $prid})-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll) WHERE (u:User OR u:ExternalUser OR u:PredefinedExternalUser) RETURN, prs.response; END_OF_QUERY responses.sort! { |a, b| participants[a] <=> participants[b] } return poll, poll_run, responses end |
#get_projekte ⇒ Object
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 47 def get_projekte projekte = {} neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (p:Projekt)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(u:User) RETURN p,; END_OF_QUERY p = row['p'] projekte[p[:nr]] ||= parse_projekt_node(p) projekte[p[:nr]][:organized_by] << row[''] end neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (p:Projekt)-[:SUPERVISED_BY]->(u:User) RETURN p,; END_OF_QUERY p = row['p'] projekte[p[:nr]] ||= parse_projekt_node(p) projekte[p[:nr]][:supervised_by] << row[''] end projekte_list = [] projekte.each_pair do |nr, p| p[:organized_by] = p[:organized_by].sort.uniq p[:supervised_by] = p[:supervised_by].sort.uniq p[:klassen_label] = '–' if p[:min_klasse] && p[:max_klasse] if p[:min_klasse] == p[:max_klasse] p[:klassen_label] = "nur #{p[:min_klasse]}." else p[:klassen_label] = "#{p[:min_klasse]}. – #{p[:max_klasse]}." end end projekte_list << p end projekte_list.sort! do |a, b| (a[:nr].to_i == b[:nr].to_i) ? (a[:nr] <=> b[:nr]) : (a[:nr].to_i <=> b[:nr].to_i) end projekte_list end |
#get_recognized_emails ⇒ Object
2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2843 def get_recognized_emails() result = {} neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:session_email => @session_user[:email]}).each do |x| MATCH (u:User {email: $session_email})-[r:RECOGNIZED]->(u2:User) RETURN, r.ts; END_OF_QUERY result[x['']] = x['r.ts'] end result end |
#get_remaining_pk5_projects_for_teacher ⇒ Object
597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/pk5.rb', line 597 def get_remaining_pk5_projects_for_teacher return {} unless teacher_logged_in? invited = 0 accepted = 0 neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (p:Pk5)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) WITH DISTINCT p RETURN p; END_OF_QUERY p = row['p'] if p[:betreuende_lehrkraft] == @session_user[:email] invited += 1 if p[:betreuende_lehrkraft] == p[:betreuende_lehrkraft_confirmed_by] accepted += 1 end end end left = 5 - accepted {:invited => invited, :accepted => accepted, :left => left} end |
#get_sessions_for_user(email) ⇒ Object
639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 639 def get_sessions_for_user(email) require_user! sessions = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => email).map { |x| x['s'] } MATCH (s:Session)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User {email: $email}) RETURN s ORDER BY s.last_access DESC; END_OF_QUERY do |s| s[:scrambled_sid] = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(SESSION_SCRAMBLER + s[:sid]).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] s[:method] ||= 'email' s end end |
#get_sign_ups_for_public_event(event_key) ⇒ Object
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/public_event.rb', line 82 def get_sign_ups_for_public_event(event_key) event = { |x| x[:key] == event_key }.first assert(!event.nil?) tracks = [] event[:rows].each do |_row| _row[:entries].each do |_entry| tracks << "#{event_key}/#{_entry[:key]}" end end entries = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :tracks => tracks).map { |x| {:person => x['n'], :track => x['t.track']} } MATCH (n:PublicEventPerson)-[:SIGNED_UP_FOR]->(t:PublicEventTrack) WHERE t.track in $tracks RETURN t.track, n ORDER BY n.timestamp ASC; END_OF_QUERY result = {} entries.each do |entry| result[entry[:track].sub("#{event[:key]}/", '')] ||= [] result[entry[:track].sub("#{event[:key]}/", '')] << entry[:person] end result end |
#get_sitzplan_music_choice ⇒ Object
757 758 759 760 761 762 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 757 def get_sitzplan_music_choice neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email])['u.music_choice'] || '01-preis' MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN u.music_choice; END_OF_QUERY end |
#get_technikamt_users ⇒ Object
20 21 22 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/techpost.rb', line 20 def get_technikamt_users Main.get_technikamt_users() end |
#get_test_regime_html ⇒ Object
826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 826 def get_test_regime_html() do |io| [true, false].each do |regular_test_day| [true, false].each do |regular_test_required| [:salzh, :contact_person, :hotspot_klasse, nil].each do |status| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td><span style='position: relative; top: -1px;' class='salzh-badge salzh-badge-big bg-#{SALZH_MODE_COLORS[status]}'><i class='fa #{SALZH_MODE_ICONS[status]}'></i></span>#{SALZH_MODE_LABEL[status] || '–'}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{regular_test_required ? 'notwendig' : 'nicht notwendig'}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{regular_test_day ? 'ja' : 'nein'}</td>" label_type = Main.get_test_list_label_type(status, regular_test_required, regular_test_day) if label_type == :enabled io.puts "<td>Vorname Nachname</td>" elsif label_type == :disabled io.puts "<td style='color: #aaa;'>(Vorname Nachname)</td>" elsif label_type == :strike io.puts "<td><s style='color: #000;'>Vorname Nachname</s></td>" else io.puts "<td>???</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end end end io.string end end |
#get_unread_messages(now) ⇒ Object
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/message.rb', line 116 def (now) require_user! # don't show messages which are not at least 5 minutes old rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email], :now => now).map { |x| x[''] } MATCH (c)-[ruc:TO]->(u:User {email: $email}) WHERE ((c:TextComment AND EXISTS(c.comment)) OR (c:AudioComment AND EXISTS(c.tag)) OR (c:Message AND EXISTS( AND c.updated < $now AND COALESCE(ruc.seen, false) = false RETURN END_OF_QUERY rows end |
#get_voluntary_testing_sus ⇒ Object
339 340 341 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 339 def get_voluntary_testing_sus Main.get_voluntary_testing_sus end |
#gev_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
88 89 90 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 88 def gev_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:admin) end |
#good_bad_icon(flag) ⇒ Object
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 10 def good_bad_icon(flag) if flag == true "<i class='fa fa-check text-success'></i>" elsif flag == false "<i class='fa fa-warning text-danger'></i>" end end |
#hack_content ⇒ Object
163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/hack.rb', line 163 def hack_content require_user! parts = request.env['REQUEST_PATH'].split('/') provided_password = (parts[2] || '').strip.downcase provided_password = nil if provided_password.empty? result = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.hack_level, 0) AS hack_level, u.hack_seed AS hack_seed, COALESCE(u.failed_tries, 0) AS failed_tries, COALESCE(u.hack_name, '') AS hack_name; END_OF_QUERY @hack_level = result['hack_level'] @hack_seed = result['hack_seed'] @hack_name = result['hack_name'].strip failed_tries = result['failed_tries'] tries_left = 3 - failed_tries if @hack_seed.nil? || (@hack_level == 0 && provided_password.nil?) @hack_seed = result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email], :hack_seed => @hack_seed}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.hack_seed = $hack_seed; END_OF_QUERY end get_next_password() STDERR.puts "HACK // #{@session_user[:email]} // level: #{@hack_level}, next password: #{@hack_next_password}#{@hack_next_password.nil? ? '(nil)':''}" unless provided_password.nil? || @hack_next_password.nil? if provided_password.downcase == @hack_next_password.downcase @hack_level += 1 result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email], :hack_level => @hack_level}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.hack_level = $hack_level, u.failed_tries = 0; END_OF_QUERY else result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.failed_tries = COALESCE(u.failed_tries, 0) + 1; END_OF_QUERY if tries_left <= 1 result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) SET u.hack_level = 0, u.failed_tries = 0, u.hack_name = ''; END_OF_QUERY end end end unless provided_password.nil? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/h4ck", 302 end get_next_password() do |io| # io.puts "<p style='text-align: left; margin-top: 0;'><b>#{@session_user[:first_name]}</b> <#{@session_user[:email]}></p>" if @hack_level == MAX_HACK_LEVEL # io.puts "<p style='float: right; margin-top: 0;'><a href='/hackers'>=> Hall of Fame</a></p>" io.puts'/static/hack/hall_of_fame.html') result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User) WHERE COALESCE(u.hack_level, 0) > 0 RETURN, u.hack_level, COALESCE(u.hack_name, '') AS hack_name END_OF_QUERY io.puts "<p>" io.puts "Bisher #{result.size == 1 ? 'hat' : 'haben'} <b>#{result.size} Hacker:in#{result.size == 1 ? '' : 'nen'}</b> versucht, die Aufgaben zu lösen." histogram = {} names = [] result.each do |row| histogram[row['u.hack_level']] ||= [] histogram[row['u.hack_level']] << row[''] names << row['hack_name'] unless row['hack_name'].strip.empty? end names.sort! parts = [] histogram.keys.sort.each do |level| l = 'in der <b>Hall of Fame</b>' if level + 1 <= MAX_HACK_LEVEL l = "in <b>Level #{level + 1}</b>" end parts << "<b>#{histogram[level].size} Person#{histogram[level].size == 1 ? '' : 'en'}</b> #{l}" end io.puts "Davon befinde#{histogram[histogram.keys.sort.first].size == 1 ? 't' : 'n'} sich #{join_with_sep(parts, ', ', ' und ')}." io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<hr style='margin-bottom: 15px;'/>" # io.puts "<p>" # io.puts "Hier kannst du festlegen, ob und wie du in der Hall of Fame erscheinen möchtest:" # io.puts "</p>" # io.puts "<hr />" possible_names = [] possible_names << @session_user[:first_name] if schueler_logged_in? possible_names << "#{@session_user[:first_name]} (#{@session_user[:klasse]})" end possible_names << @session_user[:display_name] if schueler_logged_in? possible_names << "#{@session_user[:display_name]} (#{@session_user[:klasse]})" else possible_names << "#{@session_user[:display_last_name]}" end io.puts "<p style='text-align: left; margin-top: 0;'>" io.puts "<span class='name-pref' data-name=''>[#{@hack_name == '' ? 'x': ' '}] Ich möchte <b>nicht</b> aufgelistet werden.</span><br />" possible_names.each do |name| io.puts "<span class='name-pref' data-name=\"#{name}\">[#{@hack_name == name ? 'x': ' '}] Ich möchte als <b>»#{name}«</b> erscheinen.</span><br />" end io.puts "<span class='hack-reset text-danger'>[!] Ich möchte meinen <b>Fortschritt löschen</b> und von vorn beginnen.</span>" io.puts "<span class='text-danger' id='hack_reset_confirm' style='display: none;'><br /> Bist du sicher? <span id='hack_reset_confirm_yes'><b>[Ja]</b></span> <span id='hack_reset_confirm_no'><b>[Nein]</b></span></span>" io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<h2><b>Hall of Fame</b></h2>" names.each do |name| io.puts "<p class='name'>#{name}</p>" end io.puts'/static/hack/hall_of_fame_foot.html') else io.puts'/static/hack/title.html').gsub('#{next_hack_level}', (@hack_level + 1).to_s) if failed_tries == 0 if @hack_level > 0 io.puts "<p><b>Gut gemacht!</b></p>" io.puts "<hr />" end else if @hack_level > 0 tries_left = 3 - failed_tries io.puts "<p class='text-danger'><b>Achtung!</b> Deine letzte Antwort war leider falsch. Du hast noch <b>#{tries_left} Versuch#{tries_left == 1 ? '' : 'e'}</b>, bevor du wieder von vorn beginnen musst.</p>" io.puts "<hr />" else io.puts "<p class='text-danger'><b>Achtung!</b> Deine letzte Antwort war leider falsch.</p>" io.puts "<hr />" end end path = "/static/hack/level_#{@hack_level + 1}.html" if File.exist?(path) io.puts end io.puts'/static/hack/form.html') end io.string end end |
#hello ⇒ Object
6 7 8 |
# File 'src/ruby/pry.rb', line 6 def hello puts 'hello, world!' end |
#hex_to_rgb(c) ⇒ Object
55 56 57 58 59 60 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 55 def hex_to_rgb(c) r = c[1, 2].downcase.to_i(16) g = c[3, 2].downcase.to_i(16) b = c[5, 2].downcase.to_i(16) [r, g, b] end |
#hh_mm_to_i(s) ⇒ Object
202 203 204 205 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tablet_set.rb', line 202 def hh_mm_to_i(s) parts = s.split(':').map { |x| x.to_i } parts[0] * 60 + parts[1] end |
#hsv_to_rgb(c) ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 2 def hsv_to_rgb(c) h, s, v = c[0].to_f / 360, c[1].to_f / 100, c[2].to_f / 100 h_i = (h * 6).to_i f = h * 6 - h_i p = v * (1 - s) q = v * (1 - f * s) t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s) r, g, b = v, t, p if h_i == 0 r, g, b = q, v, p if h_i == 1 r, g, b = p, v, t if h_i == 2 r, g, b = p, q, v if h_i == 3 r, g, b = t, p, v if h_i == 4 r, g, b = v, p, q if h_i == 5 [(r * 255).to_i, (g * 255).to_i, (b * 255).to_i] end |
#html_to_rgb(x) ⇒ Object
97 98 99 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 97 def html_to_rgb(x) [x[1, 2].to_i(16), x[3, 2].to_i(16), x[5, 2].to_i(16)] end |
#htmlentities(s) ⇒ Object
1817 1818 1819 1820 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1817 def htmlentities(s) @html_entities_coder ||= @html_entities_coder.encode(s) end |
#img_multi_attr_lazy(path, extension, resolutions, lazy = true) ⇒ Object
173 174 175 176 177 178 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/website.rb', line 173 def img_multi_attr_lazy(path, extension, resolutions, lazy = true) h = img_multi_attr_lazy_hash(path, extension, resolutions, lazy) do |k| "#{k}='#{h[k]}'" end.join(' ') end |
#img_multi_attr_lazy_hash(path, extension, resolutions, lazy = true) ⇒ Object
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/website.rb', line 149 def img_multi_attr_lazy_hash(path, extension, resolutions, lazy = true) if resolutions[:cols] resolutions[:lg] ||= "#{(@@BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS[:lg].to_f * resolutions[:cols] / 12).to_i}px" resolutions[:md] ||= "#{(@@BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS[:md].to_f * resolutions[:cols] / 12).to_i}px" resolutions[:sm] ||= "#{(@@BOOTSTRAP_BREAKPOINTS[:sm].to_f * resolutions[:cols] / 12).to_i}px" resolutions[:xs] ||= "100vw" end srcset_entries = do |w| "#{path}-#{w}.#{extension} #{w}w" end sizes_entries = do |key, min_width| entry = resolutions[key] [:xs, :sm, :md, :lg].each do |k| entry ||= resolutions[k] end entry ||= '100vw' "(min-width: #{min_width}px) #{entry}" end { 'srcset' => srcset_entries.join(', '), 'sizes' => sizes_entries.join(', ') } end |
#iterate_directory(which, first_key = :last_name, second_key = :first_name, &block) ⇒ Object
539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 539 def iterate_directory(which, first_key = :last_name, second_key = :first_name, &block) email_list = @@schueler_for_klasse[which] if email_list.nil? # try lesson key email_list = @@schueler_for_lesson[which] end email_list ||= [] (email_list).sort do |a, b| (@@user_info[a][first_key] == @@user_info[b][first_key]) ? (@@user_info[a][second_key] <=> @@user_info[b][second_key]) : (@@user_info[a][first_key] <=> @@user_info[b][first_key]) end.each.with_index do |email, i| yield email, i end end |
#iterate_school_days(options = {}, &block) ⇒ Object
475 476 477 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 475 def iterate_school_days( = {}, &block) self.class.iterate_school_days(, &block) end |
#klasse_for_sus ⇒ Object
417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 417 def klasse_for_sus assert(user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_tablets) || user_with_role_logged_in?(:teacher)) result = {} @@user_info.each_pair do |email, info| next if info[:teacher] next unless info[:klasse] result[email] = Main.tr_klasse(info[:klasse]) end result end |
#klassen_for_session_user ⇒ Object
374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 374 def klassen_for_session_user() require_teacher! if @@klassen_order.dup else klassen = [] @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| next unless (@@klassen_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || klassen << klasse end klassen end end |
#klassenleiter_for_klasse_logged_in?(klasse) ⇒ Boolean
116 117 118 119 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 116 def klassenleiter_for_klasse_logged_in?(klasse) return false unless @@klassenleiter[klasse] teacher_logged_in? && @@klassenleiter[klasse].include?(@session_user[:shorthand]) end |
#klassenleiter_for_klasse_or_admin_logged_in?(klasse) ⇒ Boolean
121 122 123 124 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 121 def klassenleiter_for_klasse_or_admin_logged_in?(klasse) return false unless @@klassenleiter[klasse] admin_logged_in? || (teacher_logged_in? && @@klassenleiter[klasse].include?(@session_user[:shorthand])) end |
#klassenraum_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
112 113 114 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 112 def klassenraum_logged_in? user_logged_in? && @session_user[:is_tablet] && @session_user[:tablet_type] == :klassenraum end |
#kurs_tablet_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
108 109 110 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 108 def kurs_tablet_logged_in? user_logged_in? && @session_user[:is_tablet] && @session_user[:tablet_type] == :kurs end |
#lessons_for_session_user_and_klasse(klasse) ⇒ Object
388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 388 def lessons_for_session_user_and_klasse(klasse) require_teacher! faecher = (@@lessons_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || []).each do |lesson_key| lesson_info = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] next unless lesson_info[:klassen].include?(klasse) faecher << lesson_info[:fach] end faecher = faecher.to_a.sort do |a, b| a = @@faecher[a] if @@faecher[a] b = @@faecher[b] if @@faecher[b] a <=> b end {:fach_order => faecher, :fach_tr => @@faecher} end |
#line_for_lang(lang) ⇒ Object
187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/cypher.rb', line 187 def line_for_lang(lang) [ "Das naechste Loesungswort lautet #{lang}", "Das Passwort lautet #{lang}", "Versuch es mal mit #{lang}", "Wenn du #{lang} eingibst dann sollte es klappen", "#{lang} ist das naechste Passwort" ].sample end |
#line_for_lang_dont_end_on_lang(lang) ⇒ Object
197 198 199 200 201 202 203 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/cypher.rb', line 197 def line_for_lang_dont_end_on_lang(lang) [ "Wenn du #{lang} eingibst dann sollte es klappen", "#{lang} ist das naechste Passwort", "Du solltest es mal mit #{lang} versuchen" ].sample end |
#logout ⇒ Object
500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 500 def logout() sid = request.['sid'] if sid =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z,]+$/ current_sid = sid.split(',').first if current_sid =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/ result = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :sid => current_sid) MATCH (s:Session {sid: $sid}) DETACH DELETE s; END_OF_QUERY end end purge_missing_sessions() end |
#luminance(color) ⇒ Object
62 63 64 65 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 62 def luminance(color) r, g, b = hex_to_rgb(color) return r * 0.299 + g * 0.587 + b * 0.114 end |
#mail_addresses_table(klasse) ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 2 def mail_addresses_table(klasse) assert((teacher_logged_in?) || (@session_user[:klasse] == klasse)) klassenleiter_logged_in = (@@klassenleiter[klasse] || []).include?(@session_user[:shorthand]) || admin_logged_in? all_homeschooling_users = Main.get_all_homeschooling_users() salzh_status = Main.get_salzh_status_for_emails(Main.class_variable_get(:@@schueler_for_klasse)[klasse] || []) do |io| io.puts "<div class='row'>" io.puts "<div class='col-md-12'>" # io.puts "<div class='alert alert-warning'>" # io.puts "Bitte überprüfen Sie die <strong>Gruppenzuordnung (A/B)</strong> und markieren Sie alle Kinder, die aus gesundheitlichen Gründen / Quarantäne nicht in die Schule kommen können, als <strong>»zu Hause«</strong>." # io.puts "Auf die Jitsi-Streams können momentan nur SuS zugreifen, die laut ihrer Gruppenzuordnung in der aktuellen Woche zu Hause sind oder explizit als »zu Hause« markiert sind." # io.puts "</div>" # if teacher_logged_in? # io.puts "<div class='pull-right' style='position: relative; top: 10px;'>" # [:salzh, :contact_person, :hotspot_klasse].each do |status| # salzh_label = "<span style='margin-left: 2em;'><span class='salzh-badge salzh-badge-big bg-#{SALZH_MODE_COLORS[status]}'><i class='fa #{SALZH_MODE_ICONS[status]}'></i></span> #{SALZH_MODE_LABEL[status]}</span>" # io.puts salzh_label # end # io.puts "</div>" # end io.puts "<h3>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}" io.puts "</h3>" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "</p>" # <div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'> # <table class='table' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'> io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='klassen_table table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Nr.</th>" io.puts "<th></th>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th>Vorname</th>" io.puts "<th>Geburtsdatum</th>" if teacher_logged_in? # io.puts "<th>Status</th>" # if can_manage_salzh_logged_in? # io.puts "<th>Reguläre Testung</th>" # io.puts "<th>Freiwilliges saLzH bis</th>" # end # if klassenleiter_logged_in # io.puts "<th>Freiwillige Testung</th>" # end io.puts "<th>E-Mail-Adresse</th>" # io.puts "<th style='width: 140px;'>Homeschooling</th>" if teacher_logged_in? if ['11', '12'].include?(klasse) io.puts "<th>Antikenfahrt</th>" end if ['5', '6'].include?(klasse[0]) io.puts "<th>Forschertage</th>" end end if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<th>A/B</th>" io.puts "<th>Letzter Zugriff</th>" io.puts "<th>Eltern-E-Mail-Adresse</th>" end io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" results = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email_addresses => @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse]) MATCH (u:User) WHERE IN $email_addresses RETURN, u.last_access, COALESCE(u.group2, 'A') AS group2, COALESCE(u.group_af, '') AS group_af, COALESCE(u.group_ft, '') AS group_ft; END_OF_QUERY last_access = {} group2_for_email = {} group_af_for_email = {} group_ft_for_email = {} results.each do |x| last_access[x['']] = x['u.last_access'] group2_for_email[x['']] = x['group2'] group_af_for_email[x['']] = x['group_af'] group_ft_for_email[x['']] = x['group_ft'] end (@@schueler_for_klasse[klasse] || []).sort do |a, b| (@@user_info[a][:last_name] == @@user_info[b][:last_name]) ? (@@user_info[a][:first_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:first_name]) : (@@user_info[a][:last_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:last_name]) end.each.with_index do |email, _| record = @@user_info[email] io.puts "<tr class='user_row' data-email='#{email}'>" io.puts "<td>#{_ + 1}.</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user_icon(email, 'avatar-md')}</td>" salzh_style = '' salzh_class = '' if teacher_logged_in? if salzh_status[email] && [:contact_person, :salzh].include?(salzh_status[email][:status]) salzh_style = 'padding: 2px 4px; margin: -2px -4px; display: inline-block; border-radius: 4px;' salzh_class = "bg-#{SALZH_MODE_COLORS[(salzh_status[email] || {})[:status]]}" end end io.puts "<td><div class='#{salzh_class}' style='#{salzh_style}'>#{record[:last_name]}</div></td>" io.puts "<td><div class='#{salzh_class}' style='#{salzh_style}'>#{record[:first_name]}</div></td>" if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<td>#{Date.parse(record[:geburtstag]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')}</td>" end # salzh_label = '' # if salzh_status[email][:status] # salzh_label = "<span class='salzh-badge salzh-badge-big bg-#{SALZH_MODE_COLORS[(salzh_status[email] || {})[:status]]}'><i class='fa #{SALZH_MODE_ICONS[(salzh_status[email] || {})[:status]]}'></i></span> bis #{Date.parse(salzh_status[email][:status_end_date]).strftime('%d.%m.')}" # # salzh_label = "<div class='bg-#{SALZH_MODE_COLORS[(salzh_status[email] || {})[:status]]}' style='text-align: center; padding: 4px; margin: -4px; border-radius: 4px;'><i class='fa #{SALZH_MODE_ICONS[(salzh_status[email] || {})[:status]]}'></i> bis #{Date.parse(salzh_status[email][:status_end_date]).strftime('%d.%m.')}</div>" # end # io.puts "<td>#{salzh_label}</td>" # if can_manage_salzh_logged_in? # io.puts "<td>" # testing_required = salzh_status[email][:testing_required] # if testing_required # io.puts "<button class='btn btn-sm btn-success bu_toggle_testing_required'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> notwendig</button>" # else # io.puts "<button class='btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary bu_toggle_testing_required'><i class='fa fa-times'></i> nicht notwendig</button>" # end # io.puts "</td>" # io.puts "<td>" # freiwillig_salzh = salzh_status[email][:freiwillig_salzh] # io.puts "<div class='input-group'><input type='date' class='form-control ti_freiwillig_salzh' value='#{freiwillig_salzh}' /><div class='input-group-append'><button #{freiwillig_salzh.nil? ? 'disabled' : ''} class='btn #{freiwillig_salzh.nil? ? 'btn-outline-secondary' : 'btn-danger'} bu_delete_freiwillig_salzh'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i></button></div></div>" # io.puts "</td>" # end # if klassenleiter_logged_in # io.puts "<td>" # voluntary_testing = salzh_status[email][:voluntary_testing] # if voluntary_testing # io.puts "<button class='btn btn-sm btn-success bu_toggle_voluntary_testing'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> nimmt teil</button>" # else # io.puts "<button class='btn btn-sm btn-outline-secondary bu_toggle_voluntary_testing'><i class='fa fa-times'></i> nimmt nicht teil</button>" # end # io.puts "</td>" # end io.puts "<td>" print_email_field(io, record[:email]) io.puts "</td>" # homeschooling_button_disabled = klassenleiter_logged_in ? '' : 'disabled' # if all_homeschooling_users.include?(email) # io.puts "<td><button #{homeschooling_button_disabled} class='btn btn-info btn-xs btn-toggle-homeschooling' data-email='#{email}'><i class='fa fa-home'></i> zu Hause</button></td>" # else # io.puts "<td><button #{homeschooling_button_disabled} class='btn btn-secondary btn-xs btn-toggle-homeschooling' data-email='#{email}'><i class='fa fa-building'></i> Präsenz</button></td>" # end if teacher_logged_in? if ['11', '12'].include?(klasse) io.puts "<td><div class='group-af-button #{user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt_logged_in? ? '' : 'disabled'}' data-email='#{email}'>#{GROUP_AF_ICONS[group_af_for_email[email]]}</div></td>" end if ['5', '6'].include?(klasse[0]) io.puts "<td><div class='group-ft-button #{admin_logged_in? ? '' : 'disabled'}' data-email='#{email}'>#{GROUP_FT_ICONS[group_ft_for_email[email]] || '❓'}</div></td>" end end if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<td><div class='group2-button group2-#{group2_for_email[email]}' data-email='#{email}'>#{group2_for_email[email]}</div></td>" la_label = 'noch nie angemeldet' today = if last_access[email] days = ( - Date.parse(last_access[email])).to_i if days == 0 la_label = 'heute' elsif days == 1 la_label = 'gestern' elsif days == 2 la_label = 'vorgestern' elsif days == 3 la_label = 'vor 3 Tagen' elsif days == 4 la_label = 'vor 4 Tagen' elsif days == 5 la_label = 'vor 5 Tagen' elsif days == 6 la_label = 'vor 6 Tagen' elsif days < 14 la_label = 'vor 1 Woche' elsif days < 21 la_label = 'vor 2 Wochen' elsif days < 28 la_label = 'vor 3 Wochen' elsif days < 35 la_label = 'vor 4 Wochen' else la_label = 'vor mehreren Wochen' end end io.puts "<td>#{la_label}</td>" io.puts "<td>" print_email_field(io, "eltern.#{record[:email]}") io.puts "</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td colspan='4'></td>" io.puts "<td colspan='2'><b>E-Mail an die Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</b></td>" io.puts "<td></td>" io.puts "<td colspan='3'><b>E-Mail an alle Eltern der Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</b></td>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" io.puts "<td colspan='4'></td>" io.puts "<td colspan='2'>" print_email_field(io, "klasse.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}") io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td></td>" io.puts "<td colspan='3'>" print_email_field(io, "eltern.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}") io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<a class='btn btn-primary' href='/show_login_codes/#{klasse}'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Live-Anmeldungen der Klasse zeigen</a>" end # io.puts print_stream_restriction_table(klasse) if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<hr style='margin: 3em 0;'/>" io.puts "<h3>Schülerlisten Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</h3>" # io.puts "<div style='text-align: center;'>" io.puts "<a href='/api/directory_xlsx/#{klasse}' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-file-excel-o'></i> Excel-Tabelle herunterladen</a>" io.puts "<a href='/api/directory_timetex_pdf/by_last_name/#{klasse}' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i> Timetex-PDF herunterladen</a>" io.puts "<a href='/api/directory_timetex_pdf/by_first_name/#{klasse}' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i> Timetex-PDF herunterladen (nach Vornamen sortiert)</a>" io.puts "<a href='/api/directory_json/#{klasse}' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-file-code-o'></i> JSON herunterladen</a>" end io.puts "<hr style='margin: 3em 0;'/>" if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<h3>Stundenpläne der Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)} zum Ausdrucken</h3>" elsif schueler_logged_in? io.puts "<h3>Stundenpläne zum Ausdrucken</h3>" io.puts "<p>Den Hintergrund der Stundenpläne kannst über dein Profil verändern, da immer der Hintergrund aus deinem Dashboard genommen wird.</p>" end if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<a href='/api/get_timetable_pdf_for_klasse/#{klasse}' target='_blank' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i> PDF herunterladen (#{@@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].size} Seiten)</a>" elsif schueler_logged_in? io.puts "<a href='/api/get_single_timetable_pdf' target='_blank' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i> PDF herunterladen</a>" io.puts "<a href='/api/get_single_timetable_with_png_addition_pdf' target='_blank' class='btn btn-success'><i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i> PDF herunterladen (mit Symbolen)</a>" end io.puts "<hr style='margin: 3em 0;'/>" io.puts "<h3>Lehrkräfte der Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</h3>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Kürzel</th>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th>Fächer (Wochenstunden)</th>" io.puts "<th>E-Mail-Adresse</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" old_is_klassenleiter = true (@@teachers_for_klasse[klasse] || {}).keys.sort do |a, b| name_comp = begin @@user_info[@@shorthands[a]][:last_name] <=> @@user_info[@@shorthands[b]][:last_name] rescue a <=> b end a_kli = (@@klassenleiter[klasse] || []).index(a) b_kli = (@@klassenleiter[klasse] || []).index(b) if a_kli.nil? if b_kli.nil? name_comp else 1 end else if b_kli.nil? -1 else a_kli <=> b_kli end end end.each do |shorthand| lehrer = @@user_info[@@shorthands[shorthand]] next if lehrer.nil? is_klassenleiter = (@@klassenleiter[klasse] || []).include?(shorthand) if old_is_klassenleiter && !is_klassenleiter io.puts "<tr class='sep user_row'>" else io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" end old_is_klassenleiter = is_klassenleiter io.puts "<td>#{shorthand}#{is_klassenleiter ? ' (KL)' : ''}</td>" # io.puts "<td>#{((lehrer[:titel] || '') + ' ' + (lehrer[:last_name] || shorthand)).strip}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{lehrer[teacher_logged_in? ? :display_name : :display_name_official] || ''}</td>" hours = @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse][shorthand].keys.sort do |a, b| @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse][shorthand][b] <=> @@teachers_for_klasse[klasse][shorthand][a] do |x| fach = x.gsub('.', '') fach = @@faecher[fach] if @@faecher[fach] "#{fach} (#{@@teachers_for_klasse[klasse][shorthand][x]})" end.join(', ') io.puts "<td>#{hours}</td>" if lehrer.empty? io.puts "<td></td>" else io.puts "<td>" print_email_field(io, lehrer[:email]) io.puts "</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td colspan='3'></td>" io.puts "<td><b>E-Mail an alle Lehrer/innen der Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</b></td>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" io.puts "<td colspan='3'></td>" io.puts "<td>" print_email_field(io, "lehrer.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}") io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#matrix_get(path, access_token = nil) ⇒ Object
32 33 34 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/matrix.rb', line 32 def matrix_get(path, access_token = nil) matrix_request(:get, path, nil, access_token) end |
#matrix_login(user, password) {|access_token| ... } ⇒ Object
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/matrix.rb', line 40 def matrix_login(user, password, &block) # login response = matrix_post("/_matrix/client/r0/login", { :type => 'm.login.password', :user => user, :password => password }) access_token = response['access_token'] || '' assert(!access_token.empty?) yield(access_token) matrix_post("/_matrix/client/r0/logout", {}, access_token) end |
#matrix_post(path, data = {}, access_token = nil) ⇒ Object
36 37 38 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/matrix.rb', line 36 def matrix_post(path, data = {}, access_token = nil) matrix_request(:post, path, data, access_token) end |
#matrix_request(method, path, data = {}, access_token = nil) ⇒ Object
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/matrix.rb', line 3 def matrix_request(method, path, data = {}, access_token = nil) assert([:get, :post].include?(method)) response = nil success = false methods = {:get => Curl.method(:get), :post => Curl.method(:post)} 3.times do c = methods[method].call("https://#{MATRIX_DOMAIN}#{path}", data.nil? ? nil : data.to_json) do |http| http.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{access_token}" if access_token end begin response = JSON.parse(c.body_str) rescue JSON::ParserError => e STDERR.puts c.body_str raise e end if response['retry_after_ms'] sleep response['retry_after_ms'].to_f / 1000.0 else success = true break end end unless success raise "unable to complete matrix_request: #{path} / #{data.to_json}" end response end |
#may_edit_lessons?(lesson_key) ⇒ Boolean
2492 2493 2494 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2492 def may_edit_lessons?(lesson_key) teacher_logged_in? && (@@lessons_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]].include?(lesson_key) || (@@lessons[:historic_lessons_for_shorthand][@session_user[:shorthand]].include?(lesson_key))) end |
#mix(a, b, t) ⇒ Object
67 68 69 70 71 72 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 67 def mix(a, b, t) t1 = 1.0 - t return [a[0] * t1 + b[0] * t, a[1] * t1 + b[1] * t, a[2] * t1 + b[2] * t] end |
#monitor_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
96 97 98 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 96 def monitor_logged_in? user_logged_in? && @session_user[:is_monitor] end |
#my_pk5_history(email) ⇒ Object
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/pk5.rb', line 56 def my_pk5_history(email) do |io| entries = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => email}).to_a MATCH (eu:User)<-[:BY]-(pc:Pk5Change)-[:TO]->(p:Pk5)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User {email: $email}) RETURN pc, ORDER BY pc.ts; END_OF_QUERY if entries.empty? io.puts "<em>(keine Einträge)</em>" else current_date = nil entries.each do |entry| pc = entry['pc'] ts = pc[:ts] ts_d = entry_date = "#{WEEKDAYS_LONG[ts_d.wday]}, den #{ts_d.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}" if entry_date != current_date io.puts "<div class='history_date'>#{entry_date}</div>" if current_date.nil? io.puts "<div class='history_entry'>Vorgang erstellt durch #{@@user_info[entry['']][:display_name_official]}</div>" end current_date = entry_date end if pc[:type] == 'update_value' key = pc[:key].to_sym value = pc[:value] if key == :betreuende_lehrkraft value = (@@user_info[value] || {})[:display_name_official] || value end if value.nil? io.puts "<div class='history_entry'>#{PK5_KEY_LABELS[key]} gelöscht durch #{@@user_info[entry['']][:display_name_official]}</div>" else io.puts "<div class='history_entry'>#{PK5_KEY_LABELS[key]} geändert auf <strong>»#{value}«</strong> durch #{@@user_info[entry['']][:display_name_official]}</div>" end elsif pc[:type] == 'invite_sus' io.puts "<div class='history_entry'><strong>#{@@user_info[pc[:other_email]][:display_name]}</strong> zur Gruppenprüfung eingeladen durch #{@@user_info[entry['']][:display_name_official]}</div>" elsif pc[:type] == 'uninvite_sus' io.puts "<div class='history_entry'><strong>#{@@user_info[pc[:other_email]][:display_name]}</strong> von der Gruppenprüfung ausgeladen durch #{@@user_info[entry['']][:display_name_official]}</div>" elsif pc[:type] == 'accept_invitation' io.puts "<div class='history_entry'><strong>#{@@user_info[pc[:email]][:display_name]}</strong> hat die Einladung zur Gruppenprüfung angenommen</div>" elsif pc[:type] == 'reject_invitation' io.puts "<div class='history_entry'><strong>#{@@user_info[pc[:email]][:display_name]}</strong> hat die Einladung zur Gruppenprüfung abgelehnt</div>" elsif pc[:type] == 'accept_betreuung' io.puts "<div class='history_entry'><strong>#{@@user_info[entry['']][:display_name_official]}</strong> hat die Betreuung der Prüfung angenommen</div>" elsif pc[:type] == 'reject_betreuung' io.puts "<div class='history_entry'><strong>#{@@user_info[entry['']][:display_name_official]}</strong> hat die Betreuung der Prüfung abgelehnt</div>" else io.puts pc.to_json end end end io.string end end |
#nav_items(primary_color, now, new_messages_count) ⇒ Object
1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1890 def nav_items(primary_color, now, ) if tablet_logged_in? tablet_id = @session_user[:tablet_id] tablet = @@tablets[tablet_id] || {} tablet_id_span = "<span class='tablet-id-indicator' style='background-color: #{tablet[:bg_color]}; color: #{tablet[:fg_color]}'>#{tablet_id}</span>" if teacher_tablet_logged_in? return "<div style='margin-right: 15px;'><b>Lehrer-Tablet-Modus</b>#{tablet_id_span}</div>" elsif kurs_tablet_logged_in? return "<div style='margin-right: 15px;'><b>Kurs-Tablet-Modus</b>#{tablet_id_span}</div>" elsif klassenraum_logged_in? return "<div style='margin-right: 15px;'><b>Klassenraum-Modus</b>#{tablet_id_span}</div>" elsif tablet_logged_in? description = '' if tablet[:klassen_stream] description = " (Klassenstreaming #{tablet[:klassen_stream]})" end if @session_user[:tablet_type] == :bib_mobile return "" else return "<div style='margin-right: 15px;'><b>Tablet-Modus</b>#{description}#{tablet_id_span}</div>" end end end if monitor_logged_in? return '' end do |io| = nil nav_items = [] if user_logged_in? unless external_user_logged_in? nav_items << ['/', 'Stundenplan', 'fa fa-calendar'] end if teacher_logged_in? nav_items << :kurse nav_items << :directory end if user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_receive_messages) nav_items << :messages end if user_is_eligible_for_tresor? nav_items << :tresor end if admin_logged_in? || user_who_can_upload_files_logged_in? || user_who_can_manage_news_logged_in? || user_who_can_manage_monitors_logged_in? || user_who_can_manage_tablets_logged_in? || user_with_role_logged_in?(:developer) nav_items << :admin end if (schueler_logged_in? && @session_user[:klasse] == PK5_CURRENT_KLASSE) nav_items << :pk5 end if user_who_can_use_aula_logged_in? nav_items << :aula end if user_who_can_report_tech_problems_logged_in? unless admin_logged_in? nav_items << :techteam end end if running_phishing_training? nav_items << :phishing end # nav_items << :advent_calendar #if advents_calendar_date_today > 0 nav_items << :profile = .to_s = '99+' if > 99 if > 0 io.puts "<a href='/messages' class='new-messages-indicator-mini'><i class='fa fa-comment' style='color: #{primary_color};'></i><span>#{}</span></a>" end else nav_items << ['/hilfe', 'Hilfe', 'fa fa-question-circle'] nav_items << ['/', 'Anmelden', 'fa fa-sign-in'] end return nil if nav_items.empty? io.puts "<button class='navbar-toggler' type='button' data-toggle='collapse' data-target='#navbarTogglerDemo02' aria-controls='navbarTogglerDemo02' aria-expanded='false' aria-label='Toggle navigation'>" io.puts "<span class='navbar-toggler-icon'></span>" io.puts "</button>" io.puts "<div class='collapse navbar-collapse my-0 flex-grow-0' id='navbarTogglerDemo02'>" io.puts "<ul class='navbar-nav mr-auto'>" nav_items.each do |x| if x == :admin io.puts "<li class='nav-item dropdown'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon dropdown-toggle' href='#' id='navbarDropdownAdmin' role='button' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false'>" io.puts "<div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-wrench'></i></div>Administration" io.puts "</a>" io.puts "<div class='dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right' aria-labelledby='navbarDropdownAdmin'>" printed_something = false if user_who_can_manage_news_logged_in? io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/manage_news'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-newspaper-o'></i></div><span class='label'>News verwalten</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/manage_calendar'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-calendar'></i></div><span class='label'>Termine verwalten</span></a>" printed_something = true end if user_who_can_upload_files_logged_in? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" if printed_something io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/upload_images'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-photo'></i></div><span class='label'>Bilder hochladen</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/upload_files'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-file-pdf-o'></i></div><span class='label'>Dateien hochladen</span></a>" printed_something = true end if user_who_can_manage_monitors_logged_in? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" if printed_something io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/manage_monitor'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-tv'></i></div><span class='label'>Monitore verwalten</span></a>" printed_something = true end if admin_logged_in? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" if printed_something io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/admin'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-wrench'></i></div><span class='label'>Administration</span></a>" end if user_who_can_manage_tablets_logged_in? io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/tablets'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-tablet'></i></div><span class='label'>Tablets</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/bookings'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-bookmark'></i></div><span class='label'>Buchungen</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/techpostadmin'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-laptop'></i></div><span class='label'>Technikamt (Admin)</span></a>" end if user_with_role_logged_in?(:developer) io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/development'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-code'></i></div><span class='label'>Development</span></a>" end if admin_logged_in? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/show_all_login_codes'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-key-modern'></i></div><span class='label'>Live-Anmeldungen</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/email_accounts'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i></div><span class='label'>E-Mail-Postfächer</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/stats'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-bar-chart'></i></div><span class='label'>Statistiken</span></a>" printed_something = true end if admin_logged_in? || sekretariat_logged_in? io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/anmeldungen'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i></div><span class='label'>Anmeldungen</span></a>" printed_something = true end io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</li>" elsif x == :pk5 io.puts "<li class='nav-item text-nowrap'>" io.puts "<a href='/pk5' class='nav-link nav-icon'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-file-text-o'></i></div>5. PK</a>" io.puts "</li>" elsif x == :advent_calendar unless admin_logged_in? io.puts "<li class='nav-item text-nowrap'>" io.puts "<a class='bu-launch-adventskalender nav-link nav-icon'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-snowflake-o'></i></div>Adventskalender</a>" io.puts "</li>" end elsif x == :profile io.puts "<li class='nav-item dropdown'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon dropdown-toggle' href='#' id='navbarDropdownProfile' role='button' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false'>" display_name = htmlentities(@session_user[:display_name]) if @session_user[:klasse] temp = [tr_klasse(@session_user[:klasse])] # if @session_user[:group2] # temp << @session_user[:group2] # end display_name += " (#{temp.join('/')})" end io.puts "<div class='icon nav_avatar'>#{user_icon(@session_user[:email], 'avatar-md')}</div><span class='menu-user-name'>#{display_name}</span>" io.puts "</a>" io.puts "<div class='dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right' aria-labelledby='navbarDropdownProfile'>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/profil'><div class='icon'>#{user_icon(@session_user[:email], 'avatar-sm')}</div><span class='label'>Profil</span></a>" sessions = all_sessions() if sessions.size > 1 io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" sessions[1, sessions.size - 1].each.with_index do |entry, _| display_name = htmlentities(entry[:user][:display_name]) if entry[:user][:klasse] display_name += " (#{tr_klasse(entry[:user][:klasse])})" end io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon switch-session' data-sidindex='#{_ + 1}' href='#'><div class='icon'>#{user_icon(entry[:user][:email], 'avatar-sm')}</div><span class='label'>#{display_name}</span></a>" end end io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/login'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i></div><span class='label'>Zusätzliche Anmeldung…</span></a>" if user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_use_nextcloud) io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/login_nc'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-nextcloud'></i></div><span class='label'>In Nextcloud anmelden…</span></a>" end if @session_user[:dark] io.puts "<button class='dropdown-item nav-icon nav-light'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-sun-o'></i></div><span class='label'>Hell</span></button>" else io.puts "<button class='dropdown-item nav-icon nav-dark'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-moon'></i></div><span class='label'>Dunkel</span></button>" end printed_divider = false if gev_logged_in? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" unless printed_divider printed_divider = true io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/gev'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-users'></i></div><span class='label'>Gesamtelternvertretung</span></a>" end if can_manage_agr_app_logged_in? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" unless printed_divider printed_divider = true io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/agr_app'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-mobile'></i></div><span class='label'>Altgriechisch-App</span></a>" end if can_manage_bib_members_logged_in? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" unless printed_divider printed_divider = true io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/lehrbuchverein'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-book'></i></div><span class='label'>Lehrmittelverein</span></a>" end if schueler_logged_in? || teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" unless printed_divider printed_divider = true io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/bibliothek'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-book'></i></div><span class='label'>Bibliothek</span></a>" end if user_logged_in? if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/projekttage_sus'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-rocket'></i></div><span class='label'>Projekttage</span></a>" elsif schueler_logged_in? if @session_user[:klasse] == '11' if projekttage_phase() >= 1 io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/projekttage_orga'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-rocket'></i></div><span class='label'>Projekttage</span></a>" end elsif user_eligible_for_projekt_katalog? if projekttage_phase() >= 2 io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/projekttage_sus'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-rocket'></i></div><span class='label'>Projekttage</span></a>" end end end end if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/pk5_overview'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-file-text-o'></i></div><span class='label'>5. PK</span></a>" end if schueler_logged_in? if @session_user[:klasse].to_i < 11 io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/directory/#{@session_user[:klasse]}'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-users'></i></div><span class='label'>Meine Klasse</span></a>" end end if teacher_logged_in? || user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_create_events) || user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_create_polls) || user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_use_mailing_lists) io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" if teacher_logged_in? # if can_manage_salzh_logged_in? # io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/salzh'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-home'></i></div><span class='label'>Testungen</span></a>" # end io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/klassenmemory_assign'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-user'></i></div><span class='label'>Klassenmemory</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/tests'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-file-text-o'></i></div><span class='label'>Klassenarbeiten</span></a>" end if user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_create_events) io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/events'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-calendar-check-o'></i></div><span class='label'>Termine</span></a>" end if user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_create_polls) io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/polls'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-bar-chart'></i></div><span class='label'>Umfragen</span></a>" end # io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/prepare_vote'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-hand-paper-o'></i></div><span class='label'>Abstimmungen</span></a>" if user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_use_mailing_lists) io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/mailing_lists'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i></div><span class='label'>E-Mail-Verteiler</span></a>" end if teacher_logged_in? io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/angebote'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-group'></i></div><span class='label'>AGs und Angebote</span></a>" end io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/groups'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-group'></i></div><span class='label'>Meine Gruppen</span></a>" end io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" # if true # io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/h4ck'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-rocket'></i></div><span class='label'>Dashboard Hackers</span></a>" # end # if admin_logged_in? # io.puts "<a class='bu-launch-adventskalender dropdown-item nav-icon'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-snowflake-o'></i></div><span class='label'>Adventskalender</span></a>" # end io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/hilfe'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-question-circle'></i></div><span class='label'>Hilfe</span></a>" io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='#' onclick='perform_logout();'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-sign-out'></i></div><span class='label'>Abmelden</span></a>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</li>" elsif x == :kurse unless (@@lessons_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || []).empty? && (@@lessons[:historic_lessons_for_shorthand][@session_user[:shorthand]] || []).empty? io.puts "<li class='nav-item dropdown'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon dropdown-toggle' href='#' id='navbarDropdownKurse' role='button' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false'>" io.puts "<div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-address-book'></i></div>Kurse" io.puts "</a>" io.puts "<div class='dropdown-menu' aria-labelledby='navbarDropdownKurse'>" taken_lesson_keys = (@@lessons_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || []).each do |lesson_key| lesson_info = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] if lesson_info fach = lesson_info[:fach] fach = @@faecher[fach] if @@faecher[fach] io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/lessons/#{CGI.escape(lesson_key)}'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-address-book'></i></div><span class='label'>#{lesson_info[:pretty_folder_name]}</span></a>" taken_lesson_keys << lesson_key end end remaining_lesson_keys = ((@@lessons[:historic_lessons_for_shorthand][@session_user[:shorthand]] || - taken_lesson_keys) unless remaining_lesson_keys.empty? lesson_keys_with_data = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:lesson_keys => remaining_lesson_keys}).map { |x| x['l.key'] } MATCH (l:Lesson) WHERE l.key IN $lesson_keys RETURN l.key; END_OF_QUERY remaining_lesson_keys &= unless remaining_lesson_keys.empty? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" remaining_lesson_keys.to_a.sort.each do |lesson_key| lesson_info = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] if lesson_info fach = lesson_info[:fach] fach = @@faecher[fach] if @@faecher[fach] io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/lessons/#{CGI.escape(lesson_key)}'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-address-book'></i></div><span class='label'>#{fach} (#{lesson_info[:klassen].map { |x| tr_klasse(x) }.join(', ')})</span></a>" end end end end io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</li>" end elsif x == :directory remaining_klassen = KLASSEN_ORDER.dup klassen = @@klassen_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || [] if user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt_logged_in? klassen << '11' klassen << '12' klassen.uniq! end io.puts "<li class='nav-item dropdown'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon dropdown-toggle' href='#' id='navbarDropdownKlassen' role='button' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false'>" io.puts "<div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-address-book'></i></div>Klassen" io.puts "</a>" io.puts "<div class='dropdown-menu' aria-labelledby='navbarDropdownKlassen'>" if klassen = @@klassen_order end klassen.each do |klasse| io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/directory/#{klasse}'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-address-book'></i></div><span class='label'>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</span></a>" remaining_klassen.delete(klasse) end unless remaining_klassen.empty? io.puts "<div class='dropdown-divider'></div>" remaining_klassen.each do |klasse| io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/directory/#{klasse}'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-address-book'></i></div><span class='label'>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</span></a>" end end io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</li>" elsif x == :techteam io.puts "<li class='nav-item text-nowrap'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon' href='/techpost'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-laptop'></i></div>Technikamt</a>" elsif x == :aula io.puts "<li class='nav-item dropdown'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon dropdown-toggle' href='#' id='navbarDropdownAula' role='button' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false'>" io.puts "<div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-music'></i></div>Aulatechnik" io.puts "</a>" io.puts "<div class='dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right' aria-labelledby='navbarDropdownAula'>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/aula_light'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-lightbulb-o'></i></div><span class='label'>Licht</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' style='display: none;' href='/aula_sound'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-music'></i></div><span class='label'>Ton</span></a>" io.puts "<a class='dropdown-item nav-icon' href='/aula_progress'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-bars'></i></div><span class='label'>Ablauf</span></a>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</li>" elsif x == :messages io.puts "<li class='nav-item text-nowrap'>" if > 0 io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon' href='/messages'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></div>Nachrichten<span class='new-messages-indicator' style='background-color: #{primary_color}'><span>#{}</span></span></a>" else io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon' href='/messages'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-comment'></i></div>Nachrichten</a>" end io.puts "</li>" elsif x == :tresor io.puts "<li class='nav-item text-nowrap'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon' href='/tresor'><div class='icon'><i class='fa fa-database'></i></div>Datentresor</a>" io.puts "</li>" elsif x == :phishing io.puts "<li class='nav-item text-nowrap'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon' href='/phishing'><div class='icon'>🦈</div>Phishing Prävention</a>" io.puts "</li>" else io.puts "<li class='nav-item text-nowrap'>" io.puts "<a class='nav-link nav-icon' href='#{x[0]}' #{x[3]}><div class='icon'><i class='#{x[2]}'></i></div>#{x[1]}</a>" io.puts "</li>" end end io.puts "</ul>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#need_sozialverhalten ⇒ Object
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/zeugnisse.rb', line 69 def need_sozialverhalten() # return true if session user has sozialnoten to enter return false unless user_logged_in? return false unless teacher_logged_in? return true if @@need_sozialverhalten[@session_user[:shorthand]] return false end |
#parse_paths_and_values(paths, values) ⇒ Object
342 343 344 345 346 347 348 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/zeugnisse.rb', line 342 def parse_paths_and_values(paths, values) result = {} recurse_arrays(paths, values) do |path, value| result[path] = value end result end |
#parse_projekt_node(p) ⇒ Object
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 30 def parse_projekt_node(p) { :nr => p[:nr], :title => p[:title], :description => p[:description], :photo => p[:photo], :exkursion_hint => p[:exkursion_hint], :extra_hint => p[:extra_hint], :categories => p[:categories], :min_klasse => p[:min_klasse], :max_klasse => p[:max_klasse], :capacity => p[:capacity], :organized_by => [], :supervised_by => [], } end |
#parse_request_data(options = {}) ⇒ Object
1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1531 def parse_request_data( = {}) [:max_body_length] ||= 512 [:max_string_length] ||= 512 [:required_keys] ||= [] [:optional_keys] ||= [] [:max_value_lengths] ||= {} data_str =[:max_body_length]).to_s # if @session_user # unless ['/api/send_message', '/api/update_message', '/api/submit_poll_run'].include?(request.path) # begin # ip_short = request.ip.to_s.split('.').map { |x| sprintf('%02x', x.to_i) }.join('') # STDERR.puts sprintf("%s [%s] [%s] %s %s",'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), ip_short, @session_user[:nc_login], request.path, data_str) # rescue # end # end # end # debug data_str @latest_request_body = data_str.dup begin assert(data_str.is_a? String) assert(data_str.size < [:max_body_length], 'too_much_data') data = JSON::parse(data_str) @latest_request_body_parsed = data.dup result = {} [:required_keys].each do |key| assert(data.include?(key.to_s)) test_request_parameter(data, key, ) result[key.to_sym] = data[key.to_s] end [:optional_keys].each do |key| if data.include?(key.to_s) test_request_parameter(data, key, ) result[key.to_sym] = data[key.to_s] end end result rescue debug "Request was:" debug data_str raise end end |
#pending_pk5_invitations_outgoing(user_email) ⇒ Object
424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/pk5.rb', line 424 def pending_pk5_invitations_outgoing(user_email) pending_invitations = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => user_email}).to_a MATCH (ou:User {email: $email})<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(p:Pk5)-[r:INVITATION_FOR]->(u:User) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY return '' if pending_invitations.empty? do |io| io.puts "<hr>" pending_invitations.each do |row| io.puts "<p>Du hast <strong>#{@@user_info[row['']][:display_name]}</strong> für eine Gruppenprüfung eingeladen.</p>" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-danger bu-delete-invitation' data-email='#{row['']}'><i class='fa fa-times'></i> Einladung zurücknehmen</button>" io.puts "</p>" end io.puts "<hr>" io.string end end |
#pick_random_color_scheme(go_wild = false) ⇒ Object
2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2514 def pick_random_color_scheme(go_wild = false) today ='%Y-%m-%d') return 'la2c6e80d60aea2c6e80' if ZEUGNISKONFERENZEN.include?(today) @@default_color_scheme ||= {} jd = ( + 1).jd return @@default_color_scheme[jd] if @@default_color_scheme[jd] unless go_wild srand(DEVELOPMENT ? ( * 1000).to_i : jd) end which = nil style = nil while true do which = @@color_scheme_colors.sample style = [0].sample break unless which[4] == 'd' || which[1] == '#ff0040' end color_scheme = "#{which[4]}#{which[0, 3].join('').gsub('#', '')}#{style}" @@default_color_scheme[jd] = color_scheme unless DEVELOPMENT return color_scheme end |
#poll_run_results_to_html(poll, poll_run, responses, target = :web, only_this_email = nil) ⇒ Object
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/poll.rb', line 202 def poll_run_results_to_html(poll, poll_run, responses, target = :web, only_this_email = nil) do |io| unless only_this_email io.puts "<h3>Umfrage: #{poll[:title]}</h3>" time_range = "am #{Date.parse(poll_run[:start_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')} von #{poll_run[:start_time]} Uhr bis #{poll_run[:end_time]} Uhr" if poll_run[:start_date] != poll_run[:end_date] time_range = "vom #{Date.parse(poll_run[:start_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')} (#{poll_run[:start_time]} Uhr) bis zum #{Date.parse(poll_run[:end_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')} (#{poll_run[:end_time]} Uhr)" end io.puts "<p>Diese #{poll_run[:anonymous] ? 'anonyme' : 'personengebundene'} Umfrage wurde von #{poll[:organizer].sub('Herr ', 'Herrn ')} mit #{poll_run[:participant_count]} Teilnehmern #{time_range} durchgeführt.</p>" io.puts "<div class='alert alert-info'>" io.puts "Von #{poll_run[:participant_count]} Teilnehmern haben #{responses.size} die Umfrage beantwortet (#{(responses.size * 100 / poll_run[:participant_count]).to_i}%)." unless poll_run[:anonymous] missing_responses_from = ([:participants].keys) - { |x| x[:email]})).map { |x| poll_run[:participants][x] }.sort io.puts "Es fehlen Antworten von: <em>#{missing_responses_from.join(', ')}</em>." end io.puts "</div>" poll_run[:items].each_with_index do |item, item_index| item = item.transform_keys(&:to_sym) if item[:type] == 'paragraph' io.puts "<p><strong>#{item[:title]}</strong></p>" unless (item[:title] || '').strip.empty? io.puts "<p>#{item[:text]}</p>" unless (item[:text] || '').strip.empty? elsif item[:type] == 'radio' || item[:type] == 'checkbox' io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<strong>#{item[:title]}</strong>" if item[:type] == 'checkbox' io.puts " <em>(Mehrfachnennungen möglich)</em>" end io.puts "</p>" histogram = {} participants_for_answer = {} (0...item[:answers].size).each { |x| histogram[x] = 0 } responses.each do |entry| response = entry[:response] if item[:type] == 'radio' value = response[item_index.to_s] unless value.nil? unless histogram[value] STDERR.puts "Error evaluating poll: unknown value #{value} for #{item.to_json}!" next end histogram[value] += 1 participants_for_answer[value] ||= [] participants_for_answer[value] << entry[:email] end else (response[item_index.to_s] || []).each do |value| unless histogram[value] STDERR.puts "Error evaluating poll: unknown value #{value} for #{item.to_json}!" next end histogram[value] += 1 participants_for_answer[value] ||= [] participants_for_answer[value] << entry[:email] end end end sum = histogram.values.sum sum = 1 if sum == 0 io.puts "<table class='table'>" io.puts "<tbody>" (0...item[:answers].size).each do |answer_index| v = histogram[answer_index] io.puts "<tr class='pb-0'><td>#{item[:answers][answer_index]}</td><td style='text-align: right;'>#{v == 0 ? '–' : v}</td></tr>" io.puts "<tr class='noborder pdf-space-below'><td colspan='2'>" io.puts "<div class='progress'>" io.puts "<div class='progress-bar progress-bar-striped bg-info' role='progressbar' style='width: #{(v * 100.0 / sum).round}%' aria-valuenow='50' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuemax='100'><span>#{(v * 100.0 / sum).round}%</span></div>" io.puts "</div>" unless poll_run[:anonymous] if participants_for_answer[answer_index] io.puts "<em>#{(participants_for_answer[answer_index] || []).map { |x| poll_run[:participants][x]}.join(', ')}</em>" else io.puts "<em>–</em>" end end io.puts "</td></tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" elsif item[:type] == 'textarea' io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<strong>#{item[:title]}</strong>" io.puts "</p>" first_response = true responses.each do |entry| response = (entry[:response][item_index.to_s] || '').strip unless response.empty? io.puts "<hr />" unless first_response if poll_run[:anonymous] io.puts "<p>#{response}</p>" else io.puts "<p><em>#{poll_run[:participants][entry[:email]]}</em>: #{response}</p>" end first_response = false end end end end end unless poll_run[:anonymous] responses.each do |entry| if only_this_email next unless entry[:email] == only_this_email else io.puts "<div class='page-break'></div>" end io.puts "<h3>Einzelauswertung: #{poll_run[:participants][entry[:email]]}</h3>" poll_run[:items].each_with_index do |item, item_index| item = item.transform_keys(&:to_sym) if item[:type] == 'paragraph' io.puts "<p><strong>#{item[:title]}</strong></p>" unless (item[:title] || '').strip.empty? io.puts "<p>#{item[:text]}</p>" unless (item[:text] || '').strip.empty? elsif item[:type] == 'radio' io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<strong>#{item[:title]}</strong>" io.puts "</p>" answer = entry[:response][item_index.to_s] unless answer.nil? io.puts "<p>#{item[:answers][answer]}</p>" end elsif item[:type] == 'radio' || item[:type] == 'checkbox' io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<strong>#{item[:title]}</strong>" io.puts " <em>(Mehrfachnennungen möglich)</em>" io.puts "</p>" unless entry[:response][item_index.to_s].nil? io.puts "<p>" io.puts entry[:response][item_index.to_s].reject { |x| x.nil? }.map { |answer| item[:answers][answer]}.join(', ') io.puts "</p>" end elsif item[:type] == 'textarea' io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<strong>#{item[:title]}</strong>" io.puts "</p>" response = (entry[:response][item_index.to_s] || '').strip io.puts "<p>#{response}</p>" unless response.empty? end end end end # cm = {} # citems = (0...poll_run[:items].size).select do |item_index| # item = poll_run[:items][item_index].transform_keys(&:to_sym) # ['radio', 'checkbox'].include?(item[:type]) # { |x| x.to_s } # citems.each do |a| # citems.each do |b| # next if a == b # total = 0 # matches = 0 # responses.each do |response| # # now we're looking at responses by one person to questions a and b # va = response[:response][a] # vb = response[:response][b] # va = [va] unless va.is_a? Array # vb = [vb] unless vb.is_a? Array # va.each do |za| # key = "#{a}/#{za}" # cm[key] ||= 0 # cm[key] += 1 # vb.each do |zb| # key = "#{a}/#{za}-#{b}/#{zb}" # cm[key] ||= 0 # cm[key] += 1 # end # end # end # end # end # cm_final = {} # cm.keys.each do |k| # next unless k.include?('-') # match = cm[k] # total = cm[k.split('-').first] # cm_final[k] = match * 100.0 / total # end # # use_keys = do |x| # cm_final[x] >= 30.0 # end.sort do |a, b| # cm_final[b] <=> cm_final[a] # end # unless use_keys.empty? # io.puts "<div class='page-break'></div>" # io.puts "<h3>Korrelationen</h3>" # io.puts "<table class='table'>" # use_keys.each do |k| # k2 = k.split('-').map { |x| x.split('/') }.flatten # qa = poll_run[:items][k2[0].to_i]['title'] # aa = poll_run[:items][k2[0].to_i]['answers'][k2[1].to_i] # qb = poll_run[:items][k2[2].to_i]['title'] # ab = poll_run[:items][k2[2].to_i]['answers'][k2[3].to_i] # io.puts "<tr><td style='vertical-align: top;'>#{sprintf('%3d%%', cm_final[k])}</td><td><strong>#{qa}</strong><br />#{aa}<br /><strong>#{qb}</strong><br />#{ab}</td></tr>" # end # io.puts "</table>" # end io.string end end |
#print_ad_hoc_2fa_panel ⇒ Object
537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 537 def print_ad_hoc_2fa_panel() return '' unless admin_2fa_hotline_logged_in? require_admin_2fa_hotline! ts = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:ts => ts}) MATCH (ahr:AdHocTwoFaRequest)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(s:Session)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) WHERE $ts > ahr.ts_expire DETACH DELETE ahr; END_OF_QUERY users = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| x['u'] } MATCH (ahr:AdHocTwoFaRequest)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(s:Session)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) RETURN u; END_OF_QUERY return '' if users.empty? do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><b>Datentresor-Hotline</b></p>" io.puts "<hr />" users.each do |user| io.puts "<button class='bu_open_ad_hoc_2fa_request button btn btn-success' data-email='#{user[:email]}' data-name='#{@@user_info[user[:email]][:display_name]}'><i class='fa fa-phone'></i> #{@@user_info[user[:email]][:display_name_official]} <i class='fa fa-angle-double-right'></i></button>" end # io.puts "<div><span style='font-size: 200%; opacity: 0.7; float: left; margin-right: 8px;'><i class='fa fa-book'></i></span>#{n_to_s[@@bib_summoned_books[email].size] || 'Mehrere'} Bücher, die du ausgeliehen hast, #{@@bib_summoned_books[email].size == 1 ? 'wird' : 'werden'} dringend in der Bibliothek benötigt. Bitte bring #{@@bib_summoned_books[email].size == 1 ? 'es' : 'sie'} zurück und lege #{@@bib_summoned_books[email].size == 1 ? 'es' : 'sie'} ins <a target='_blank' href=''>Rückgaberegal</a> vor der Bibliothek.</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_admin_dashboard ⇒ Object
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 18 def print_admin_dashboard() require_admin! temp = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| {:session => x['s'], :email => x[''] } } MATCH (s:Session)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) RETURN s, END_OF_QUERY all_sessions = {} temp.each do |s| all_sessions[s[:email]] ||= [] all_sessions[s[:email]] << s[:session] end all_homeschooling_users = Main.get_all_homeschooling_users() users_with_telephone_number ="MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.telephone_number IS NOT NULL RETURN").map { |x| x['']}) users_with_otp ="MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.otp_token IS NOT NULL RETURN").map { |x| x['']}) twofa_status = {} (users_with_telephone_number | users_with_otp).each do |email| methods = [] methods << "<i class='fa fa-mobile'></i> SMS" if users_with_telephone_number.include?(email) methods << "<i class='fa fa-qrcode'></i> OTP" if users_with_otp.include?(email) twofa_status[email] = methods.join(' / ') end do |io| bolt_connections = neo4j_query("CALL dbms.listConnections();").size io.puts "<span style='float: right;'>SMS Gateway: #{Main.sms_gateway_ready? ? 'online' : 'offline'} / Aktive Bolt-Verbindungen: #{bolt_connections} / <a href='/schema'>Schema</a></span>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='#teachers'>Lehrerinnen und Lehrer</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='#sus'>Schülerinnen und Schüler</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='#external_users'>Externe Nutzer</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='#website'>Website</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='#tablets'>Tablets</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='#monitor'>Monitor</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='#bibliothek'>Bibliothek</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='/sus_ohne_kurse'>SuS ohne Kurse</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='/api/all_sus_logo_didact'>LDC: Alle SuS</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='/api/all_lul_logo_didact'>LDC: Alle Lehrkräfte</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='/api/all_sus_untis'>Untis: Alle SuS</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='/api/all_kurse_untis'>Untis: Alle Kurse</a>" io.puts "<a class='btn btn-secondary mb-1' href='/api/get_room_timetable_pdf'>Alle Raumpläne (PDF)</a>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<h3 id='teachers'>Lehrerinnen und Lehrer</h3>" io.puts "<div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" # io.puts "<th></th>" io.puts "<th>Kürzel</th>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th>Vorname</th>" io.puts "<th>E-Mail-Adresse</th>" io.puts "<th>Stundenplan</th>" io.puts "<th>Anmelden</th>" io.puts "<th>2FA</th>" io.puts "<th>Sessions</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" @@lehrer_order.each do |email| io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" user = @@user_info[email] # io.puts "<td>#{user_icon(email, 'avatar-md')}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user[:shorthand]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user[:last_name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user[:first_name]}</td>" if USE_MOCK_NAMES io.puts "<td>#{user[:first_name].downcase}.#{user[:last_name].downcase}@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}</td>" else io.print "<td>" print_email_field(io, user[:email]) io.puts "</td>" end io.puts "<td><a class='btn btn-xs btn-secondary' style='padding-top: 0.4em;' href='/timetable/#{user[:id]}'><i class='fa fa-calendar'></i> Stundenplan</a></td>" io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-warning btn-xs btn-impersonate' data-impersonate-email='#{user[:email]}'><i class='fa fa-id-badge'></i> Anmelden</button></td>" io.puts "<td>#{twofa_status[email]}</td>" if all_sessions.include?(email) io.puts "<td><button class='btn-sessions btn btn-xs btn-secondary' data-sessions-id='#{@@user_info[email][:id]}'>#{all_sessions[email].size} Session#{all_sessions[email].size == 1 ? '' : 's'}</button></td>" else io.puts "<td></td>" end io.puts "</tr>" (all_sessions[email] || []).each do |s| scrambled_sid = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(SESSION_SCRAMBLER + s[:sid]).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] io.puts "<tr class='session-row sessions-#{@@user_info[email][:id]}' style='display: none;'>" io.puts "<td colspan='4'></td>" io.puts "<td colspan='2'>" io.puts "#{s[:user_agent] || '(unbekanntes Gerät)'}" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-purge-session' data-email='#{email}' data-scrambled-sid='#{scrambled_sid}'>Abmelden</button>" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<h3 id='sus'>Schülerinnen und Schüler</h3>" io.puts "<div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" # io.puts "<th></th>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th>Vorname</th>" io.puts "<th>E-Mail-Adresse</th>" io.puts "<th>Stundenplan</th>" io.puts "<th>Anmelden</th>" # io.puts "<th>Homeschooling</th>" io.puts "<th>2FA</th>" io.puts "<th>Sessions</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th colspan='7'>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</th>" io.puts "</tr>" (@@schueler_for_klasse[klasse] || []).each do |email| io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" user = @@user_info[email] # io.puts "<td>#{user_icon(email, 'avatar-md')}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user[:last_name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user[:first_name]}</td>" io.print "<td>" print_email_field(io, user[:email]) io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td><a class='btn btn-xs btn-secondary' href='/timetable/#{user[:id]}'><i class='fa fa-calendar'></i> Stundenplan</a></td>" io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-warning btn-xs btn-impersonate' data-impersonate-email='#{user[:email]}'><i class='fa fa-id-badge'></i> Anmelden</button></td>" # if all_homeschooling_users.include?(email) # io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-info btn-xs btn-toggle-homeschooling' data-email='#{user[:email]}'><i class='fa fa-home'></i> zu Hause</button></td>" # else # io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-secondary btn-xs btn-toggle-homeschooling' data-email='#{user[:email]}'><i class='fa fa-building'></i> Präsenz</button></td>" # end io.puts "<td>#{twofa_status[email]}</td>" if all_sessions.include?(email) io.puts "<td><button class='btn-sessions btn btn-xs btn-secondary' data-sessions-id='#{@@user_info[email][:id]}'>#{all_sessions[email].size} Session#{all_sessions[email].size == 1 ? '' : 's'}</button></td>" else io.puts "<td></td>" end io.puts "</tr>" (all_sessions[email] || []).each do |s| scrambled_sid = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(SESSION_SCRAMBLER + s[:sid]).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] io.puts "<tr class='session-row sessions-#{@@user_info[email][:id]}' style='display: none;'>" io.puts "<td colspan='3'></td>" io.puts "<td colspan='2'>" io.puts "#{s[:user_agent] || '(unbekanntes Gerät)'}" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-purge-session' data-email='#{email}' data-scrambled-sid='#{scrambled_sid}'>Abmelden</button>" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end end end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<h3 id='external_users'>Externe Nutzer</h3>" io.puts "<div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" # io.puts "<th></th>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th>Vorname</th>" io.puts "<th>E-Mail-Adresse</th>" io.puts "<th>Anmelden</th>" io.puts "<th>2FA</th>" io.puts "<th>Sessions</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" @@user_info.keys.sort.each do |email| user = @@user_info[email] next if user[:roles].include?(:teacher) || user[:roles].include?(:schueler) io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" # io.puts "<td>#{user_icon(email, 'avatar-md')}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user[:last_name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user[:first_name]}</td>" if USE_MOCK_NAMES io.puts "<td>#{user[:first_name].downcase}.#{user[:last_name].downcase}@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}</td>" else io.print "<td>" print_email_field(io, user[:email]) io.puts "</td>" end io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-warning btn-xs btn-impersonate' data-impersonate-email='#{user[:email]}'><i class='fa fa-id-badge'></i> Anmelden</button></td>" io.puts "<td>#{twofa_status[email]}</td>" if all_sessions.include?(email) io.puts "<td><button class='btn-sessions btn btn-xs btn-secondary' data-sessions-id='#{@@user_info[email][:id]}'>#{all_sessions[email].size} Session#{all_sessions[email].size == 1 ? '' : 's'}</button></td>" else io.puts "<td></td>" end io.puts "</tr>" (all_sessions[email] || []).each do |s| scrambled_sid = Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(SESSION_SCRAMBLER + s[:sid]).to_i(16).to_s(36)[0, 16] io.puts "<tr class='session-row sessions-#{@@user_info[email][:id]}' style='display: none;'>" io.puts "<td colspan='4'></td>" io.puts "<td colspan='2'>" io.puts "#{s[:user_agent] || '(unbekanntes Gerät)'}" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-purge-session' data-email='#{email}' data-scrambled-sid='#{scrambled_sid}'>Abmelden</button>" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<hr>" io.puts "<h3 id='website'>Website</h3>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-secondary bu-refresh-staging'><i id='refresh-icon-staging' class='fa fa-refresh'></i> Vorschau-Seite aktualisieren</button>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu-refresh-live'><i id='refresh-icon-live' class='fa fa-refresh'></i> Live-Seite aktualisieren</button>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<h3 id='tablets'>Tablets</h3>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p>Mit einem Klick auf diesen Button können Sie dieses Gerät dauerhaft als Lehrer-Tablet anmelden.</p>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu_login_teacher_tablet'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Lehrer-Tablet-Modus aktivieren</button>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p>Bitte wählen Sie ein order mehrere Kürzel, um dieses Gerät dauerhaft als Kurs-Tablet anzumelden.</p>" @@shorthands.keys.sort.each do |shorthand| io.puts "<button class='btn-teacher-for-kurs-tablet-login btn btn-xs btn-outline-secondary' data-shorthand='#{shorthand}'>#{shorthand}</button>" end io.puts "<br /><br >" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu_login_kurs_tablet' disabled><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Kurs-Tablet-Modus aktivieren</button>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p>Bitte wählen Sie ein Tablet, um dieses Gerät dauerhaft als dieses Tablet anzumelden.</p>" @@tablets.keys.each do |id| tablet = @@tablets[id] io.puts "<button class='btn-tablet-login btn btn-xs btn-outline-secondary' data-id='#{id}' style='background-color: #{tablet[:bg_color]}; color: #{tablet[:fg_color]};'>#{id}</button>" end io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Typ</th>" io.puts "<th>Gerät</th>" io.puts "<th>Abmelden</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" get_sessions_for_user("lehrer.tablet@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}").each do |session| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>Lehrer-Tablet</td>" io.puts "<td>#{session[:user_agent]}</td>" io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-purge-session' data-email='lehrer.tablet@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}' data-scrambled-sid='#{session[:scrambled_sid]}'>Abmelden</button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" end get_sessions_for_user("kurs.tablet@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}").each do |session| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>Kurs-Tablet (#{(session[:shorthands] || []).sort.join(', ')})</td>" io.puts "<td>#{session[:user_agent]}</td>" io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-purge-session' data-email='kurs.tablet@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}' data-scrambled-sid='#{session[:scrambled_sid]}'>Abmelden</button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<h3 id='monitor'>Monitor</h3>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu-login-as-monitor'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Als Flur-Monitor anmelden</button>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu-login-as-monitor-sek'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Als Sek-Monitor anmelden</button>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu-login-as-monitor-lz'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Als LZ-Monitor anmelden</button>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<h3 id='bibliothek'>Bibliothek</h3>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu-login-as-bib-mobile'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Als Bibliotheks-Handy anmelden</button>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu-login-as-bib-station'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Als Bibliotheks-Station anmelden</button>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu-login-as-bib-station-with-printer'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Als Bibliotheks-Station mit Labeldrucker anmelden</button>" io.puts "<hr />" io.string end end |
#print_advent_calendar_css ⇒ Object
2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2581 def print_advent_calendar_css return '' unless user_logged_in? permutation = [18,2,7,5,8,23,21,15,10,14,11,20,4,9,17,0,19,3,1,12,6,22,16,13] xo = [1,2,3,4,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,0,1,2,3,4,5,0.5,1.5,2.5,3.5,4.5,1,2,3,4] yo = [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4] images = advent_calendar_images do |io| (0..23).each do |k| i = permutation[k] image = images[i] image = nil if i > advents_calendar_date_today() - 1 io.puts ".door.door#{i} {" io.puts " left: #{xo[k] * 17.5 + 0.5}vh;" io.puts " top: #{yo[k] * 17.5 + 0.1}vh;" io.puts " width: 17.5vh;" io.puts " height: 17.5vh;" io.puts "}" io.puts ".door.door#{i} .flip-card-front {" io.puts " background-image: url(/images/advent-calendar/doors/tiles-#{i}.png);" io.puts " background-size: cover;" io.puts "}" io.puts ".door.door#{i} .flip-card-back {" io.puts " background-image: url(#{images[i]});" io.puts " background-size: cover;" io.puts "}" end io.puts "@media (orientation: portrait) {" (0..23).each do |k| i = permutation[k] io.puts ".door.door#{i} {" io.puts " left: #{yo[k] * 18.277 + 0.1044}vw;" io.puts " top: #{xo[k] * 18.277 + 0.5222}vw;" io.puts " width: 18.277vw;" io.puts " height: 18.277vw;" io.puts "}" end io.puts "}" io.string end end |
#print_advent_calendar_doors ⇒ Object
2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2622 def print_advent_calendar_doors return '' unless user_logged_in? doors = get_open_doors_for_user() do |io| (0..23).each do |i| io.puts "<div data-door='#{i}' class='door door#{i} #{((doors >> i) & 1) > 0 ? 'open' : ''}'>" io.puts "<div class='flip-card-inner'>" io.puts "<div class='flip-card-front'></div>" io.puts "<div class='flip-card-back'></div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" end io.string end end |
#print_adventskalender_sidepanel ⇒ Object
2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2673 def print_adventskalender_sidepanel() require_user! do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<div>Adventskalender</div>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<button style='white-space: nowrap;' class='float-right btn btn-success bu-launch-adventskalender'>Adventskalender öffnen <i class='fa fa-angle-double-right'></i></button>" io.puts "<div style='clear: both;'></div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_all_kurse_untis ⇒ Object
395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 395 def print_all_kurse_untis require_admin! do |io| count = 0 @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| next unless ['11', '12'].include?(klasse) @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each do |email| @@kurse_for_schueler[email].each do |lesson_key| count += 1 user = @@user_info[email] parts = [] parts << "#{user[:last_name]}#{user[:first_name]}".gsub(' ', '').gsub('-', '').gsub(',', '') parts << "" parts << @@original_fach_for_lesson_key[lesson_key] || lesson_key parts << "" parts << "#{klasse}" parts << "" parts << "" parts << "" parts << "" parts << "" parts << @@original_fach_for_lesson_key[lesson_key] || lesson_key parts << "" parts << "1" io.puts { |x| '"' + x + '"'}.join("\t") end end end io.string end end |
#print_all_lul_logo_didact ⇒ Object
452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 452 def print_all_lul_logo_didact require_admin! do |io| @@lehrer_order.sort do |a, b| au = @@user_info[a] bu = @@user_info[b] au[:last_name].downcase <=> bu[:last_name].downcase end.each do |email| user = @@user_info[email] shorthand = user[:shorthand] shorthand = 'Mand' if shorthand == 'Man' io.puts "#{user[:last_name]};#{user[:first_name].strip.empty? ? user[:last_name] : user[:first_name]};#{shorthand}" end path = '/data/lehrer/extra-ldc-accounts.csv' if File.exist?(path) do |f| f.each_line do |line| io.puts line end end end io.string end end |
#print_all_sus_logo_didact ⇒ Object
432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 432 def print_all_sus_logo_didact require_admin! do |io| @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each do |email| user = @@user_info[email] next if user[:geburtstag].nil? geburtstag = "#{user[:geburtstag][8, 2]}.#{user[:geburtstag][5, 2]}.#{user[:geburtstag][0, 4]}" io.puts "#{user[:last_name]};#{user[:first_name]};#{user[:klasse]};#{user[:geschlecht]};#{geburtstag}" end end io.string end end |
#print_all_sus_untis ⇒ Object
358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 358 def print_all_sus_untis require_admin! do |io| count = 0 @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each do |email| count += 1 user = @@user_info[email] parts = [] parts << "#{user[:last_name]}#{user[:first_name]}".gsub(' ', '').gsub('-', '').gsub(',', '') parts << user[:last_name] parts << "" parts << "" parts << "" parts << "" parts << user[:geschlecht].upcase parts << user[:first_name] parts << "#{count}" parts << "#{user[:klasse]}" parts << "#{count}" parts << "" parts << "#{user[:geburtstag][0, 4]}#{user[:geburtstag][5, 2]}#{user[:geburtstag][8, 2]}" parts << "" # ["\"Mustermann\"", "\"Mustermann\"", "", "", "", "", "\"W\"", "\"Max\"", "\"1\"", "\"5a\"", "\"1\"", "", "\"19670101\"", "", "\r"] # io.puts "#{user[:last_name]}\t#{user[:first_name]}\t#{user[:klasse]}\t#{user[:geschlecht]}\t#{geburtstag}" io.puts { |x| '"' + x + '"'}.join("\t") end end io.string end end |
#print_all_users ⇒ Object
343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 343 def print_all_users require_admin! do |io| @@user_info.keys.sort.each do |email| io.puts "#{email} #{@@user_info[email][:nc_login]} #{@@user_info[email][:display_name]}" end io.string end end |
#print_all_users_informatik_biber ⇒ Object
757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 757 def print_all_users_informatik_biber require_admin! do |io| @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each do |email| user = @@user_info[email] biber_user_id = email biber_password = user[:biber_password] io.puts "#{Main.tr_klasse(user[:klasse])};#{user[:klasse].to_i};#{user[:first_name]};#{user[:last_name]};#{biber_user_id};#{biber_password};#{user[:geschlecht] == 'm' ? 'male' : 'female'}" end end @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| io.puts io.puts "Informatik-Biber Klasse #{Main.tr_klasse(klasse)}" io.puts '-' * "Informatik-Biber Klasse #{Main.tr_klasse(klasse)}".size io.puts io.puts "Anmeldung mit schulischer E-Mail-Adresse und 4-stelligem Passwort" io.puts @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each do |email| user = @@user_info[email] biber_user_id = email biber_password = user[:biber_password] io.puts "#{biber_password} #{user[:email]}" end end io.string end end |
#print_current_monitor_advent_calendar_images ⇒ Object
2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2638 def print_current_monitor_advent_calendar_images() images = advent_calendar_images today = advents_calendar_date_today() do |io| d = advents_calendar_date_today() - 4 d = 0 if d < 0 d = 19 if d > 19 (0..4).each do |x| i = d + x url = "/images/advent-calendar/doors/tiles-#{i}.png" if i <= today - 1 url = images[i] end io.puts "<img src='#{url}' />" end io.string end end |
#print_current_polls ⇒ Object
881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/poll.rb', line 881 def print_current_polls() require_user! today ='%Y-%m-%d') now ='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') email = @session_user[:email] entries = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => email, :today => today).map { |x| {:poll_run => x['pr'], :poll_title => x['p.title'], :organizer => x[''], :hidden => x['hidden'] } } MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[rt:IS_PARTICIPANT]->(pr:PollRun)-[:RUNS]->(p:Poll)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(a:User) WHERE COALESCE(rt.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(pr.deleted, false) = false AND COALESCE(p.deleted, false) = false AND $today >= pr.start_date AND $today <= pr.end_date AND pr.visible <> "no" RETURN pr, p.title,, COALESCE(rt.hide, FALSE) AS hidden ORDER BY pr.end_date, pr.end_time; END_OF_QUERY! do |entry| pr = entry[:poll_run] now >= "#{pr[:start_date]}T#{pr[:start_time]}:00" && now <= "#{pr[:end_date]}T#{pr[:end_time]}:00" end return '' if entries.empty? hidden_entries = { |x| x[:hidden] } do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" unless hidden_entries.empty? io.puts "<div class='hint hint_poll_hidden_indicator'>" io.puts "Ausgeblendete Umfragen: #{ { |x| x[:poll_title] }.join(', ')} <a id='show_hidden_polls' href='#'>(anzeigen)</a>" io.puts "</div>" end entries.each.with_index do |entry, _| io.puts "<div class='hint hint_poll' style='#{entry[:hidden] ? 'display: none;': ''}'>" poll_title = entry[:poll_title] poll_run = entry[:poll_run] organizer = entry[:organizer] io.puts "<div style='float: left; width: 36px; height: 36px; margin-right: 15px; position: relative; top: 5px; left: 4px;'>" io.puts user_icon(organizer, 'avatar-fill') io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<div>#{@@user_info[organizer][:display_name_official]} hat #{teacher_logged_in? ? 'Sie' : 'dich'} zu einer Umfrage eingeladen: <strong>#{poll_title}</strong>. #{teacher_logged_in? ? 'Sie können' : 'Du kannst'} bis zum #{Date.parse(poll_run[:end_date]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y')} um #{poll_run[:end_time]} Uhr teilnehmen (die Umfrage <span class='moment-countdown' data-target-timestamp='#{poll_run[:end_date]}T#{poll_run[:end_time]}:00' data-before-label='läuft noch' data-after-label='ist vorbei'></span>).</div>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<button style='white-space: nowrap;' class='float-right btn btn-success bu-launch-poll' data-poll-run-id='#{poll_run[:id]}'>Zur Umfrage <i class='fa fa-angle-double-right'></i></button>" io.puts "<div style='clear: both;'></div>" io.puts "</div>" end io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_dev_stats ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/development.rb', line 2 def print_dev_stats() require_user_with_role!(:developer) dark = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User {dark: true}) RETURN COUNT(u) AS userCount; END_OF_QUERY new_design = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY) MATCH (u:User {new_design: true}) RETURN COUNT(u) AS userCount; END_OF_QUERY do |io| io.puts "<h3>User, die Zugriff auf diese Seite haben</h3>" io.puts "<div class='row' style='margin-bottom: 15px;'><div class='col-md-12'>" io.puts "<table class='table narrow table-striped' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr><td>User</td></tr>" io.puts "</thead><tbody>" for tech_admin in @@users_for_role[:developer].uniq.sort do next unless @@user_info[tech_admin] display_name = @@user_info[tech_admin][:display_name] nc_login = @@user_info[tech_admin][:nc_login] io.puts "<tr><td><code><img src='#{NEXTCLOUD_URL}/index.php/avatar/#{nc_login}/256' class='icon avatar-md'> #{display_name}</code></td></tr>" end io.puts "</tbody></table>" io.puts "</div></div>" io.puts "<h3>Statistiken</h3>" io.puts "<p>Anzahl der Nutzer, die das neue Design nutzen: #{new_design[0]["userCount"]}</p>" io.puts "<p>Anzahl der Nutzer, die den Dark-Mode nutzen: #{dark[0]["userCount"]}</p>" io.puts "<h3>Phishing Status</h3>" io.puts "<code>" io.puts "<p>PHISHING_HINT_START = '#{PHISHING_HINT_START}'<br>PHISHING_HINT_END = '#{PHISHING_HINT_END}'</p>" io.puts "<p>PHISHING_START = '#{PHISHING_START}'<br>PHISHING_END = '#{PHISHING_END}'</p>" io.puts "<p>PHISHING_POLL_RUN_ID = '#{PHISHING_POLL_RUN_ID}'</p>" io.puts "<p>PHISHING_RECEIVING_DATE = '#{PHISHING_RECEIVING_DATE}'</p>" io.puts "</code>" io.string end end |
#print_email_accounts ⇒ Object
536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 536 def print_email_accounts() require_admin! do |io| all_marked_known = all_termination_dates = {} neo4j_query('MATCH (n:KnownEmailAddress) RETURN n;').each do |row| info = row['n'] email = info[:email] if info[:known] all_marked_known << email end if info[:scheduled_termination] all_termination_dates[email] = info[:scheduled_termination] end end'MATCH (n:KnownEmailAddress {known: true}) RETURN;').map { |x| x[''] }) email_addresses = @@current_email_addresses required_email_addresses = [] data_for_required_email_address = {} @@user_info.each_pair do |email, info| next unless email.include?(SMTP_DOMAIN) required_email_addresses << email if info[:teacher] data_for_required_email_address[email] = { :first_name => info[:first_name], :last_name => info[:last_name], :email => email, :password => Main.gen_password_for_email(email) } else data_for_required_email_address[email] = { :first_name => info[:first_name], :last_name => info[:last_name], :email => email, :password => Main.gen_password_for_email(email) } eltern_email = "eltern.#{email}" required_email_addresses << eltern_email data_for_required_email_address[eltern_email] = { :first_name => '', :last_name => info[:last_name], :email => eltern_email, :password => Main.gen_password_for_email(eltern_email) } end end @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| email = "ev.#{klasse}@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}" data_for_required_email_address[email] = { :first_name => '', :last_name => "Elternvertreter:innen #{klasse}", :email => email, :password => Main.gen_password_for_email(email + } end @@mailing_lists.keys.each { |email| required_email_addresses << email } @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| required_email_addresses << "ev.#{klasse}@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}" end known_email_association = {} email_addresses.each do |email| if @@user_info.include?(email) if @@user_info[email][:teacher] known_email_association[email] = :teacher else known_email_association[email] = :sus end elsif email[0, 7] == 'eltern.' && @@user_info.include?(email.sub('eltern.', '')) known_email_association[email] = :parents elsif @@mailing_lists.include?(email) known_email_association[email] = :mailing_list elsif email[0, 3] == 'ev.' && @@klassen_order.include?(email.split('@').first.sub('ev.', '')) known_email_association[email] = :ev end end required_email_addresses = ( - unknown_addresses = email_addresses.reject { |email| known_email_association.include?(email) } io.puts "<h3>Fehlende Postfächer</h3>" # io.puts "<table class='table'>" # io.puts "<tr><th>E-Mail-Adresse</th></tr>" # required_email_addresses.each do |email| # io.puts "<tr>" # io.puts "<td>#{email}</td>" # io.puts "</tr>" # end # io.puts "</table>" io.puts "<pre>" required_email_addresses.each do |email| if data_for_required_email_address[email] io.puts data_for_required_email_address[email].to_json + ',' else io.puts "// no data for #{email}" end end io.puts "</pre>" io.puts "<hr />" today_str ='%Y-%m-%d') [false, true].each do |known| if known io.puts "<h3>Bekannte Postfächer</h3>" else io.puts "<h3>Unbekannte / nicht mehr benötigte Postfächer</h3>" end io.puts "<table class='table'>" io.puts "<tr><th>E-Mail-Adresse</th><th></th></tr>" unknown_addresses.sort.each do |email| next unless all_marked_known.include?(email) == known io.puts "<tr>" classes = '' if all_termination_dates[email] if (today_str <= all_termination_dates[email]) classes = 'bg-warning' else classes = 'bg-danger' end end io.puts "<td class='#{classes}'>" io.puts "#{email}" if all_termination_dates[email] io.puts "(Löschung zum #{all_termination_dates[email]})" end io.puts "<td>" io.puts "<td>" if known io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-warning bu-mark-unknown-address' data-email='#{email}'>Unbekannt</button>" else io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-success bu-mark-known-address' data-email='#{email}'>Bekannt</button>" unless all_termination_dates[email] io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger bu-mark-for-termination' data-email='#{email}' data-weeks='4'>Löschen in 4 Wochen</button>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger bu-mark-for-termination' data-email='#{email}' data-weeks='1'>Löschen in 1 Woche</button>" end end if all_termination_dates[email] io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-warning bu-unmark-for-termination' data-email='#{email}'>Nicht löschen</button>" end io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "<hr />" end io.string end end |
#print_email_field(io, email) ⇒ Object
2265 2266 2267 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2265 def print_email_field(io, email) io.puts "<div class='input-group'><input type='text' class='form-control' readonly value='#{email}' style='min-width: 100px;' /><div class='input-group-append'><button class='btn btn-secondary btn-clipboard' data-clipboard-action='copy' title='Eintrag in die Zwischenablage kopieren' data-clipboard-text='#{email}'><i class='fa fa-clipboard'></i></button></div></div>" end |
#print_free_projekt_spots ⇒ Object
618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 618 def print_free_projekt_spots require_user! do |io| projekt_for_email = {} projekte = {} neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (u:User)-[:ASSIGNED_TO]->(p:Projekt) RETURN,, p; END_OF_QUERY email = row[''] projekt_for_email[row['']] = row[''] projekte[row['']] ||= row['p'] end sus_for_projekt = {} projekt_for_email.each_pair do |email, nr| sus_for_projekt[nr] ||= [] sus_for_projekt[nr] << email end io.puts "<h4>Freie Plätze in anderen Projekten</h4>" io.puts "<p>Wenn du lieber in ein anderes Projekt wechseln möchtest, schreib einfach eine E-Mail bis <strong>Mittwoch, den 10. Juli um 16:00 Uhr</strong> an <a href='mailto:#{WEBSITE_MAINTAINER_EMAIL}'>#{WEBSITE_MAINTAINER_EMAIL}</a>. Momentan sind noch folgende Plätze frei:</p>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm table-striped' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Projekt</th>" io.puts "<th>Klasse</th>" io.puts "<th>Freie Plätze</th>" io.puts "</tr>" projekte.each_pair do |nr, projekt| if sus_for_projekt[nr].size < projekt[:capacity] io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{projekt[:title]}</td>" if projekt[:min_klasse] == projekt[:max_klasse] io.puts "<td>nur #{tr_klasse(projekt[:min_klasse])}. Klasse</td>" else io.puts "<td>#{tr_klasse(projekt[:min_klasse])}. – #{tr_klasse(projekt[:max_klasse])}. Klasse</td>" end io.puts "<td>#{projekt[:capacity] - sus_for_projekt[nr].size} von #{projekt[:capacity]} frei</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_gev_table ⇒ Object
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/gev.rb', line 3 def print_gev_table() assert(gev_logged_in?) temp = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| { :email => x[''], :name => x['u.ev_name'] } } MATCH (u:User {ev: true}) RETURN, u.ev_name; END_OF_QUERY gev = name_for_email = {} temp.each do |row| gev << row[:email] name_for_email[row[:email]] = row[:name] end gev.each do |email| if @@user_info[email].nil? deliver_mail do to @@users_for_role[:gev] bcc SMTP_FROM from SMTP_FROM subject "Elternsprecher entfernt" do |io| io.puts "<p>Hallo!</p>" io.puts "<p>Die Eltern von #{email} (#{name_for_email[email]}) wurden als Elternsprecher entfernt, da die Schülerin / der Schüler nicht mehr an der Schule ist.</p>" io.puts "<p>Viele Grüße,<br />#{WEBSITE_MAINTAINER_NAME}</p>" io.string end end temp = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => email}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) REMOVE u.ev REMOVE u.ev_name; END_OF_QUERY gev.delete(email) end end gev = gev.to_a.sort do |a, b| (@@user_info[a][:klasse] == @@user_info[b][:klasse]) ? (@@user_info[a][:last_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:last_name]) : ((KLASSEN_ORDER.index(@@user_info[a][:klasse]) || 0) <=> (KLASSEN_ORDER.index(@@user_info[b][:klasse]) || 0)) end do |io| io.puts "<div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Elternvertreter:innen</th>" io.puts "<th>Klasse</th>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th></th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" gev.each do |email| io.puts "<tr class='user_row' data-email='#{email}'>" user = @@user_info[email] io.puts "<td>Eltern von #{user[:display_name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{tr_klasse(user[:klasse])}</td>" io.puts "<td><input type='text' class='form-control ti_name' value='#{name_for_email[email]}'/></td>" io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger bu-remove-ev'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i> Löschen</button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_lehrbuchverein_table ⇒ Object
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lehrbuchverein.rb', line 50 def print_lehrbuchverein_table() assert(can_manage_bib_members_logged_in? || can_manage_bib_payment_logged_in?) temp = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| { :email => x[''] } } MATCH (u:User {lmv_no_pay: true}) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY no_pay = temp.each do |row| no_pay << row[:email] end temp = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:jahr => LEHRBUCHVEREIN_JAHR}).map { |x| { :email => x[''] } } MATCH (u:User)-[:PAID_FOR]->(j:Lehrbuchvereinsjahr {jahr: $jahr}) RETURN; END_OF_QUERY paid = temp.each do |row| paid << row[:email] end do |io| io.puts "<div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th>Vorname</th>" io.puts "<th>Klasse</th>" if can_manage_bib_members_logged_in? io.puts "<th>Bezahlt für #{LEHRBUCHVEREIN_JAHR}/#{(LEHRBUCHVEREIN_JAHR % 100) + 1}</th>" io.puts "<th>Zahlungsbefreit</th>" io.puts "<th>Selbstzahler</th>" end io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" all_schueler = [] @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| (@@schueler_for_klasse[klasse] || []).each do |email| all_schueler << email end end # all_schueler.sort! do |a, b| # @@user_info[a][:last_name] == @@user_info[b][:last_name] ? # (@@user_info[a][:first_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:first_name]) : # (@@user_info[a][:last_name] <=> @@user_info[b][:last_name]) # end all_schueler.each do |email| unless can_manage_bib_members_logged_in? next unless mitglieder.include?(email) end state = 0 state += 1 if paid.include?(email) state += 2 if no_pay.include?(email) # state += 4 if [5, 6].include?(((@@user_info[email] || {})[:klasse] || '').to_i) io.puts "<tr class='user_row' data-email='#{email}'>" user = @@user_info[email] io.puts "<td>#{user[:last_name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{user[:first_name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{tr_klasse(user[:klasse])}</td>" if can_manage_bib_members_logged_in? io.puts "<td>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs #{((state >> 0) & 1) == 1 ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-outline-secondary'} bu_toggle_paid'>bezahlt für #{LEHRBUCHVEREIN_JAHR}/#{(LEHRBUCHVEREIN_JAHR % 100) + 1}</button>" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs #{(((state >> 1) & 1) == 1) || (((state >> 2) & 1) == 1) ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-outline-secondary'} bu_toggle_no_pay' #{state & 4 == 4 ? 'disabled' : ''}>zahlungsbefreit</button>" io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs #{state == 0 ? 'btn-danger' : 'btn-outline-secondary'} bu_no_book_for_you disabled'>Selbstzahler</button>" io.puts "</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_lehrerzimmer_panel ⇒ Object
2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2273 def print_lehrerzimmer_panel() require_user! return '' unless teacher_logged_in? return '' if teacher_tablet_logged_in? do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint lehrerzimmer-panel'>" io.puts "<div class='hide-sm'>" io.puts "<div style='padding-top: 7px;'>Momentan im Jitsi-Lehrerzimmer: " rooms = current_jitsi_rooms() nobody_here = true users = [] if rooms rooms.each do |room| if room['roomName'] == 'lehrerzimmer' room['participants'].sort do |a, b| a['displayName'].downcase.sub('herr', '').sub('frau', '').sub('dr.', '').strip <=> b['displayName'].downcase.sub('herr', '').sub('frau', '').sub('dr.', '').strip end.each do |participant| email = participant['email'] users << email if @@user_info[email] && @@user_info[email][:teacher] io.puts "<span class='btn btn-xs ttc'>#{@@user_info[email][:shorthand]}</span>" nobody_here = false end end end end end if nobody_here io.puts "<em>niemand</em>" end io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<div class='hide-non-sm'>" users.each do |email| if @@user_info[email] && @@user_info[email][:teacher] # io.puts "<span class='btn btn-xs ttc'>#{@@user_info[email][:shorthand]}</span>" io.puts "<div style='margin-right: 5px; display: inline-block; position: relative; top: 5px; background-image: url(#{NEXTCLOUD_URL}/index.php/avatar/#{@@user_info[email][:nc_login]}/128), url();' class='avatar-md'></div>" end end io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<a href='/jitsi/Lehrerzimmer' target='_blank' style='white-space: nowrap;' class='float-right btn btn-success'><i class='fa fa-microphone'></i> Lehrerzimmer <i class='fa fa-angle-double-right'></i></a>" io.puts "<div style='clear: both;'></div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_lesson_keys_history ⇒ Object
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/admin.rb', line 291 def print_lesson_keys_history require_admin! do |io| start_dates = @@lessons[:timetables].keys.sort data = {} start_dates.each do |start_date| @@lessons[:timetables][start_date].each_pair do |lesson_key, info| info[:stunden].each_pair do |dow, info2| info2.each_pair do |stunde, info3| klassen = info3[:klassen] lehrer = info3[:lehrer] fach = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key][:fach] klassen.each do |klasse| data[klasse] ||= {} data[klasse][fach] ||= {} data[klasse][fach][start_date] ||= {} lehrer.each do |l| data[klasse][fach][start_date][l] = true end end end end end end KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| next if klasse.to_i > 10 io.puts "<h3>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</h3>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped table-sm'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>ab</th>" data[klasse].keys.sort.each do |fach| io.puts "<th>#{fach}</th>" end io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" start_dates.each do |start_date| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{start_date}</td>" data[klasse].keys.sort.each do |fach| io.puts "<td>#{(data[klasse][fach][start_date] || {'-' => true}).keys.sort.join(', ')}</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" end io.string end end |
#print_light_structure ⇒ Object
post '/api/create_aula_lights' do
data = parse_request_data(:required_keys => [:dmx, :number])
neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :dmx => data[:dmx], :desk => data[:desk])
CREATE (e:AulaLight)
SET e.dmx = $dmx
respond(:result => 'lefromage')
238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/aula.rb', line 238 def print_light_structure() require_user_who_can_use_aula! file_path = "/internal/aula_light/current_config.txt" if File.exist?(file_path) current_config = else current_config = "" end do |io| io.puts "#{current_config}" io.string end end |
#print_login_ranking ⇒ Object
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/stats.rb', line 91 def print_login_ranking() stats = get_login_stats() klassen_stats = {} @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| klassen_stats[klasse] = 100 * stats[klasse][:count][LOGIN_STATS_D.last].to_f / stats[klasse][:total] if stats[klasse][:count][LOGIN_STATS_D.last] == stats[klasse][:total] neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :klasse => klasse, :timestamp => MERGE (n:KlasseKomplett {klasse: $klasse}) ON CREATE SET n.timestamp = $timestamp END_OF_QUERY end end klassen_ranking = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).map { |x| x['n.klasse'] } MERGE (n:KlasseKomplett) RETURN n.klasse ORDER BY n.timestamp ASC; END_OF_QUERY now = do |io| io.puts "<p style='text-align: center;'>" io.puts "<em>Die ersten Klassen sind komplett im Dashboard angemeldet.<br />Herzlichen Glückwunsch an die Klassen #{join_with_sep( { |x| '<b>' + (tr_klasse(x) || '') + '</b>' }, ', ', ' und ')}!</em>" io.puts "</p>" klassen_stats.keys.sort do |a, b| va = sprintf('%020d%020d', 1000 - (klassen_ranking.index(a) || 1000), klassen_stats[a] * 1000) vb = sprintf('%020d%020d', 1000 - (klassen_ranking.index(b) || 1000), klassen_stats[b] * 1000) vb <=> va end.each.with_index do |klasse, index| place = "#{index + 1}." percent = klassen_stats[klasse] bgcol = get_gradient(['#cc0000', '#f4951b', '#ffe617', '#80bc42'], percent / 100.0) c = '' star_span = '' if stats[klasse][:count][LOGIN_STATS_D.last] == stats[klasse][:total] c = 'complete' star_span = "<i class='fa fa-star'></i>" else place = '' end io.puts "<span class='ranking #{c}' style='background-color: #{bgcol};'>#{star_span}<span class='klasse'>#{tr_klasse(klasse)}</span><span class='percent'>#{percent.to_i}%</span>" io.puts "<span class='place'>#{place}</span>" unless place.empty? io.puts "</span>" end io.string end end |
#print_mailing_list(io, list_email) ⇒ Object
791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 791 def print_mailing_list(io, list_email) return unless @@mailing_lists.include?(list_email) io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" info = @@mailing_lists[list_email] io.puts "<td class='list_email_label'>#{info[:label]}</td>" io.puts "<td>" print_email_field(io, list_email) io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td style='text-align: right;'><button data-list-email='#{list_email}' class='btn btn-warning btn-sm bu-toggle-adresses'>#{info[:recipients].size} Adressen <i class='fa fa-chevron-down'></i></button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "<tbody style='display: none;' class='list_email_emails' data-list-email='#{list_email}'>" emails = [] info[:recipients].sort do |a, b| an = ((@@user_info[a.sub(/^eltern\./, '')] || {})[:display_name] || '').downcase bn = ((@@user_info[b.sub(/^eltern\./, '')] || {})[:display_name] || '').downcase an <=> bn end.each do |email| emails << email name = (@@user_info[email] || {})[:display_name] || '' if email[0, 7] == 'eltern.' name = (@@user_info[email.sub('eltern.', '')] || {})[:display_name] || '' name = "Eltern von #{name}" end io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" io.puts "<td>#{name}</td>" io.puts "<td colspan='2'>" print_email_field(io, email) io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" io.puts "<td>Bei Verteiler-Ausfall (bitte in BCC)</td>" io.puts "<td colspan='2'>" print_email_field(io, emails.join('; ')) io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</tbody>" end |
#print_mailing_lists ⇒ Object
830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 830 def print_mailing_lists() do |io| io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" remaining_mailing_lists = @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| io.puts "<tr><th colspan='3'>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</th></tr>" ["klasse.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}", "eltern.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}", "lehrer.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}"].each do |list_email| print_mailing_list(io, list_email) remaining_mailing_lists.delete(list_email) end if ['11', '12'].include?(klasse) ['gr', 'it'].each do |group_af| ['', '.eltern'].each do |extra| list_email = "antikenfahrt.#{group_af}#{extra}.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}" if @@mailing_lists[list_email] print_mailing_list(io, list_email) remaining_mailing_lists.delete(list_email) end end end end if ['5', '6'].include?(klasse) ['nawi', 'gewi', 'musik', 'medien'].each do |group_ft| ['', '.eltern'].each do |extra| list_email = "forschertage.#{group_ft}#{extra}.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}" if @@mailing_lists[list_email] print_mailing_list(io, list_email) remaining_mailing_lists.delete(list_email) end end end end end io.puts "<tr><th colspan='3'>Klassenleiter-Teams</th></tr>" [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].each do |klasse| list_email = "team.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}" print_mailing_list(io, list_email) remaining_mailing_lists.delete(list_email) end print_mailing_list(io, "kl@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}") remaining_mailing_lists.delete("kl@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}") io.puts "<tr><th colspan='3'>Gesamte Schule</th></tr>" ["sus@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}", "lehrer@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}", "eltern@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}", "ev@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}", ].each do |list_email| print_mailing_list(io, list_email) remaining_mailing_lists.delete(list_email) end io.puts "<tr><th colspan='3'>Forschertage</th></tr>" [5, 6].each do |klasse| ['gewi', 'medien', 'musik', 'nawi'].each do |group_ft| ['', '.eltern'].each do |extra| list_email = "forschertage.#{group_ft}#{extra}.#{klasse}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}" if @@mailing_lists[list_email] print_mailing_list(io, list_email) remaining_mailing_lists.delete(list_email) end end end end unless remaining_mailing_lists.empty? io.puts "<tr><th colspan='3'>Weitere E-Mail-Verteiler</th></tr>" remaining_mailing_lists.to_a.sort do |a, b| ia = @@mailing_lists[a] ib = @@mailing_lists[b] ia[:label].downcase <=> ib[:label].downcase end.each do |list_email| print_mailing_list(io, list_email) end end io.puts "</table>" io.string end end |
#print_maze_defs ⇒ Object
729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/cypher.rb', line 729 def print_maze_defs() room_heights = [ [1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 2], [1, 3, 2], [2, 5, 4], [1, 4, 3], [1, 3, 2], [2, 5, 3], [1, 4, 2], [2, 3, 2], [1, 2, 1], ] do |io| font = JSON.parse('maze-font-processed.json')) cypher_content() word = @cypher_next_password.upcase.gsub(/[^A-Z]/, '') bitmap = [] depth = 7 width = 1 height = 1 z0 = 1 z1 = 3 tz = 2 x0 = nil x1 = nil y0 = nil y1 = nil sections = [] tunnel_length = 16 [:test, :for_real].each do |mode| ox = 0 oy = 0 if mode == :for_real x0 -= 1 y0 -= 1 x1 += 1 y1 += 1 width = x1 - x0 + 1 height = y1 - y0 + 1 (0...depth).each do |z| level = [] (0...height).each do |y| level << '1' * width end bitmap << level end end (0...word.size).each do |i0| z0 = room_heights[i0][0] z1 = room_heights[i0][1] tz = room_heights[i0][2] i1 = i0 + 1 c0 = word[i0] c1 = word[i1] font[c0]['cells'].each do |pair| x = pair[0] + ox y = pair[1] + oy if mode == :test x0 ||= x x0 = x if x < x0 x1 ||= x x1 = x if x > x1 y0 ||= y y0 = y if y < y0 y1 ||= y y1 = y if y > y1 else (z0..z1).each do |z| bitmap[z][y - y0][x - x0] = '0' if z == tz if i0 == 0 if x - ox == font[c0]['entry'][0] && y - oy == font[c0]['entry'][1] bitmap[z][y - y0][x - x0] = 'A' end if x - ox - 1 == font[c0]['entry'][0] && y - oy == font[c0]['entry'][1] bitmap[z][y - y0][x - x0] = 'B' end end if x - ox == font[c0]['exit'][0] && y - oy == font[c0]['exit'][1] if i0 > 0 sections << x - x0 - tunnel_length + 2 if mode == :for_real end sections << x - x0 + 1 if mode == :for_real end end end end end if i1 < word.size (1...tunnel_length).each do |dx| x = font[c0]['exit'][0] + dx + ox y = font[c0]['exit'][1] + oy if mode == :for_real bitmap[tz][y - y0][x - x0] = '0' end end ox += font[c0]['exit'][0] - font[c1]['entry'][0] + tunnel_length oy += font[c0]['exit'][1] - font[c1]['entry'][1] end end end sections << bitmap[0][0].size io.puts '<script type="text/plain" id="level">' bitmap.each do |level| level.each do |row| row.each_char do |c| if c == '0' io.print ((0...13).to_a.sample + 'a'.ord).chr elsif c == '1' io.print ((0...13).to_a.sample + 13 + 'a'.ord).chr else io.print c end end io.puts end io.puts end io.puts "</script>" io.puts '<script type="text/plain" id="level_sectors">' io.puts sections.to_json io.puts "</script>" io.string end end |
#print_password_field(io, password) ⇒ Object
2269 2270 2271 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2269 def print_password_field(io, password) io.puts "<div class='input-group'><input type='password' class='form-control' readonly value='#{password}' style='min-width: 50px;' /><div class='input-group-append'><button class='btn btn-secondary btn-clipboard' data-clipboard-action='copy' title='Eintrag in die Zwischenablage kopieren' data-clipboard-text='#{password}'><i class='fa fa-clipboard'></i></button></div></div>" end |
#print_pending_pk5_invitations_incoming(user_email) ⇒ Object
399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/pk5.rb', line 399 def print_pending_pk5_invitations_incoming(user_email) pending_invitations = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => user_email}).to_a MATCH (ou:User)<-[:BELONGS_TO]-(p:Pk5)-[r:INVITATION_FOR]->(u:User {email: $email}) RETURN, ID(p) AS id; END_OF_QUERY return '' if pending_invitations.empty? do |io| io.puts "<hr>" invitations = {} pending_invitations.each do |row| invitations[row['id']] ||= [] invitations[row['id']] << row[''] end invitations.values.each do |emails| io.puts "<p>Du hast eine Einladung von <strong>#{join_with_sep( { |x| @@user_info[x][:display_name]}, ', ', ' und ')}</strong> für eine Gruppenprüfung erhalten.</p>" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-success bu-accept-invitation' data-email='#{emails.first}'><i class='fa fa-check'></i> Einladung annehmen</button>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-danger bu-reject-invitation' data-email='#{emails.first}'><i class='fa fa-times'></i> Einladung ablehnen</button>" io.puts "</p>" end io.puts "<hr>" io.string end end |
#print_phishing_groups_table ⇒ Object
144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/phishing.rb', line 144 def print_phishing_groups_table nutzerzahlen = { maennlich: { "5/6" => 0, "7/8" => 0, "9/10" => 0, "11/12" => 0, "Lehrkraft" => 0 }, weiblich: { "5/6" => 0, "7/8" => 0, "9/10" => 0, "11/12" => 0, "Lehrkraft" => 0 } } @@user_info.each_value do |user| if user_has_role(user[:email], :teacher) if user[:geschlecht] == 'm' nutzerzahlen[:maennlich]["Lehrkraft"] += 1 elsif user[:geschlecht] == 'w' nutzerzahlen[:weiblich]["Lehrkraft"] += 1 end elsif user_has_role(user[:email], :schueler) klassenstufe = user[:klassenstufe] || 7 gruppe = "#{klassenstufe <= 6 ? '5/6' : klassenstufe <= 8 ? '7/8' : klassenstufe <= 10 ? '9/10' : '11/12'}" if user[:geschlecht] == 'm' nutzerzahlen[:maennlich][gruppe] += 1 elsif user[:geschlecht] == 'w' nutzerzahlen[:weiblich][gruppe] += 1 end end end current_group = teacher_logged_in? ? "Lehrkraft" : "#{@session_user[:klassenstufe] <= 6 ? '5/6' : @session_user[:klassenstufe] <= 8 ? '7/8' : @session_user[:klassenstufe] <= 10 ? '9/10' : '11/12'}" current_gender = @session_user[:geschlecht] == 'm' ? :maennlich : :weiblich return do |io| io.puts "<p> Du warst für die Statistik in folgender der zehn Gruppen: <b>#{current_group}, #{current_gender == :maennlich ? 'männlich' : current_gender}</b> <div class='row'> <div class='col-md-12'> <div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'> <table class='table narrow'> <thead> <tr> <th>Geschlecht</th> <th>Klassenstufe</th> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>männlich (#{nutzerzahlen[:maennlich].values.sum})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :maennlich && current_group == '5/6'}'>5/6 (#{nutzerzahlen[:maennlich]["5/6"]})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :maennlich && current_group == '7/8'}'>7/8 (#{nutzerzahlen[:maennlich]["7/8"]})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :maennlich && current_group == '9/10'}'>9/10 (#{nutzerzahlen[:maennlich]["9/10"]})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :maennlich && current_group == '11/12'}'>11/12 (#{nutzerzahlen[:maennlich]["11/12"]})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :maennlich && current_group == 'Lehrkraft'}'>Lehrkraft (#{nutzerzahlen[:maennlich]["Lehrkraft"]})</td> </tr> <tr> <td>weiblich (#{nutzerzahlen[:weiblich].values.sum})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :weiblich && current_group == '5/6'}'>5/6 (#{nutzerzahlen[:weiblich]["5/6"]})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :weiblich && current_group == '7/8'}'>7/8 (#{nutzerzahlen[:weiblich]["7/8"]})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :weiblich && current_group == '9/10'}'>9/10 (#{nutzerzahlen[:weiblich]["9/10"]})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :weiblich && current_group == '11/12'}'>11/12 (#{nutzerzahlen[:weiblich]["11/12"]})</td> <td class='#{'marked' if current_gender == :weiblich && current_group == 'Lehrkraft'}'>Lehrkraft (#{nutzerzahlen[:weiblich]["Lehrkraft"]})</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </p>" io.string end end |
#print_phishing_mail ⇒ Object
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/phishing.rb', line 2 def print_phishing_mail require_user! us = "<div class='text-comment'> <div class='from'> <h4><mark title='Rechtschreibfehler'>Dein</mark> E-Mail-Adresse wurde für eine Löschung markiert</h4> <p> <b>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</b> <noreply@<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>><br> <b>Via</b> '<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>'<br> <b>An</b> #{@session_user[:email]}<br> </p> <p> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Allen antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-success'>Weiterleiten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-danger'>Löschen</button> </p> </div> <div class='message'> <p>Hallo!</p> <p>Da Deine E-Mail-Adresse in der Datenbank nicht mehr vorkommt, wurde <mark title='Rechtschreibfehler'>es</mark> für eine <b>Löschung</b> markiert.</p> <p><mark title='Drohung' class='threat'>Bitte melde <mark title='Rechtschreibfehler'>dich sich</mark> über diesen <a href='phishing'>Link</a> im Dashboard an, wenn du den Vorgang abbrechen möchtest.</mark></p> <p>Der Link ist personalisiert und enthält persönliche Infos, gib diesen Link auf keinen Fall weiter.</p> <p>Wenn du alle Schritte richtig gemacht hast leuchtet dieser <mark title='Rechtschreibfehler'>Hacken</mark> grün auf: ☑️</p> </div> </div>" ms1 = "<div class='text-comment'> <div class='from'> <h4>Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde für eine Löschung markiert</h4> <p> <b>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</b> <noreply@<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>><br> <b>Via</b> '<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>'<br> <b>An</b> #{@session_user[:email]}<br> </p> <p> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Allen antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-success'>Weiterleiten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-danger'>Löschen</button> </p> </div> <div class='message'> <p>Hallo!</p> <p>Da Deine E-Mail-Adresse in der Datenbank nicht mehr vorkommt, wurde sie für eine <b>Löschung</b> markiert.</p> <p><mark title='Drohung' class='threat'>Bitte melde <mark title='Rechtschreibfehler'>dich sich</mark> über diesen <a href='phishing'>Link</a> im Dashboard an, wenn du den Vorgang abbrechen möchtest.</mark></p> <p>Der Link ist personalisiert und enthält persönliche Infos, gib diesen Link auf keinen Fall weiter.</p> <p>Viele Grüße,<br>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</p> </div> </div>" ms2 = "<div class='text-comment'> <div class='from'> <h4>Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde für eine Löschung markiert</h4> <p> <b>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</b> <noreply@<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>><br> <b>Via</b> '<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>'<br> <b>An</b> #{@session_user[:email]}<br> </p> <p> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Allen antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-success'>Weiterleiten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-danger'>Löschen</button> </p> </div> <div class='message'> <p>Hallo!</p> <p>Da Deine E-Mail-Adresse in der Datenbank nicht mehr vorkommt, wurde sie für eine <b>Löschung</b> markiert.</p> <p><mark title='Drohung' class='threat'>Bitte melde dich über diesen <a href='phishing'>Link</a> im Dashboard an, wenn du den Vorgang abbrechen möchtest.</mark></p> <p>Der Link ist personalisiert und enthält persönliche Infos, gib diesen Link auf keinen Fall weiter.</p> <p>Viele Grüße,<br>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</p> </div> </div>" os = "<div class='text-comment'> <div class='from'> <h4>Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde für eine Löschung markiert</h4> <p> <b>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</b> <noreply@<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>><br> <b>Via</b> '<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>'<br> <b>An</b> #{@session_user[:email]}<br> </p> <p> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Allen antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-success'>Weiterleiten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-danger'>Löschen</button> </p> </div> <div class='message'> <p>Hallo!</p> <p>Da Deine E-Mail-Adresse in der Datenbank nicht mehr vorkommt, wurde sie für eine <b>Löschung</b> markiert.</p> <p><mark title='Drohung' class='threat'>Bitte melde dich über diesen <a href='phishing'>Link</a> im Dashboard an, wenn du den Vorgang abbrechen möchtest.</mark></p> <p>Der Link ist personalisiert und enthält persönliche Infos, gib diesen Link auf keinen Fall weiter.</p> <p>Viele Grüße,<br>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</p> </div> </div>" teacher = "<div class='text-comment'> <div class='from'> <h4>Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde für eine Löschung markiert</h4> <p> <b>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</b> <noreply@<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>><br> <b>Via</b> '<mark title='Keine offizielle Schul-Domain'></mark>'<br> <b>An</b> #{@session_user[:email]}<br> </p> <p> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-primary'>Allen antworten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-success'>Weiterleiten</button> <button class='btn btn-outline-danger'>Löschen</button> </p> </div> <div class='message'> <p>Hallo!</p> <p>Da Ihre E-Mail-Adresse in der Datenbank nicht mehr vorkommt, wurde sie für eine <b>Löschung</b> markiert.</p> <p><mark title='Drohung' class='threat'>Bitte melden Sie sich über diesen <a href='[link]'>Link</a> im Dashboard an, wenn Sie den Vorgang abbrechen möchten.</mark></p> <p>Der Link ist personalisiert und enthält persönliche Infos, geben Sie diesen Link auf keinen Fall weiter.</p> <p>Viele Grüße<br>Dashboard Gymnasium Steglitz</p> </div> </div>" if running_phishing_training? || user_with_role_logged_in?(:developer) return do |io| if [5, 6].include?(@session_user[:klassenstufe]) io.puts us elsif [7, 8].include?(@session_user[:klassenstufe]) io.puts ms1 elsif [9, 10].include?(@session_user[:klassenstufe]) io.puts ms2 elsif [11, 12].include?(@session_user[:klassenstufe]) io.puts os else io.puts teacher end io.string end end return '' end |
#print_phishing_panel ⇒ Object
683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 683 def print_phishing_panel() if running_phishing_training_hint? return do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><b>Phishing Prävention</b></p>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p>Die Statistiken zu der E-Mail vom #{PHISHING_RECEIVING_DATE} sind nun online.</p>" io.puts "<p><a href='/phishing' class='btn btn-primary'>Phishing Prävention <i class='fa fa-angle-double-right'></i></a></p>" io.puts "<p>Du kannst auch an unserer Umfrage teilnehmen.</p>" io.puts "<p><button class='btn btn-success bu-launch-poll' data-poll-run-id='#{PHISHING_POLL_RUN_ID}'>Zur Umfrage <i class='fa fa-angle-double-right'></i></button></p>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end return '' end |
#print_projekt_assigned_sus ⇒ Object
341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 341 def print_projekt_assigned_sus projekt = nil neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}).each do |row| MATCH (p:Projekt)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(u:User {email: $email}) RETURN p; END_OF_QUERY projekt = row['p'] end return '' if projekt.nil? || projekt[:min_klasse].nil? || projekt[:max_klasse].nil? || projekt[:capacity].nil? sus = [] neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:nr => projekt[:nr]}).each do |row| MATCH (u:User)-[r:ASSIGNED_TO]->(p:Projekt {nr: $nr}) RETURN, r; END_OF_QUERY email = row[''] next unless @@user_info[email] next unless @@user_info[email][:roles].include?(:schueler) sus << email end sus.sort! do |a, b| ia = @@user_info[a] ib = @@user_info[b] ia[:klassenstufe] ||= 7 ib[:klassenstufe] ||= 7 (ia[:klassenstufe] == ib[:klassenstufe]) ? (ia[:klasse] <=> ib[:klasse]) : (ia[:klassenstufe] <=> ib[:klassenstufe]) end do |io| io.puts "<p>Die folgenden Schülerinnen und Schüler nehmen an deinem Projekt teil. Unten in der Tabelle findest du E-Mail-Verteiler, die du nutzen kannst, um alle Teilnehmer:innen und / oder deren Eltern zu erreichen. Nutze deine schulische E-Mail-Adresse, um die Verteiler zu verwenden.</p>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Nr.</th>" io.puts "<th></th>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th>Klasse</th>" io.puts "<th style='width: 30em;'>E-Mail</th>" io.puts "</tr>" sus.each.with_index do |email, i| io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" io.puts "<td>#{i + 1}.</td>" io.puts "<td><div class='icon nav_avatar'>#{user_icon(email, 'avatar-md')}</div></td>" io.puts "<td>#{@@user_info[email][:display_name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{tr_klasse(@@user_info[email][:klasse])}</td>" io.write "<td>" print_email_field(io, email) io.write "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end ['', 'eltern.'].each do |prefix| io.puts "<tr class='user_row'>" io.puts "<td colspan='4'><em>E-Mail-Verteiler: #{prefix == 'eltern.' ? 'Alle Eltern eurer Teilnehmer:innen' : 'Alle Teilnehmer:innen'}</em></td>" io.write "<td>" print_email_field(io, "#{prefix}projekt-#{projekt[:nr]}@#{MAILING_LIST_DOMAIN}") io.write "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_projekt_interesse ⇒ Object
212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 212 def print_projekt_interesse projekt = nil neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}).each do |row| MATCH (p:Projekt)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(u:User {email: $email}) RETURN p; END_OF_QUERY projekt = row['p'] end return '' if projekt.nil? || projekt[:min_klasse].nil? || projekt[:max_klasse].nil? || projekt[:capacity].nil? votes = {} neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:nr => projekt[:nr]}).each do |row| MATCH (u:User)-[r:VOTED_FOR]->(p:Projekt {nr: $nr}) RETURN, r; END_OF_QUERY email = row[''] next unless @@user_info[email] next unless @@user_info[email][:roles].include?(:schueler) klassenstufe = @@user_info[email][:klassenstufe] || 7 vote = row['r'][:vote] key = "#{klassenstufe}/#{vote}" votes[key] ||= 0 votes[key] += 1 key = "klassenstufe/#{klassenstufe}" votes[key] ||= 0 votes[key] += 1 key = "vote/#{vote}" votes[key] ||= 0 votes[key] += 1 key = "total" votes[key] ||= 0 votes[key] += 1 end do |io| io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Klassenstufe</th>" (projekt[:min_klasse]..projekt[:max_klasse]).each do |klasse| io.puts "<th class='#{klasse == projekt[:min_klasse] ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{klasse}.</th>" end io.puts "<th class='cbl' style='text-align: center;'>Σ</th>" io.puts "</tr>" ndash = "<span class='text-muted'>–</span>" [3, 2, 1].each do |vote| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{PROJEKT_VOTE_CODEPOINTS[vote].chr(Encoding::UTF_8)} #{PROJEKT_VOTE_LABELS[vote]}</td>" (projekt[:min_klasse]..projekt[:max_klasse]).each do |klasse| count = votes["#{klasse}/#{vote}"] || ndash io.puts "<td class='#{klasse == projekt[:min_klasse] ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{count}</td>" end count = votes["vote/#{vote}"] || ndash io.puts "<td class='cbl' style='text-align: center;'>#{count}</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>Σ</td>" (projekt[:min_klasse]..projekt[:max_klasse]).each do |klasse| count = votes["klassenstufe/#{klasse}"] || ndash io.puts "<td class='#{klasse == projekt[:min_klasse] ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{count}</td>" end count = votes["total"] || ndash io.puts "<td class='cbl' style='text-align: center;'>#{count}</td>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_projekt_interesse_stats ⇒ Object
283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 283 def print_projekt_interesse_stats projekt = nil neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]}).each do |row| MATCH (p:Projekt)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(u:User {email: $email}) RETURN p; END_OF_QUERY projekt = row['p'] end return '' if projekt.nil? || projekt[:min_klasse].nil? || projekt[:max_klasse].nil? || projekt[:capacity].nil? data = nil begin data = JSON.parse("/internal/projekttage/votes/project-#{projekt[:nr]}.json")) rescue end ts_data = nil begin ts_data = JSON.parse("/internal/projekttage/votes/ts.json")) rescue end return '' if ts_data.nil? do |io| io.puts "<h4>Vorschau deiner Projektgruppe</h4>" io.puts "<p>Aktuell würde deine Projektgruppe ungefähr wie folgt aussehen:</p>" io.puts "<ul style='list-style: disc; margin-left: 1.5em;'>" io.puts "<li>#{data['geschlecht_m'] + data['geschlecht_w']} Teilnehmer:innen, davon #{data['geschlecht_m']} Jungen und #{data['geschlecht_w']} Mädchen</li>" io.puts "<li>Klassenstufen:<ul style='list-style: disc; margin-left: 1.5em;'>" x = ((projekt[:min_klasse] || 5)..(projekt[:max_klasse] || 9)).select do |klasse| (data['klasse'][klasse.to_s] || 0) > 0 do |klasse| "<li>#{data['klasse'][klasse.to_s]} Kind#{data['klasse'][klasse.to_s] > 1 ? 'er' : ''} aus der #{klasse}. Klasse</li>" end io.puts x.join('') io.puts "</ul></li>" io.puts "<li>Motivation:<ul style='list-style: disc; margin-left: 1.5em;'>" x = [3, 2, 1, 0].select do |vote| (data['vote'][vote.to_s] || 0) > 0 do |vote| "<li>#{data['vote'][vote.to_s]} Kind#{data['vote'][vote.to_s] > 1 ? 'er' : ''} mit der Wahl: #{PROJEKT_VOTE_CODEPOINTS[vote].chr(Encoding::UTF_8)} »#{PROJEKT_VOTE_LABELS[vote]}«</li>" end io.puts x.join('') io.puts "</ul></li>" io.puts "</ul>" if data['vote']['0'] * 100 / (data['geschlecht_m'] + data['geschlecht_w']) > 10 io.puts "<p>Hinweis: Du kannst die Motivation deiner Teilnehmer:innen erhöhen, indem du ggfs. deinen Titel, deinen Werbetext und / oder dein Projektbild aktualisierst.</p>" end io.puts "<p>Bitte beachte, dass sich die Zusammensetzung deiner Gruppe noch ändern wird, abhängig vom weiteren Wahlverhalten, Umwahlen oder Anpassungen in eurem Projekt.</p>" io.puts "<p>Bisher haben #{ts_data['email_count_voted']} von #{ts_data['email_count_total']} Schülerinnen und Schülern ihre Projekte gewählt:" io.puts "<div class='progress'>" p = ts_data['email_count_voted'] * 100 / ts_data['email_count_total'] io.puts "<div class='bg-success progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated' role='progressbar' style='width: #{p}%;'>#{p.round}%</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</p>" io.string end end |
#print_projekttage_assignment_summary ⇒ Object
667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 667 def print_projekttage_assignment_summary return '' unless teacher_logged_in? color_for_error = ['#4aa03f', '#fad31c', '#f4951b', '#bc2326'] do |io| projekt_for_email = {} projekte = {} assign_results = JSON.parse('/internal/projekttage/votes/assign-result.json')) neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (u:User)-[:ASSIGNED_TO]->(p:Projekt) RETURN,, p; END_OF_QUERY email = row[''] projekt_for_email[row['']] = row[''] projekte[row['']] ||= row['p'] end sus_for_projekt = {} projekt_for_email.each_pair do |email, nr| sus_for_projekt[nr] ||= [] sus_for_projekt[nr] << email end io.puts "<h4>Freie Plätze</h4>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm table-striped' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Projekt</th>" io.puts "<th>Klasse</th>" io.puts "<th>Freie Plätze</th>" io.puts "</tr>" projekte.each_pair do |nr, projekt| if sus_for_projekt[nr].size < projekt[:capacity] io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{projekt[:title]}</td>" if projekt[:min_klasse] == projekt[:max_klasse] io.puts "<td>nur #{tr_klasse(projekt[:min_klasse])}. Klasse</td>" else io.puts "<td>#{tr_klasse(projekt[:min_klasse])}. – #{tr_klasse(projekt[:max_klasse])}. Klasse</td>" end io.puts "<td>#{projekt[:capacity] - sus_for_projekt[nr].size} von #{projekt[:capacity]} frei</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| klassenstufe = klasse.to_i klassenstufe = 7 if klassenstufe == 0 next unless klassenstufe < 10 io.puts "<h4>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</h4>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm table-striped' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th style='text-align: right;'>Nr.</th>" io.puts "<th></th>" io.puts "<th>Name</th>" io.puts "<th>Projekt</th>" io.puts "</tr>" @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each.with_index do |email, index| error = assign_results['error_for_email'][email] io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td style='text-align: right;'>#{index + 1}.</td>" io.puts "<td style='text-align: center;'><span style='color: #{color_for_error[error]};'>⬤</span></td>" io.puts "<td>#{@@user_info[email][:display_name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{projekte[projekt_for_email[email]][:title]}</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" end io.string end end |
#print_projekttage_vote_summary ⇒ Object
414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 414 def print_projekttage_vote_summary return '' unless teacher_logged_in? do |io| votes = {} votes_for_projekt = {} emails = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY).each do |row| MATCH (u:User)-[r:VOTED_FOR]->(p:Projekt) RETURN, r,; END_OF_QUERY email = row[''] emails << email next unless @@user_info[email] next unless @@user_info[email][:roles].include?(:schueler) klassenstufe = @@user_info[email][:klassenstufe] || 7 klassenstufe = 'WK' if @@user_info[email][:klasse][0, 2] == 'WK' vote = row['r'][:vote] key = "#{klassenstufe}/#{vote}" votes[key] ||= 0 votes[key] += 1 key = "#{row['']}/#{klassenstufe}" votes_for_projekt[key] ||= 0 votes_for_projekt[key] += 1 key = "#{row['']}/#{vote}" votes_for_projekt[key] ||= 0 votes_for_projekt[key] += 1 key = "#{row['']}" votes_for_projekt[key] ||= 0 votes_for_projekt[key] += 1 key = "votes_by_email/#{email}" votes_for_projekt[key] ||= 0 votes_for_projekt[key] += 1 end KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| @@schueler_for_klasse[klasse].each do |email| key = "votes_by_email/#{email}" count = votes_for_projekt[key] || 0 count = 10 if count > 10 key = "votes_by_klasse/#{@@user_info[email][:klasse]}/#{count}" votes_for_projekt[key] ||= 0 votes_for_projekt[key] += 1 end end io.puts "<h4>Projizierte Zusammensetzung der Projektgruppen</h4>" io.puts "<p>Aus dieser Tabelle lässt sich ganz gut ablesen, welche Projekte gut ankommen und welche eher weniger.</p>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Projekt</th>" [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 3, 2, 1, 0, 'm', 'w', 'Σ'].each do |klasse| if [0, 1, 2, 3].include?(klasse) io.puts "<th class='#{[5, 3, 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{PROJEKT_VOTE_CODEPOINTS[klasse].chr(Encoding::UTF_8)}</th>" else io.puts "<th class='#{[5, 3, 'm', 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{klasse}#{['WK', 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? '' : '.'}</th>" end end io.puts "</tr>" ndash = "<span class='text-muted'>–</span>" ts_data = nil begin ts_data = JSON.parse("/internal/projekttage/votes/ts.json")) rescue return '' end all_project_data = {} get_projekte.each do |p| all_project_data[p[:nr]] = {} begin all_project_data[p[:nr]] = JSON.parse("/internal/projekttage/votes/project-#{p[:nr]}.json")) rescue end end get_projekte.sort do |a, b| score_for_project(b, all_project_data[b[:nr]]) <=> score_for_project(a, all_project_data[a[:nr]]) end.each do |projekt| next if projekt[:capacity] == 0 project_data = all_project_data[projekt[:nr]] io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{projekt[:title]}</td>" [5, 6, 7, 8, 9].each do |klasse| io.puts "<td class='#{[5, 3, 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{(project_data['klasse'] || {})[klasse.to_s] || ndash }</td>" end [3, 2, 1, 0].each do |vote| io.puts "<td class='#{[5, 3, 'Σ'].include?(vote) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{(project_data['vote'] || {})[vote.to_s] || ndash }</td>" end io.puts "<td class='cbl' style='text-align: center;'>#{project_data['geschlecht_m'] || ndash}</td>" io.puts "<td style='text-align: center;'>#{project_data['geschlecht_w'] || ndash}</td>" io.puts "<td class='cbl' style='text-align: center;'>#{(project_data['geschlecht_m'] || 0) + (project_data['geschlecht_w'] || 0)}</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<h4>Projizierte Fehlerverteilung</h4>" io.puts "<p>Aus den projizierten Gruppen ergibt sich eine Fehlerverteilung. Der Fehler bei einer Projektzuordnung berechnet sich aus der Differenz zwischen dem höchsten Level, welches von einem SuS gewählt wurde und dem gewählten Level des zugeordneten Projekts. Wenn also jemand Projekt A mit drei Sternen gewählt hat und Projekt B bekommt, dass er gar nicht gewählt hat (0 Sterne), dann ist dieser Fehler 3 – kleinere Fehler sind also besser. Die Fehlerverteilung wird mit der Zeit schlechter, weil mehr SuS ihre Wahl getroffen haben.</p>" io.puts "<p>Bisher haben #{ts_data['email_count_voted']} von #{ts_data['email_count_total']} Schülerinnen und Schülern ihre Projekte gewählt:" io.puts "<div class='progress mb-3'>" p = ts_data['email_count_voted'] * 100 / ts_data['email_count_total'] io.puts "<div class='bg-success progress-bar progress-bar-striped progress-bar-animated' role='progressbar' style='width: #{p}%;'>#{p.round}%</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Fehler</th>" (0..3).each do |error| io.puts "<td style='min-width: 3.5em; text-align: center;'>#{error}</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Anteil</th>" (0..3).each do |error| io.puts "<td>#{sprintf('%1.2f%%', ts_data['errors'][error] * 100.0)}</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<h4>Projektinteresse</h4>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Projekt</th>" [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'WK', 3, 2, 1, 'Σ'].each do |klasse| if [1, 2, 3].include?(klasse) io.puts "<th class='#{[5, 3, 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{PROJEKT_VOTE_CODEPOINTS[klasse].chr(Encoding::UTF_8)}</th>" else io.puts "<th class='#{[5, 3, 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{klasse}#{['WK', 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? '' : '.'}</th>" end end io.puts "</tr>" ndash = "<span class='text-muted'>–</span>" get_projekte.sort do |a, b| (votes_for_projekt["#{b[:nr]}"] || 0) <=> (votes_for_projekt["#{a[:nr]}"] || 0) end.each do |projekt| next if projekt[:capacity] == 0 io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{projekt[:title]}</td>" [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'WK'].each do |klasse| io.puts "<td class='#{[5, 3, 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{votes_for_projekt["#{projekt[:nr]}/#{klasse}"] || ndash }</td>" end [3, 2, 1].each do |vote| io.puts "<td class='#{[5, 3, 'Σ'].include?(vote) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{votes_for_projekt["#{projekt[:nr]}/#{vote}"] || ndash }</td>" end io.puts "<td class='cbl' style='text-align: center;'>#{votes_for_projekt["#{projekt[:nr]}"] || ndash }</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<h4>Interesse pro Klassenstufe</h4>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Klassenstufe</th>" [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'WK', 'Σ'].each do |klasse| io.puts "<th style='text-align: center;' class='#{[5, 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? 'cbl' : ''}'>#{['WK', 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? '' : 'Klassenstufe'} #{klasse}</th>" end io.puts "</tr>" [3, 2, 1].each do |vote| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{PROJEKT_VOTE_CODEPOINTS[vote].chr(Encoding::UTF_8)} #{PROJEKT_VOTE_LABELS[vote]}</td>" sum = 0 [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'WK', 'Σ'].each do |klasse| count = votes["#{klasse}/#{vote}"] || ndash sum += votes["#{klasse}/#{vote}"] || 0 count = sum if klasse == 'Σ' io.puts "<td class='#{[5, 'Σ'].include?(klasse) ? 'cbl' : ''}' style='text-align: center;'>#{count}</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<h4>Anzahl der gewählten Projekte pro Klasse</h4>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-sm' style='width: unset;'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Ausgewählte Projekte</th>" io.puts "<th>keins</th>" (1..10).each do |count| io.puts "<th style='text-align: center;'>#{count}#{count == 10 ? '+' : ''}</th>" end io.puts "</tr>" KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| next unless klasse.to_i <= 9 || klasse[0, 2] == 'WK' io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</td>" (0..10).each do |count| key = "votes_by_klasse/#{klasse}/#{count}" count = votes_for_projekt[key] || ndash io.puts "<td class='cbl' style='text-align: center;'>#{count}</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_projektwahl_countdown_panel ⇒ Object
621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 621 def print_projektwahl_countdown_panel() if user_eligible_for_projektwahl? vote_count = neo4j_query_expect_one("MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[:VOTED_FOR]->(p:Projekt) RETURN COUNT(p) AS count;", {:email => @session_user[:email]})['count'] if vote_count == 0 if projekttage_phase() == 3 return do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><b>Wähle deine Lieblingsprojekte!</b></p>" io.puts "<p>Du findest den Projektkatalog im Menü unter »Projekttage«." io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end end elsif (@session_user[:klassenstufe] || 0) == 11 if projekttage_phase() > 0 return do |io| rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email]) MATCH (p:Projekt)-[:ORGANIZED_BY]->(u:User {email: $email}) RETURN p; END_OF_QUERY unless rows.empty? projekt = rows.first['p'] count = 0 count += 1 unless (projekt[:description] || '').strip.empty? count += 1 unless (projekt[:photo] || '').strip.empty? emoji = %w(😭 🥲 😄)[count] if (projekt[:capacity] || 0) > 0 unless count == 2 && ( - (projekt[:ts_updated] || 0) > 3600) io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><b>Dein Angebot für die Projekttage</b></p>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<span style='font-size: 300%; float: right; margin-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;'>#{emoji}</span>" if count == 0 io.puts "<p>Du hast noch keinen Werbetext für dein Projekt eingegeben und auch kein Bild hochgeladen. Bitte trage diese Informationen unter »Projekttage« nach und hilf mit, dass dieser arme Smiley wieder glücklich wird.</p>" elsif count == 1 if (projekt[:description] || '').strip.empty? io.puts "<p>Du hast zwar schon ein Bild hochgeladen, aber noch keinen Werbetext geschrieben. You can do it!</p>" else io.puts "<p>Du hast zwar schon einen Werbetext geschrieben, aber noch kein Bild hochgeladen. You can do it!</p>" end elsif count == 2 io.puts "<p>Danke, dass du alle Informationen eingetragen hast!</p>" end if count < 2 io.puts "<p><a href='/projekttage_orga' class='btn btn-success' style='white-space: normal;'>Lass uns diesen Smiley wieder glücklich machen!</a></p>" end io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" end end end io.string end end end return '' end |
#print_public_event_table ⇒ Object
196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/public_event.rb', line 196 def print_public_event_table() self.class.refresh_public_event_config() ts ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M") do |io| if @@public_event_config.empty? io.puts "<p>Es sind momentan keine Veranstaltungen geplant, bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.</p>" end @@public_event_config.each.with_index do |event, event_index| if event_index > 0 io.puts "<hr />" end io.puts "<h3>#{event[:title]}</h3>" not_yet = false if event[:not_before] &&'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') < event[:not_before] not_yet = true end if event[:description] io.puts event[:description] end if not_yet && event[:not_before_description] io.puts event[:not_before_description] end sign_ups = get_sign_ups_for_public_event(event[:key]) if event[:auto_rows] io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;' data-event-key='#{event[:key]}'>" io.puts "<div style='display: none;' class='event-title'>#{event[:title]}</div>" io.puts "<table class='table table-narrow narrow th-middle'>" colspan = 1 io.puts "<colgroup>" io.puts "<col style='width: 180px;'/>" colspan.times do io.puts "<col style='width: auto;'/>" end io.puts "</colgroup>" io.puts "<tbody>" if event[:headings] io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>#{event[:headings][0]}</th>" io.puts "<th colspan='#{colspan}'>#{event[:headings][1]}</th>" io.puts "</tr>" end event[:rows].each do |row| printed_row = false row[:entries].each do |entry| text = (event[:booking_text] || '').dup while true index = text.index('{') break if index.nil? length = 1 balance = 1 while index + length < text.size && balance > 0 c = text[index + length] balance -= 1 if c == '}' balance += 1 if c == '{' length += 1 end code = text[index + 1, length - 2] begin text[index, length] = eval(code).to_s || '' rescue debug "Error while evaluating for #{(@session_user || {})[:email]}:" debug code raise end end if entry[:deadline] next if ts > entry[:deadline] end booked_out = false if (sign_ups[entry[:key]] || []).size >= (entry[:capacity] || 0) booked_out = true end if not_yet booked_out = true end unless printed_row io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>#{row[:description]}</th>" io.puts "<td>" printed_row = true end io.puts "<button data-event-key='#{event[:key]}' data-key='#{entry[:key]}' style='width: 5.3em;' class='btn #{booked_out ? 'btn-outline-secondary' : 'btn-info'} bu-book-public-event' #{booked_out ? 'disabled': ''}>#{entry[:description]}</button><div style='display: none;' class='booking-text'>#{text}</div>" end if printed_row io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" else io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;' data-event-key='#{event[:key]}'>" io.puts "<div style='display: none;' class='event-title'>#{event[:title]}</div>" io.puts "<table class='table table-narrow narrow th-middle'>" colspan = event[:rows].map { |x| x[:entries].size }.max io.puts "<colgroup>" io.puts "<col style='width: 180px;'/>" colspan.times do io.puts "<col style='width: auto;'/>" end io.puts "</colgroup>" io.puts "<tbody>" if event[:headings] io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>#{event[:headings][0]}</th>" io.puts "<th colspan='#{colspan}'>#{event[:headings][1]}</th>" io.puts "</tr>" end event[:rows].each do |row| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>#{row[:description]}</th>" row[:entries].each do |entry| text = (event[:booking_text] || '').dup while true index = text.index('{') break if index.nil? length = 1 balance = 1 while index + length < text.size && balance > 0 c = text[index + length] balance -= 1 if c == '}' balance += 1 if c == '{' length += 1 end code = text[index + 1, length - 2] begin text[index, length] = eval(code).to_s || '' rescue debug "Error while evaluating for #{(@session_user || {})[:email]}:" debug code raise end end booked_out = false if (sign_ups[entry[:key]] || []).size >= (entry[:capacity] || 0) booked_out = true end if not_yet booked_out = true end io.puts "<td><button data-event-key='#{event[:key]}' data-key='#{entry[:key]}' class='btn #{booked_out ? 'btn-outline-secondary' : 'btn-info'} bu-book-public-event' #{booked_out ? 'disabled': ''}>#{entry[:description]}</button><div style='display: none;' class='booking-text'>#{text}</div></td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" end end io.string end end |
#print_roles ⇒ Object
731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 731 def print_roles() require_user! do |io| io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped table-narrow'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Beschreibung</th>" io.puts "<th>Aktiv</th>" io.puts "<th>Ursprung</th>" if admin_logged_in? || user_with_role_logged_in?(:developer) io.puts "<th>Nutzer</th>" end io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" AVAILABLE_ROLES.each_pair do |role, description| unless admin_logged_in? next unless @session_user[:roles].include?(role) end io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{description}</td>" if @session_user[:roles].include?(role) io.puts "<td><i class='fa fa-check text-success'></i></td>" if @session_user[:role_transitive_origin][role] io.puts "<td>#{AVAILABLE_ROLES[@session_user[:role_transitive_origin][role]]}</td>" else io.puts "<td>direkt gesetzt</td>" end else io.puts "<td><i class='fa fa-times text-danger'></i></td>" io.puts "<td></td>" end if admin_logged_in? || user_with_role_logged_in?(:developer) io.puts "<td><button class='btn-toggle-tr-below btn btn-xs btn-warning' style='width: 8em;'>#{(@@users_for_role[role] || []).size} Nutzer <i class='fa fa-chevron-down'></i></button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "<tr style='display: none;'>" io.puts "<td colspan='4' style='font-style: italic; font-size: 90%;'>#{(@@users_for_role[role] || []).map { |x| @@user_info[x][:display_name] }.join(', ')}</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_salzh_panel ⇒ Object
400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 400 def print_salzh_panel require_user! unless teacher_logged_in? salzh_status = Main.get_salzh_status_for_emails(@session_user[:email])[@session_user[:email]] return '' if salzh_status[:status].nil? do |io| end_date = salzh_status[:status_end_date] if salzh_status[:status] == :salzh p = Date.parse(end_date) + 1 while [0, 6].include?(p.wday) || @@holiday_dates.include?(p.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) p += 1 end io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><strong>Unterricht im saLzH</strong></p>" io.puts "<p>Du bist <strong>bis zum #{Date.parse(end_date).strftime('%d.%m.')}</strong> für das schulisch angeleite Lernen zu Hause (saLzH) eingetragen. Bitte schau regelmäßig in deinem Stunden­plan nach, ob du Aufgaben in der Nextcloud oder im Lernraum bekommst oder ob Stunden per Jitsi durch­geführt werden. <strong>Ab dem #{p.strftime('%d.%m.')}</strong> erwarten wir dich wieder in der Schule.</p>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" elsif salzh_status[:status] == :contact_person io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><strong>Kontaktperson</strong></p>" io.puts "<p>Du bist <strong>bis zum #{Date.parse(end_date).strftime('%d.%m.')}</strong> als Kontakt­person markiert. Das heißt, dass du weiterhin in die Schule kommen darfst, aber einige Regeln beachten musst. Falls du freiwillig zu Hause bleiben möchtest, müssen deine Eltern dem Sekretariat <a href=''>per E-Mail Bescheid geben</a>. Die folgenden Regeln gelten für dich:</p>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<ul style='padding-left: 1.5em;'>" io.puts "<li>tägliche Testung vor Beginn der Schultages (ein Test vom Vortag, z. B. aus einem Schnell­test­zentrum, kann nicht akzeptiert werden)</li>" if ['11', '12'].include?(@session_user[:klasse]) io.puts "<li>du bekommst von deiner Tutorin / deinem Tutor am Freitag für jeden Tag des Wochenendes, an du noch Kontakt­person bist, einen Schnelltest mit nach Hause</li>" else io.puts "<li>du bekommst von deiner Klassen­leitung (#{@@klassenleiter[@session_user[:klasse]].map { |shorthand| @@user_info[@@shorthands[shorthand]][:display_last_name] }.join(' oder ')}) am Freitag für jeden Tag des Wochenendes, an du noch Kontakt­person bist, einen Schnelltest mit nach Hause</li>" end io.puts "<li>falls du Symptome (Husten, Fieber, Kopfschmerzen, …) zeigst, darfst du das Schulhaus nicht mehr betreten</li>" io.puts "<li>du darfst nicht mehr am gemeinsamen Essen in der Mensa teilnehmen</li>" io.puts "<li>während des Sport­unter­richts (Umkleide, Sport in der Halle) musst du durch­gehend eine Maske tragen – ist dies aufgrund der körperlichen Betätigung nicht möglich, nimmst du nicht am Sportunterricht teil</li>" io.puts "</ul>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" elsif salzh_status[:status] == :hotspot_klasse io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><strong>Klasse mit erhöhtem Infektionsaufkommen</strong></p>" io.puts "<p>Da in deiner Klasse momentan ein erhöhtes Infektionsgeschehen herrscht, wirst du <strong>bis zum #{Date.parse(end_date).strftime('%d.%m.')}</strong> täglich getestet.</p>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" end io.string end else entries = get_current_salzh_status_for_logged_in_teacher() return '' if entries.empty? hide_explanations = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:email => @session_user[:email]})['hide'] MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.hide_salzh_panel_explanation, false) AS hide; END_OF_QUERY do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" # io.puts "<p><strong><div style='display: inline-block; padding: 4px; margin: -4px; border-radius: 4px' class='bg-warning'>SuS im saLzH</div></strong></p>" contact_person_count = 0 salzh_count = 0 all_klassen = {} entry_for_email = {} email_for_klasse_and_status = {} entries.each do |x| entry_for_email[x[:email]] = x if x[:status] == :contact_person contact_person_count += 1 elsif x[:status] == :salzh salzh_count += 1 end all_klassen[x[:klasse]] ||= [] all_klassen[x[:klasse]] << x[:email] email_for_klasse_and_status[x[:klasse]] ||= {} email_for_klasse_and_status[x[:klasse]][x[:status]] ||= [] email_for_klasse_and_status[x[:klasse]][x[:status]] << x[:email] end spans = [] if contact_person_count > 0 spans << "#{contact_person_count} SuS, die Kontaktpersonen sind" end if salzh_count > 0 spans << "#{salzh_count} SuS im saLzH" end io.puts "<p>" io.puts "Sie haben momentan #{ { |x| '<strong>' + x + '</strong>'}.join(' und ')}." io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<div style='margin: 0 -10px 0 -10px; overflow-x: clip;'><table class='table table-sm narrow' style='width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<tr><th>Klasse</th><th>Status</th></tr>" KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| next unless all_klassen.include?(klasse) first_row = true all_klassen[klasse].each do |email| next unless [:salzh, :contact_person].include?(entry_for_email[email][:status]) if first_row io.puts "<tbody>" io.puts "<tr class='klasse-click-row' data-klasse='#{klasse}'><td>Klasse #{tr_klasse(klasse)}</td>" io.puts "<td>" [:contact_person, :salzh].each do |status| if (email_for_klasse_and_status[klasse][status] || []).size > 0 io.puts "<span class='salzh-badge salzh-badge-big bg-#{status == :contact_person ? 'warning': 'danger'}'><span>#{(email_for_klasse_and_status[klasse][status] || []).size}</span></span>" end end io.puts "</td></tr>" io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "<tbody style='display: none;'>" end first_row = false badge = "<span style='position: relative; top: -1px;' class='salzh-badge salzh-badge-big bg-#{SALZH_MODE_COLORS[entry_for_email[email][:status]]}'><i class='fa #{SALZH_MODE_ICONS[entry_for_email[email][:status]]}'></i></span>" io.puts "<tr><td colspan='2'>#{badge}#{@@user_info[email][:display_name]}</td></tr>" end unless first_row io.puts "</tbody>" end end io.puts "</table></div>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p style='cursor: pointer;' onclick=\"$('#salzh_explanation').slideDown();\">" io.puts "<strong>Was bedeutet das?</strong>" io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<div id='salzh_explanation' style='display: #{hide_explanations ? 'none': 'block'};'>" if salzh_count > 0 io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<strong><span class='bg-danger' style='padding: 0.2em 0.5em; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 0.25em; color: #fff;'>saLzH:</span></strong> Es handelt sich um SuS, die aus unter­schied­lichen Gründen im saLzH sind (z. B. positiv getestet / als Kontaktperson nach Rückmeldung der Eltern bestätigt freiwillig im saLzH / Aussetzung der Präsenz­pflicht). Bitte ermöglichen Sie diesen SuS eine Teilnahme am Unterricht." io.puts "</p>" end if contact_person_count > 0 io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p>" io.puts "<strong><span class='bg-warning' style='padding: 0.2em 0.5em; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 0.25em;'>Kontaktpersonen:</span></strong> Diese SuS wurden als Kontaktperson identifiziert, besuchen aber trotzdem weiterhin die Schule. Für sie gilt:" io.puts "</p>" io.puts "<ul style='padding-left: 1.5em;'>" io.puts "<li>tägliche Testung vor Beginn der Schultages (ein Test vom Vortag, z. B. aus einem Schnelltestzentrum, kann bei diesen SuS nicht akzeptiert werden)</li>" io.puts "<li>durch die Klassenleitung wird am Freitag für jeden Tag des Wochenendes, der in diesen Status fällt, ein Schnelltest mitgegeben</li>" io.puts "<li>zeigen diese Kinder Symptome (Husten, Fieber, Kopfschmerzen, …), dürfen sie das Schulhaus nicht mehr betreten</li>" io.puts "<li>am gemeinsamen Essen in der Mensa darf nicht mehr teilgenommen werden</li>" io.puts "<li>während des Sportunterrichts (Umkleide, Sport in der Halle) muss durchgehend eine Maske getragen werden – ist dies aufgrund der körperlichen Betätigung nicht möglich, nehmen diese Kinder nicht am Sportunterricht teil</li>" io.puts "</ul>" end io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs btn-outline-secondary' id='bu_minimize_salzh_explanation'>Diese Information minimieren</button>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end end |
#print_salzh_protocol_table(week_delta = 0) ⇒ Object
910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 910 def print_salzh_protocol_table(week_delta = 0) holiday_dates = @@ferien_feiertage.each do |entry| temp0 = Date.parse(entry[:from]) temp1 = Date.parse(entry[:to]) while temp0 <= temp1 holiday_dates << temp0.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') temp0 += 1 end end do |io| data = {} Dir['/internal/salzh_protocol/*.txt'].sort.each do |path| datum = File.basename(path).sub('.txt', '') d = DateTime.parse(datum) # skip weekends next if [0, 6].include?(d.wday) # skip holidays next if holiday_dates.include?(datum) emails ="\n").map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| x.empty? || x[0] == '#' } emails.each do |email| data[email] ||= {} data[email][datum] = true end end now = now -= week_delta * 7 cw = now.strftime('%-V').to_i d0 = now while d0.wday != 1 d0 -= 1 end d1 = d0 + 4 io.puts "<table class='table table-striped table-sm narrow'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th rowspan='2'>Klasse</th>" io.puts "<th rowspan='2'>Name</th>" io.puts "<th colspan='5'>KW #{cw} (#{d0.strftime('%d.%m.')} – #{d1.strftime('%d.%m.')})</th>" io.puts "<th rowspan='2'>Gesamt</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Mo</th>" io.puts "<th>Di</th>" io.puts "<th>Mi</th>" io.puts "<th>Do</th>" io.puts "<th>Fr</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" KLASSEN_ORDER.each.with_index do |klasse, index| iterate_directory(klasse) do |email, i| next unless data[email] io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{klasse}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{@@user_info[email][:display_name]}</td>" (0...5).each do |i| flag = data[email][(d0 + i).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] io.print "<td>" if flag io.puts "<i class='fa fa-home'></i>" else io.puts "–" end io.puts "</td>" end io.puts "<td>#{data[email].size}</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.string end end |
#print_salzh_protocol_table_overview(week_delta = 0) ⇒ Object
853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 853 def print_salzh_protocol_table_overview(week_delta = 0) holiday_dates = @@ferien_feiertage.each do |entry| temp0 = Date.parse(entry[:from]) temp1 = Date.parse(entry[:to]) while temp0 <= temp1 holiday_dates << temp0.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') temp0 += 1 end end do |io| data = {} week = now = now -= week_delta * 7 cw = now.strftime('%-V').to_i d0 = now while d0.wday != 1 d0 -= 1 end d1 = d0 + 4 Dir['/internal/salzh_protocol/*.txt'].sort.each do |path| datum = File.basename(path).sub('.txt', '') d = DateTime.parse(datum) # skip weekends next if [0, 6].include?(d.wday) # skip holidays next if holiday_dates.include?(datum) # skip if not current week next if datum < d0.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') || datum > d1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') emails ="\n").map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| x.empty? || x[0] == '#' } emails.each do |email| data[datum] ||= data[datum] << email week << email end end io.puts "<table class='table table-striped table-sm narrow'>" io.puts "<tbody>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>KW #{cw}</th><th>#{d0.strftime('%d.%m.')} – #{d1.strftime('%d.%m.')}</th><td>#{week.size} SuS</td>" io.puts "</tr>" (0...5).each do |i| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>#{%w(Mo Di Mi Do Fr)[i]}</th><th>#{(d0 + i).strftime('%d.%m.')}</th><td>#{(data[(d0 + i).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] ||} SuS</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.string end end |
#print_self_test_panel ⇒ Object
1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 1065 def print_self_test_panel() require_user! return '' unless teacher_logged_in? return '' if teacher_tablet_logged_in? return '' if EXCLUDE_FROM_SELF_TEST_REPORT.include?(@session_user[:shorthand]) today ='%Y-%m-%d') do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" days = self_tests_this_week() label = 'noch nicht' days_label = '' if days.size > 0 label = "bereits #{days.size}×" days_label = " (am #{join_with_sep({ |x| x[:label] }, ', ', ' und ')})" end io.puts "Sie haben sich in dieser Woche <strong>#{label}</strong> getestet#{days_label}." io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<button #{ { |x| x[:datum] }.include?(today) ? 'disabled' : ''} class='bu-add-self-test btn btn-success btn-sm float-right'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Testung protokollieren…</button><div style='clear: both;'></div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_semi_public_links ⇒ Object
2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2464 def print_semi_public_links() require_user! # return '' unless teacher_logged_in? return '' if teacher_tablet_logged_in? do |io| io.puts "<h2 style='margin-bottom: 30px; margin-top: 30px;'>Schulinterne Links</h2>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<tr><th>Website</th><th>Name</th><th>Passwort</th></tr>" SEMI_PUBLIC_LINKS.each do |link| next unless link[:condition].call(self) io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td><a href='#{link[:url]}' target='_blank'>#{link[:title]}</a></td>" io.puts "<td>" print_email_field(io, link[:user]) io.puts "</td>" io.puts "<td>" print_password_field(io, link[:password]) io.puts "</td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<hr />" io.string end end |
#print_sessions ⇒ Object
658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 658 def print_sessions() require_user! do |io| io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped table-narrow'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Gültig bis</th>" io.puts "<th>Zuletzt verwendet</th>" io.puts "<th>Gerät</th>" io.puts "<th>Art</th>" io.puts "<th>Abmelden</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" sessions = get_current_user_sessions() sessions.each do |s| io.puts "<tr>" d = s[:expires] ? Time.parse(s[:expires]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y') : '–' io.puts "<td>#{d}</td>" d = s[:last_access] ? Time.parse(s[:last_access]).strftime('%d.%m.%Y') : '–' io.puts "<td>#{d}</td>" io.puts "<td style='text-overflow: ellipsis;'>#{(s[:sid] == @used_session[:sid]) ? '<i class=\'text-success fa fa-check\'></i> ' : ''}#{s[:user_agent] || 'unbekanntes Gerät'}#{(s[:sid] == @used_session[:sid]) ? '<div style=\'font-size: 85%; margin-top: -5px;\'>(dieses Gerät)</div>' : ''}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{LOGIN_METHODS[s[:method].to_sym] || '–'}</td>" io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-danger btn-xs btn-purge-session' data-purge-session='#{s[:scrambled_sid]}'><i class='fa fa-sign-out'></i> Gerät abmelden</button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" end if sessions.size > 1 io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td colspan='5'><button class='float-right btn btn-danger btn-xs btn-purge-session' data-purge-session='_all'><i class='fa fa-sign-out'></i> Alle Geräte abmelden</button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_stats ⇒ Object
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/stats.rb', line 49 def print_stats() require_admin! login_stats = get_login_stats() do |io| io.puts "<table class='table table-narrow'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Gruppe</th>" io.puts "<th>jemals</th>" io.puts "<th>letzte 4 Wochen</th>" io.puts "<th>letzte Woche</th>" io.puts "<th>heute</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" ([:sus, :lehrer] + @@klassen_order).each do |key| label = nil if key == :sus label = 'Schülerinnen und Schüler' elsif key == :lehrer label = 'Lehrerinnen und Lehrer' else label = "Klasse #{tr_klasse(key)}" end io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{label}</td>" LOGIN_STATS_D.reverse.each do |d| io.puts "<td>" data = login_stats[key] percent = data[:total] == 0 ? 0 : ((data[:count][d] || 0) * 100 / data[:total]).to_i bgcol = get_gradient(['#cc0000', '#f4951b', '#ffe617', '#80bc42'], percent / 100.0) io.puts "<span style='background-color: #{bgcol}; padding: 4px 8px; margin: 0; border-radius: 3px;'>#{percent}%</span>" io.puts "</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.string end end |
#print_stream_restriction_table(klasse) ⇒ Object
492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/lesson.rb', line 492 def print_stream_restriction_table(klasse) lesson_keys = (@@lessons_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || []).select do |lesson_key| lesson_info = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] (lesson_info[:klassen] || []).include?(klasse) end return '' if lesson_keys.empty? do |io| io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<div class='alert alert-warning'>" io.puts "Falls Sie einschränken möchten, welche Kinder in Ihrem Unterricht am Streaming teilnehmen dürfen, können Sie dies hier tun. Standardmäßig ist der Stream, falls Sie ihn aktivieren, für alle Kinder aktiviert. Sie können zwei Einschränkungen vornehmen: a) nur für Kinder, die planmäßig gerade nicht in der Schule sind + Kinder, die dauerhaft zu Hause sind (»nicht für Wechselgruppe in Präsenz«) oder b) nur für Kinder, die dauerhaft zu Hause, also oben als »zu Hause« markiert sind (»nur für Dauer-saLzH«)." io.puts "</div>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive'>" io.puts "<table class='table stream-restriction-table'>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th style='text-align: left;'>Fach</th>" io.puts "<th>Montag</th>" io.puts "<th>Dienstag</th>" io.puts "<th>Mittwoch</th>" io.puts "<th>Donnerstag</th>" io.puts "<th>Freitag</th>" io.puts "</tr>" lesson_keys.each do |lesson_key| io.puts "<tr>" restrictions = self.class.get_stream_restriction_for_lesson_key(lesson_key) io.puts "<td style='text-align: left;'>" lesson_info = @@lessons[:lesson_keys][lesson_key] io.puts "#{lesson_info[:pretty_folder_name]}" io.puts "</td>" restrictions.each.with_index do |r, i| btn_style = 'btn-primary' btn_label = 'für alle' if r == 1 btn_style = 'btn-info' btn_label = 'nur für Dauer-saLzH' elsif r == 2 btn_style = 'btn-warning' btn_label = 'nicht für Wechselgruppe in Präsenz' end io.puts "<td>" io.puts "<button data-lesson-key='#{lesson_key}' data-day='#{i}' class='bu-toggle-stream-restriction btn #{btn_style}'>#{btn_label}</button>" io.puts "</td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_summoned_books_panel ⇒ Object
501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 501 def print_summoned_books_panel() require_user! email = @session_user[:email] self.class.refresh_bib_data() result = '' if @@bib_summoned_books[email] n_to_s = {1 => 'Eines der', 2 => 'Zwei', 3 => 'Drei', 4 => 'Vier', 5 => 'Fünf'} result += do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<div><span style='font-size: 200%; float: left; margin-right: 8px;'>📚</span>#{n_to_s[@@bib_summoned_books[email].size] || 'Mehrere'} Bücher, die du ausgeliehen hast, #{@@bib_summoned_books[email].size == 1 ? 'wird' : 'werden'} dringend in der Bibliothek benötigt. Bitte bring #{@@bib_summoned_books[email].size == 1 ? 'es' : 'sie'} zurück und lege #{@@bib_summoned_books[email].size == 1 ? 'es' : 'sie'} ins <a target='_blank' href=''>Rückgaberegal</a> vor der Bibliothek.</div>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<a href='/bibliothek' style='white-space: nowrap;' class='float-right btn btn-sm btn-success'>Zu deinen Büchern <i class='fa fa-angle-double-right'></i></a>" io.puts "<div style='clear: both;'></div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end # if @@bib_unconfirmed_books[email] && (!teacher_logged_in?) # n_to_s = {1 => 'Eines', 2 => 'Zwei', 3 => 'Drei', 4 => 'Vier', 5 => 'Fünf'} # result += do |io| # io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" # io.puts "<div class='hint'>" # io.puts "<div><span style='font-size: 200%; float: left; margin-right: 8px;'>🙁</span>#{n_to_s[@@bib_unconfirmed_books[email].size] || 'Mehrere'} deiner ent­lieh­enen Bücher #{@@bib_unconfirmed_books[email].size == 1 ? 'wurde' : 'wurden'} von dir noch nicht bestätigt. <strong>Bitte scanne #{@@bib_unconfirmed_books[email].size == 1 ? 'das Buch' : 'die Bücher'} jetzt ein.</strong></div>" # io.puts "<hr />" # io.puts "<a href='/bib_confirm' style='white-space: nowrap;' class='float-right btn btn-sm btn-success'><i class='fa fa-barcode'></i> Bücher bestätigen</a>" # io.puts "<div style='clear: both;'></div>" # io.puts "</div>" # io.puts "</div>" # io.string # end # end result end |
#print_tablet_locations ⇒ Object
post '/api/remove_mobile_device' do
data = parse_request_data(:required_keys => [:code])
code = data[:code]
neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :code => code)
MATCH (v:SchulTablet {code: $code})
respond(:ok => true)
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tablet.rb', line 41 def print_tablet_locations require_user_who_can_manage_tablets! tablets = [] {|key, tablet_set| tablet_set[:is_tablet_set]}.each do |key, tablet_set| (1..tablet_set[:count])&.each do |name| tablets.append "#{tablet_set[:prefix].to_i}.#{name}" end tablet_set[:includes]&.each do |name| tablets.append "#{tablet_set[:prefix].to_i}.#{name}" end tablet_set[:includes_not]&.each do |name| tablets.delete "#{tablet_set[:prefix].to_i}.#{name}" end end do |io| io.puts "<table class='table narrow table-striped' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr><th>Tablet</th><th>Access Point</th><th>Zuletzt gesehen</th></tr>" io.puts "</thead><tbody>" for tablet in tablets do io.puts "<tr><td>#{tablet}</td><td></td><td></td></tr>" end io.puts "</tbody></table>" io.string end end |
#print_tablet_login ⇒ Object
661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/techpost.rb', line 661 def print_tablet_login() require_user_with_role!(:can_manage_tech_problems) do |io| io.puts "<p>Mit einem Klick auf diesen Button kannst du dieses Gerät dauerhaft als Lehrer-Tablet anmelden.</p>" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-primary bu_login_teacher_tablet'><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Lehrer-Tablet-Modus aktivieren</button>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p>Bitte wähle ein order mehrere Kürzel, um dieses Gerät dauerhaft als Kurs-Tablet anzumelden.</p>" @@shorthands.keys.sort.each do |shorthand| io.puts "<button class='btn-teacher-for-kurs-tablet-login btn btn-xs btn-outline-secondary' data-shorthand='#{shorthand}'>#{shorthand}</button>" end io.puts "<br /><br >" io.puts "<button class='btn btn-primary bu_login_kurs_tablet' disabled><i class='fa fa-sign-in'></i> Kurs-Tablet-Modus aktivieren</button>" io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<p>Bitte wähle ein Tablet, um dieses Gerät dauerhaft als dieses Tablet anzumelden.</p>" @@tablets.keys.each do |id| tablet = @@tablets[id] io.puts "<button class='btn-tablet-login btn btn-xs btn-outline-secondary' data-id='#{id}' style='background-color: #{tablet[:bg_color]}; color: #{tablet[:fg_color]};'>#{id}</button>" end io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<div style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;'>" io.puts "<table class='table table-condensed table-striped narrow' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>Typ</th>" io.puts "<th>Gerät</th>" io.puts "<th>Abmelden</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" io.puts "<tbody>" get_sessions_for_user("lehrer.tablet@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}").each do |session| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>Lehrer-Tablet</td>" io.puts "<td>#{session[:user_agent]}</td>" io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-purge-session' data-email='lehrer.tablet@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}' data-scrambled-sid='#{session[:scrambled_sid]}'>Abmelden</button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" end get_sessions_for_user("kurs.tablet@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}").each do |session| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>Kurs-Tablet (#{(session[:shorthands] || []).sort.join(', ')})</td>" io.puts "<td>#{session[:user_agent]}</td>" io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger btn-purge-session' data-email='kurs.tablet@#{SCHUL_MAIL_DOMAIN}' data-scrambled-sid='#{session[:scrambled_sid]}'>Abmelden</button></td>" io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_techpost_superuser ⇒ Object
618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/techpost.rb', line 618 def print_techpost_superuser() require_user_with_role!(:can_manage_tech_problems) problems = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email]).map { |x| {:problem => x['v'], :email => x[''], :femail => x['']} } MATCH (v:TechProblem)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) OPTIONAL MATCH (v:TechProblem)-[:WILL_BE_FIXED_BY]->(f:User) RETURN v,,; END_OF_QUERY do |io| io.puts "<br><h3>User, die Probleme melden können (Alle oben genannten plus:)</h3>" io.puts "<div class='row' style='margin-bottom: 15px;'><div class='col-md-12'>" io.puts "<table class='table narrow table-striped' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr><td>User</td><td>Bearbeiten</td></tr>" io.puts "</thead><tbody>" get_technikamt_users.each do |technikamt| display_name = @@user_info[technikamt][:display_name] nc_login = @@user_info[technikamt][:nc_login] klasse = tr_klasse(@@user_info[technikamt][:klasse]) io.puts "<tr><td><code><img src='#{NEXTCLOUD_URL}/index.php/avatar/#{nc_login}/256' class='icon avatar-md'> #{display_name} (#{klasse})</code></td><td><button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger bu-edit-techpost' data-email='#{technikamt}'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i> Rechte entziehen</button> <button class='btn btn-xs btn-success bu-send-single-welcome-mail' data-email='#{technikamt}'><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i> Willkommens-E-Mail versenden</button></td></tr>" end io.puts "</tbody></table>" io.puts "</div></div>" io.puts "<div class='row' style='margin-bottom: 15px;'><div class='col-md-12'><div class='alert alert-info'><code>#{get_technikamt_users()}</code></div></div></div>" unless problems == [] io.puts "<br><h3>Aktuelle Probleme im JSON-Format</h3>" io.puts "<div class='row' style='margin-bottom: 15px;'><div class='col-md-12'>" for problem in problems do io.puts "<div class='alert alert-info'><code>#{problem.to_json}</code></div>" end io.puts "</div></div>" end io.puts "<br><h3>Super Funktionen</h3>" io.puts "<div class='row' style='margin-bottom: 15px;'><div class='col-md-12'>" io.puts "<button class='bu-clear-all btn btn-danger'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i> Alle Probleme löschen</button> <button class='bu-kick-all btn btn-danger'><i class='fa fa-user-times'></i> Alle Technikamt-User entfernen</button> <button class='bu-send-welcome-mail btn btn-warning'><i class='fa fa-envelope'></i> Willkommens-E-Mails versenden</button> <button class='bu-clear-aula-lights btn btn-danger'><i class='fa fa-lightbulb-o'></i> Plan der Aula-Scheinwerfer zurücksetzen</button>" io.puts "</div></div>" io.puts "<div class='row' style='margin-bottom: 15px;'><div class='col-md-12'>" io.puts "<div class='form-group'><input id='ti_recipients' class='form-control' placeholder='User suchen…' /><div class='recipient-input-dropdown' style='display: none;'></div></input></div>" io.puts "<div class='form-group row'><label for='ti_email' class='col-sm-1 col-form-label'>Name:</label><div class='col-sm-3'><input type='text' readonly class='form-control' id='ti_email' placeholder=''></div><div id='publish_message_btn_container'><button disabled id='bu_send_message' class='btn btn-outline-secondary'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i> <span>Hinzufügen</span></button></div></div>" io.puts "Hinweis: Die Änderungen werden erst nach dem Neuladen der Seite sichtbar.</div></div>" io.string end end |
#print_test_klassen_chooser(active = nil) ⇒ Object
2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2447 def print_test_klassen_chooser(active = nil) do |io| io.puts "<div style='margin-bottom: 15px;'>" # klassen_for_session_user.each do |klasse| KLASSEN_ORDER.each do |klasse| next if ['11', '12'].include?(klasse) io.puts "<a data-klasse='#{klasse}' class='btn btn-sm ttc #{klasse == active ? 'active': ''}'>#{tr_klasse(klasse)}</a>" end if user_who_can_manage_news_logged_in? io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<a href='/manage_test_calendar' style='width: 9em;' class='btn btn-sm ttc'>Kalender verwalten</a>" end io.puts "</div>" io.string end end |
#print_timetable_chooser ⇒ Object
2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 2323 def () if kurs_tablet_logged_in? do |io| io.puts "<div style='margin-bottom: 15px;'>" @@lehrer_order.each do |email| next unless @session_user[:shorthands].include?(@@user_info[email][:shorthand]) id = @@user_info[email][:id] next unless @@user_info[email][:can_log_in] io.puts "<a data-id='#{id}' onclick=\"window.location.href = '/timetable/#{id}' + window.location.hash;\" class='btn btn-sm ttc'>#{@@user_info[email][:shorthand]}</a>" end io.puts "</div>" io.string end elsif klassenraum_logged_in? do |io| io.puts "<div style='margin-bottom: 15px;'>" @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| id = @@klassen_id[klasse] io.puts "<a data-klasse='#{klasse}' data-id='#{id}' onclick=\"window.location.href = '/timetable/#{id}' + window.location.hash;\" class='btn btn-sm ttc'>#{tr_klasse(klasse)}</a>" end io.puts "</div>" io.string end elsif teacher_logged_in? do |io| io.puts "<div style='margin-bottom: 15px;'>" hidden_something = false temp = do |tio| @@lehrer_order.each do |email| next if teacher_tablet_logged_in? && @@user_info[email][:shorthand][0] == '_' id = (email == @session_user[:email]) ? @@user_info[email][:id] : @@user_info[email][:public_id] next unless @@user_info[email][:can_log_in] # next unless can_see_all_timetables_logged_in? || email == @session_user[:email] hide = (email != @session_user[:email]) hide = false if teacher_tablet_logged_in? hidden_something = true if hide style = hide ? 'display: none;' : '' tio.puts "<a data-id='#{id}' onclick=\"load_timetable('#{id}'); window.selected_shorthand = '#{@@user_info[email][:shorthand]}'; \" class='btn btn-sm ttc ttc-teacher' style='#{style}'>#{@@user_info[email][:shorthand]}</a>" end tio.string end if hidden_something io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs ttc bu-show-alle-teacher pull-right' style='margin-left: 0.5em; width: unset; padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem; display: inline-block;' onclick=\"$('.ttc-teacher').show(); $('.bu-show-alle-teacher').hide();\">Alle Lehrkräfte</button>" end io.puts temp unless teacher_tablet_logged_in? io.puts '<hr />' hidden_something = false all_hidden = @@klassen_order.all? do |klasse| !((@@klassen_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || end temp = do |tio| @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| hide = !((@@klassen_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || hide = false if all_hidden hidden_something = true if hide style = hide ? 'display: none;' : '' id = @@klassen_id[klasse] tio.puts "<a data-klasse='#{klasse}' data-id='#{id}' onclick=\"load_timetable('#{id}');\" class='btn btn-sm ttc ttc-klasse' style='#{style}'>#{tr_klasse(klasse)}</a>" end tio.string end if hidden_something io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs ttc bu-show-alle-klassen pull-right' style='margin-left: 0.5em; width: unset; padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem; display: inline-block;' onclick=\"$('.ttc-klasse').show(); $('.bu-show-alle-klassen').hide();\">Alle Klassen</button>" end io.puts temp io.puts '<hr />' hidden_something = false all_hidden = ROOM_ORDER.all? do |room| !((@@rooms_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || end temp = do |tio| ROOM_ORDER.each do |room| hide = !((@@rooms_for_shorthand[@session_user[:shorthand]] || hide = false if all_hidden hidden_something = true if hide style = hide ? 'display: none;' : '' id = @@room_ids[room] tio.puts "<a data-id='#{id}' onclick=\"load_timetable('#{id}');\" class='btn btn-sm ttc ttc-room' style='#{style}'>#{room}</a>" end tio.string end if hidden_something io.puts "<button class='btn btn-xs ttc bu-show-alle-rooms pull-right' style='margin-left: 0.5em; width: unset; padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem; display: inline-block;' onclick=\"$('.ttc-room').show(); $('.bu-show-alle-rooms').hide();\">Alle Räume</button>" end io.puts temp end io.puts "</div>" io.string end elsif technikteam_logged_in? do |io| io.puts "<div style='margin-bottom: 15px;'>" io.puts "<a data-id='#{@session_user[:id]}' onclick=\"load_timetable('#{@session_user[:id]}');\" class='btn btn-sm ttc active' style='width: 100%; padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem; display: inline-block;'>Persönlicher Stundenplan (#{tr_klasse(@session_user[:klasse])})</a><hr>" temp = do |tio| @@klassen_order.each do |klasse| id = @@klassen_id[klasse] tio.puts "<a data-klasse='#{klasse}' data-id='#{id}' onclick=\"load_timetable('#{id}');\" class='btn btn-sm ttc ttc-klasse'>#{tr_klasse(klasse)}</a>" end tio.string end io.puts temp io.puts '<hr />' temp = do |tio| ROOM_ORDER.each do |room| id = @@room_ids[room] tio.puts "<a data-id='#{id}' onclick=\"load_timetable('#{id}');\" class='btn btn-sm ttc ttc-room'>#{room}</a>" end tio.string end io.puts temp io.puts "</div>" io.string end end end |
#print_tresor_countdown_panel ⇒ Object
566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 566 def print_tresor_countdown_panel() return '' unless teacher_logged_in? deadline = DEADLINE_NOTENEINTRAGUNG if'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') <= deadline && (DateTime.parse(deadline) - < 7.0 return do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><b>Noteneingabe im Datentresor</b></p>" io.puts "<hr />" d = DateTime.parse(deadline) io.puts "<p>Die Noteneingabe im Datentresor schließt am #{WEEKDAYS_LONG[d.wday]} um #{d.strftime('%H:%M')} Uhr.</p>" io.puts "<div id='tresor_countdown_here' style='display: none;' data-deadline='#{Time.parse(deadline).to_i}'>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end deadline = DEADLINE_CONSIDER if'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') <= deadline && (DateTime.parse(deadline) - < 7.0 return do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><b>Markierung von SuS in den Listen für die Zeugniskonferenzen</b></p>" io.puts "<hr />" d = DateTime.parse(deadline) io.puts "<p>Klassenleitungen: Bitte markieren Sie SuS, die Sie in den Zeug­nis­kon­feren­zen besprechen möchten, bis #{WEEKDAYS_LONG[d.wday]} um #{d.strftime('%H:%M')} Uhr. Hinweis: Alle SuS mit einer Note ab 4– sind schon auto­matisch markiert.</p>" io.puts "<div id='tresor_countdown_here' style='display: none;' data-deadline='#{Time.parse(deadline).to_i}'>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end if need_sozialverhalten() deadline = DEADLINE_SOZIALNOTEN if'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') <= deadline && (DateTime.parse(deadline) - < 7.0 return do |io| io.puts "<div class='col-lg-12 col-md-4 col-sm-6'>" io.puts "<div class='hint'>" io.puts "<p><b>Eintragung der Noten für das Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten</b></p>" io.puts "<hr />" d = DateTime.parse(deadline) io.puts "<p>Die Möglichkeit für Eintragungen der Noten für das Arbeits- und Sozialverhalten endet am #{WEEKDAYS_LONG[d.wday]} um #{d.strftime('%H:%M')} Uhr. Bitte tragen Sie bis dahin fehlende Noten ein, damit die Klassenleitungen rechtzeitig vor der Zeugnisausgabe die Sozialzeugnisse drucken können.</p>" io.puts "<div id='tresor_countdown_here' style='display: none;' data-deadline='#{Time.parse(deadline).to_i}'>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.puts "</div>" io.string end end end return '' end |
#print_users_which_can_fix_tech_problems ⇒ Object
598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/techpost.rb', line 598 def print_users_which_can_fix_tech_problems require_user_with_role!(:can_manage_tech_problems) do |io| io.puts "<div class='row' style='margin-bottom: 15px;'><div class='col-md-12'>" io.puts "<table class='table narrow table-striped' style='width: unset; min-width: 100%;'>" io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr><td>User</td><td>Auswählen</td></tr>" io.puts "</thead><tbody>" @@users_for_role[:can_manage_tech_problems].each do |user| display_name = @@user_info[user][:display_name] nc_login = @@user_info[user][:nc_login] klasse = tr_klasse(@@user_info[user][:klasse]) io.puts "<tr><td><img src='#{NEXTCLOUD_URL}/index.php/avatar/#{nc_login}/256' class='icon avatar-md'> #{display_name}</td><td><button class='btn btn-xs btn-success bu-select-user-to-fix-problem' data-email='#{user}'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></button></td></tr>" end io.puts "</tbody></table>" io.puts "</div></div>" io.string end end |
#public_events_table ⇒ Object
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/public_event.rb', line 106 def public_events_table() require_admin_or_sekretariat! self.class.refresh_public_event_config() do |io| description_for_key_and_key = {} row_description_for_key_and_key = {} @@public_event_config.each.with_index do |event, event_index| if event_index > 0 io.puts "<hr />" end io.puts "<h3>#{event[:title]}</h3>" # if event[:description] # io.puts event[:description] # end sign_ups = get_sign_ups_for_public_event(event[:key]) io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;' data-event-key='#{event[:key]}'>" io.puts "<div style='display: none;' class='event-title'>#{event[:title]}</div>" io.puts "<table style='table-layout: fixed;' class='table table-narrow narrow'>" colspan = event[:rows].map { |x| x[:entries].size }.max io.puts "<colgroup>" io.puts "<col style='width: 180px;'/>" colspan.times do io.puts "<col style='min-width: 200px;'/>" end io.puts "</colgroup>" if event[:headings] io.puts "<thead>" io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>#{event[:headings][0]}</th>" io.puts "<th colspan='#{colspan}'>#{event[:headings][1]}</th>" io.puts "</tr>" io.puts "</thead>" end io.puts "<tbody>" event[:rows].each do |row| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<th>#{row[:description]}</th>" row[:entries].each do |entry| description_for_key_and_key[event[:key]] ||= {} description_for_key_and_key[event[:key]][entry[:key]] ||= entry[:description] if entry[:row_description] row_description_for_key_and_key[event[:key]] ||= {} row_description_for_key_and_key[event[:key]][entry[:key]] ||= entry[:row_description] end capacity = entry[:capacity] || 0 booked_count = (sign_ups[entry[:key]] || []).size percent = 0 if capacity != 0 percent = booked_count * 100 / capacity end io.puts "<td><div style='display: flex; justify-content: space-between;'><div>#{entry[:description]}</div><div>(#{booked_count}/#{capacity})</div></div><div class='progress'><div class='progress-bar progress-bar-striped' role='progressbar' style='width: #{percent}%;'>#{(percent).to_i}%</div></div></td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" end @@public_event_config.each.with_index do |event, event_index| STDERR.puts event.to_yaml sign_ups = get_sign_ups_for_public_event(event[:key]) next if sign_ups.empty? io.puts "<hr />" io.puts "<h4>#{event[:title]}</h4>" io.puts "<div class='table-responsive' style='max-width: 100%; overflow-x: auto;' data-event-key='#{event[:key]}'>" io.puts "<table style='table-layout: fixed;' class='table table-narrow narrow'>" io.puts "<tr><th>E-Mail</th><th>Name</th><th>Track</th><th></th></tr>" io.puts "<tbody>" sign_ups.keys.sort.each do |key| sign_ups[key].each do |entry| io.puts "<tr>" io.puts "<td>#{entry[:email]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{entry[:name]}</td>" io.puts "<td>#{[(row_description_for_key_and_key[event[:key]] || {})[key], description_for_key_and_key[event[:key]][key]].reject { |x| x.nil? }.join(' / ')}</td>" if admin_logged_in? io.puts "<td><button class='btn btn-xs btn-danger bu-delete-signup' data-tag='#{entry[:tag]}'><i class='fa fa-trash'></i> Löschen</button></td>" else io.puts "<td></td>" end io.puts "</tr>" end end io.puts "</tbody>" io.puts "</table>" io.puts "</div>" end io.string end end |
#purge_missing_sessions(current_sid = nil, remove_other = false) ⇒ Object
459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 459 def purge_missing_sessions(current_sid = nil, remove_other = false) sid = request.['sid'] existing_sids = [] unless remove_other if (sid.is_a? String) && (sid =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z,]+$/) sids = sid.split(',') sids.each do |sid| if sid =~ /^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/ results = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :sid => sid).map { |x| x['sid'] } MATCH (s:Session {sid: $sid})-[:BELONGS_TO]->(u:User) RETURN s.sid AS sid; END_OF_QUERY existing_sids << sid unless results.empty? end end end existing_sids.uniq! end if current_sid # insert current SID if it's not there yet (new sessions ID) unless existing_sids.include?(current_sid) existing_sids.unshift(current_sid) end # move current SID to front existing_sids -= [current_sid] existing_sids.unshift(current_sid) end = existing_sids.join(',') if .empty? && request.['sid'] response.('sid') end if (request.['sid'] || '') != response.('sid', :value => , :expires => + COOKIE_EXPIRY_TIME, :path => '/', :httponly => true, :secure => DEVELOPMENT ? false : true) end end |
#purge_stale_second_factors ⇒ Object
952 953 954 955 956 957 958 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 952 def purge_stale_second_factors neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :ts_now => MATCH (sf:SecondFactor) WHERE sf.ts_expire < $ts_now DETACH DELETE sf; END_OF_QUERY end |
#recurse_arrays(path_array, value_array, prefix = [], index_prefix = [], &block) ⇒ Object
328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/zeugnisse.rb', line 328 def recurse_arrays(path_array, value_array, prefix = [], index_prefix = [], &block) if path_array.empty? yield prefix.join('/'), value_array return end path_entry = path_array[0] key = path_entry[0] values = path_entry[1] values = [values] unless values.is_a? Array values.each.with_index do |value, i| recurse_arrays(path_array[1, path_array.size - 1], value_array[i], prefix + ["#{key}:#{value}"], index_prefix + [i], &block) end end |
#redirect_on_error(&block) ⇒ Object
1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1592 def redirect_on_error(&block) begin yield rescue redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 302 raise 'redirected' end end |
#refresh_second_factor ⇒ Object
977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 977 def refresh_second_factor factors = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :sid => @used_session[:sid], :ts_expire => + tresor_second_factor_ttl()) MATCH (sf:SecondFactor)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(s:Session {sid: $sid}) WHERE COALESCE(s.method, 'email') <> sf.method SET sf.ts_expire = $ts_expire RETURN sf; END_OF_QUERY return factors.first['sf'][:ts_expire] - end |
#require_admin! ⇒ Object
190 191 192 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 190 def require_admin! assert(admin_logged_in?) end |
#require_admin_2fa_hotline! ⇒ Object
206 207 208 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 206 def require_admin_2fa_hotline! assert(admin_2fa_hotline_logged_in?) end |
#require_admin_or_sekretariat! ⇒ Object
198 199 200 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 198 def require_admin_or_sekretariat! assert(admin_logged_in? || sekretariat_logged_in?) end |
#require_device! ⇒ Object
182 183 184 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 182 def require_device! assert(!@session_device.nil?) end |
#require_monitor_or_user_who_can_manage_monitors! ⇒ Object
266 267 268 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 266 def require_monitor_or_user_who_can_manage_monitors! assert(monitor_logged_in? || user_who_can_manage_monitors_logged_in?) end |
#require_running_phishing_training! ⇒ Object
278 279 280 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 278 def require_running_phishing_training! assert(running_phishing_training?) end |
#require_running_phishing_training_hint! ⇒ Object
282 283 284 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 282 def require_running_phishing_training_hint! assert(running_phishing_training_hint?) end |
#require_teacher! ⇒ Object
210 211 212 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 210 def require_teacher! assert(teacher_logged_in?) end |
#require_teacher_for_lesson_or_ha_amt_logged_in(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
274 275 276 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 274 def require_teacher_for_lesson_or_ha_amt_logged_in(lesson_key) assert(teacher_for_lesson_or_ha_amt_logged_in?(lesson_key)) end |
#require_teacher_tablet! ⇒ Object
214 215 216 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 214 def require_teacher_tablet! assert(teacher_tablet_logged_in?) end |
#require_technikteam! ⇒ Object
234 235 236 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 234 def require_technikteam! assert(technikteam_logged_in?) end |
#require_user! ⇒ Object
186 187 188 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 186 def require_user! assert(user_logged_in?, 'User is logged in', true) end |
#require_user_who_can_manage_agr_app! ⇒ Object
258 259 260 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 258 def require_user_who_can_manage_agr_app! assert(can_manage_agr_app_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt! ⇒ Object
254 255 256 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 254 def require_user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt! assert(user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_manage_bib! ⇒ Object
262 263 264 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 262 def require_user_who_can_manage_bib! assert(can_manage_bib_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_manage_monitors! ⇒ Object
226 227 228 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 226 def require_user_who_can_manage_monitors! assert(user_who_can_manage_monitors_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_manage_news! ⇒ Object
222 223 224 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 222 def require_user_who_can_manage_news! assert(user_who_can_manage_news_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_manage_salzh! ⇒ Object
270 271 272 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 270 def require_user_who_can_manage_salzh! assert(can_manage_salzh_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_manage_tablets! ⇒ Object
250 251 252 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 250 def require_user_who_can_manage_tablets! assert(user_who_can_manage_tablets_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_report_tech_problems! ⇒ Object
238 239 240 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 238 def require_user_who_can_report_tech_problems! assert(user_who_can_report_tech_problems_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_upload_files! ⇒ Object
218 219 220 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 218 def require_user_who_can_upload_files! assert(user_who_can_upload_files_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_who_can_use_aula! ⇒ Object
def require_user_who_can_report_tech_problems_or_better!
246 247 248 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 246 def require_user_who_can_use_aula! assert(user_who_can_use_aula_logged_in?) end |
#require_user_with_role!(role) ⇒ Object
194 195 196 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 194 def require_user_with_role!(role) assert(user_with_role_logged_in?(role)) end |
#require_zeugnis_admin! ⇒ Object
202 203 204 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 202 def require_zeugnis_admin! assert(zeugnis_admin_logged_in?) end |
#respond(hash = {}) ⇒ Object
1802 1803 1804 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1802 def respond(hash = {}) @respond_hash = hash end |
#respond_raw_with_mimetype(content, mimetype) ⇒ Object
1806 1807 1808 1809 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1806 def respond_raw_with_mimetype(content, mimetype) @respond_content = content @respond_mimetype = mimetype end |
#respond_raw_with_mimetype_and_filename(content, mimetype, filename) ⇒ Object
1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1811 def respond_raw_with_mimetype_and_filename(content, mimetype, filename) @respond_content = content @respond_mimetype = mimetype @respond_filename = filename end |
#rgb_to_hex(c) ⇒ Object
74 75 76 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 74 def rgb_to_hex(c) sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', c[0].to_i, c[1].to_i, c[2].to_i) end |
#rgb_to_hsv(c) ⇒ Object
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 20 def rgb_to_hsv(c) r = c[0] / 255.0 g = c[1] / 255.0 b = c[2] / 255.0 max = [r, g, b].max min = [r, g, b].min delta = max - min v = max * 100 if (max != 0.0) s = delta / max *100 else s = 0.0 end if (s == 0.0) h = 0.0 else if (r == max) h = (g - b) / delta elsif (g == max) h = 2 + (b - r) / delta elsif (b == max) h = 4 + (r - g) / delta end h *= 60.0 if (h < 0) h += 360.0 end end [h, s, v] end |
#rgb_to_html(x) ⇒ Object
101 102 103 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 101 def rgb_to_html(x) sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', x[0], x[1], x[2]) end |
#room_name_for_event(title, eid) ⇒ Object
82 83 84 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/jitsi.rb', line 82 def room_name_for_event(title, eid) "#{title} (#{eid[0, 8]})" end |
#running_phishing_training? ⇒ Boolean
170 171 172 173 174 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 170 def running_phishing_training? start = PHISHING_START ende = PHISHING_END user_logged_in? && (schueler_logged_in? || teacher_logged_in?) &&'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') >= start &&'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') <= ende end |
#running_phishing_training_hint? ⇒ Boolean
176 177 178 179 180 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 176 def running_phishing_training_hint? start = PHISHING_HINT_START ende = PHISHING_HINT_END (schueler_logged_in? || teacher_logged_in?) &&'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') >= start &&'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') <= ende end |
#running_zeugniskonferenzen ⇒ Object
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/monitor.rb', line 151 def running_zeugniskonferenzen sha1_and_t0_list = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:t1 =>}).map { |x| [x['m.sha1'], x['m.t0']] } MATCH (m:MonitorZeugniskonferenzState) WHERE m.t1 IS NULL RETURN m.sha1, m.t0; END_OF_QUERY sha1_list = { |x| x[0] }) t0_for_sha1 = {} sha1_and_t0_list.each do |entry| t0_for_sha1[entry[0]] = entry[1] end result = {} today ='%Y-%m-%d') (ZEUGNISKONFERENZEN[today] || []).each do |entry| sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest([today, entry].to_json)[0, 16] if sha1_list.include?(sha1) result[entry[0]] = t0_for_sha1[sha1] end end result end |
#sanitize_poll_items(items) ⇒ Object
561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/poll.rb', line 561 def sanitize_poll_items(items) do |item| if item['type'] == 'radio' || item['type'] == 'checkbox' item['answers'].reject! { |x| x.strip.empty? } end item end end |
#schueler_for_lesson(lesson_key) ⇒ Object
770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/directory.rb', line 770 def schueler_for_lesson(lesson_key) results = (@@schueler_for_lesson[lesson_key] || []).map do |email| i = {} [:email, :first_name, :last_name, :display_name, :nc_login, :group2].each do |k| i[k] = @@user_info[email][k] end i end temp = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email_addresses => (@@schueler_for_lesson[lesson_key] || [])) MATCH (u:User) WHERE IN $email_addresses RETURN, COALESCE(u.group2, 'A') AS group2; END_OF_QUERY temp = Hash[ { |x| [x[''], x['group2']] }]! do |x| x[:group2] = temp[x[:email]] x end results end |
#schueler_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
84 85 86 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 84 def schueler_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:schueler) end |
#score_for_project(nr, project_data) ⇒ Object
408 409 410 411 412 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 408 def score_for_project(nr, project_data) vote = project_data['vote'] || {} x = [vote['0'] || 0, vote['1'] || 0, vote['2'] || 0, vote['3'] || 0] return -(x[0] * 3 + x[1] - x[2] - 3 * x[3]).to_f / (x.sum + 1) end |
#second_factor_time_left ⇒ Object
960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 960 def second_factor_time_left require_user! purge_stale_second_factors factors = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :sid => @used_session[:sid]) MATCH (sf:SecondFactor)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(s:Session {sid: $sid}) WHERE COALESCE(s.method, 'email') <> sf.method RETURN sf; END_OF_QUERY return nil if factors.empty? return factors.first['sf'][:ts_expire] - end |
#sekretariat_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
60 61 62 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 60 def sekretariat_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:sekretariat) end |
#self_tests_this_week ⇒ Object
1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/salzh.rb', line 1045 def self_tests_this_week() d = while (d.wday != 1) d -= 1 end d0 = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') d1 = (d + 6).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') rows = neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:d0 => d0, :d1 => d1, :email => @session_user[:email]}) MATCH (u:User {email: $email})-[:SELF_TESTED_ON]->(std:SelfTestDay) WHERE std.datum >= $d0 AND std.datum <= $d1 RETURN std.datum AS datum ORDER BY std.datum; END_OF_QUERY do |x| i = Date.parse(x['datum']) - Date.parse(d0) {:datum => x['datum'], :label => %w(Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag Samstag Sonntag)[i]} end end |
#send_sms(telephone_number, message) ⇒ Object
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/sms.rb', line 42 def send_sms(telephone_number, ) data = {:telephone_number => telephone_number, :message => } debug "Sending SMS: #{data.to_json}" @@ws_clients[:authenticated_sms].values.first[:ws].send(data.to_json) ds ='%Y-%m-%d') neo4j_query(<<~END_OF_QUERY, {:ds => ds}) MERGE (d:SmsDay {ds: $ds}) SET d.count = COALESCE(d.count, 0) + 1; END_OF_QUERY end |
#send_welcome_mail(recipients) ⇒ Object
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/techpost.rb', line 24 def send_welcome_mail(recipients) for mail_adress in recipients do deliver_mail do to mail_adress bcc SMTP_FROM from SMTP_FROM subject "Du bist Technikamt im Dashboard!" do |io| io.puts "<p>Hallo!</p>" io.puts "<p>Das TechnikTeam hat dir soeben die Funktion „Technikamt“ im Dashboard freigeschaltet. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, du gehörst zu den Ersten, die diese Funktion nutzen dürfen!</p>" io.puts "<p>Du solltest die Funktion schon im Rahmen eines Workshops kennengelernt haben. Gerne kannst du jetzt die Funktion testen (schreib aber bitte immer dazu, wenn es sich um einen Test handelt).</p>" io.puts "<p>Falls du diese Nachricht unerwartet bekommst oder Probleme beim Anmelden im Dashboard hast, melde dich einfach bei Peter-J. Germelmann (</p>" io.puts "<p>Viele Grüße<br>Das TechnikTeam #{SCHUL_NAME_AN_DATIV} #{SCHUL_NAME}</p>" io.string end end end respond(:ok => true) end |
#session_user_has_streaming_button? ⇒ Boolean
1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1574 def return false unless PROVIDE_CLASS_STREAM return false unless user_logged_in? return false if teacher_logged_in? return false if class_stream_link_for_session_user.nil? return false unless @session_user[:homeschooling] return true end |
#session_user_jump_table_direction ⇒ Object
469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 469 def session_user_jump_table_direction require_user! method = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email])['method'] MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.jump_table_direction, "rows") AS method; END_OF_QUERY method end |
#session_user_otp_qr_code(reveal = false) ⇒ Object
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/otp.rb', line 51 def session_user_otp_qr_code(reveal = false) require_user! otp_token = @session_user[:otp_token] return nil if otp_token.nil? return '(redacted)' unless reveal totp =, issuer: "Dashboard#{DEVELOPMENT ? ' (dev)' : ''}") uri = totp.provisioning_uri(@session_user[:email]) qrcode =, 7) svg = qrcode.as_svg(offset: 0, color: '000', shape_rendering: 'crispEdges', module_size: 4, standalone: true) svg.gsub("\n", '') end |
#session_user_otp_token_good_for_tresor ⇒ Object
64 65 66 67 68 69 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/otp.rb', line 64 def session_user_otp_token_good_for_tresor() require_user! otp_token = @session_user[:otp_token] return false if otp_token.nil? return @session_user[:otp_token_changed] <'%Y-%m-%d') end |
#session_user_preferred_login_method ⇒ Object
448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 448 def session_user_preferred_login_method require_user! method = neo4j_query_expect_one(<<~END_OF_QUERY, :email => @session_user[:email])['method'] MATCH (u:User {email: $email}) RETURN COALESCE(u.preferred_login_method, "email") AS method; END_OF_QUERY method end |
#session_user_telephone_number ⇒ Object
28 29 30 31 32 33 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/sms.rb', line 28 def session_user_telephone_number require_user! telephone_number = @session_user[:telephone_number] return nil if telephone_number.nil? return '(redacted)' end |
#session_user_telephone_number_good_for_tresor ⇒ Object
35 36 37 38 39 40 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/sms.rb', line 35 def session_user_telephone_number_good_for_tresor() require_user! telephone_number = @session_user[:telephone_number] return false if telephone_number.nil? return @session_user[:telephone_number_changed] <'%Y-%m-%d') end |
#shift_hue(c, f = 60) ⇒ Object
85 86 87 88 89 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/color.rb', line 85 def shift_hue(c, f = 60) hsv = rgb_to_hsv(hex_to_rgb(c)) hsv[0] = (hsv[0] + f) % 360.0 rgb_to_hex(hsv_to_rgb(hsv)) end |
#skytale(s, w) ⇒ Object
171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/cypher.rb', line 171 def skytale(s, w) s = s.upcase.gsub(' ', '') while s.size % w != 0 s += 'Z' end t = '' (0...w).each do |x| i = x while i < s.size t += s[i] i += w end end t end |
#tablet_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
100 101 102 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 100 def tablet_logged_in? user_logged_in? && @session_user[:is_tablet] end |
#teacher_for_lesson_or_ha_amt_logged_in?(lesson_key) ⇒ Boolean
126 127 128 129 130 131 132 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 126 def teacher_for_lesson_or_ha_amt_logged_in?(lesson_key) if teacher_logged_in? return true else return get_ha_amt_lesson_keys.include?(lesson_key) end end |
#teacher_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
80 81 82 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 80 def teacher_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:teacher) end |
#teacher_tablet_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
104 105 106 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 104 def teacher_tablet_logged_in? user_logged_in? && @session_user[:is_tablet] && @session_user[:tablet_type] == :teacher end |
#technikteam_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
40 41 42 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 40 def technikteam_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:technikteam) end |
#test_request_parameter(data, key, options) ⇒ Object
1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1523 def test_request_parameter(data, key, ) type = (([:types] || {})[key]) || String assert(data[key.to_s].is_a?(type), "#{key.to_s} is a #{type}") if type == String assert(data[key.to_s].size <= ([:max_value_lengths][key] || [:max_string_length]), 'too_much_data') end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_devices ⇒ Object
292 293 294 295 296 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 292 def this_is_a_page_for_devices if @session_device.nil? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_admins ⇒ Object
316 317 318 319 320 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 316 def this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_admins unless admin_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_gev ⇒ Object
304 305 306 307 308 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 304 def this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_gev unless gev_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_teachers ⇒ Object
328 329 330 331 332 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 328 def this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_teachers unless teacher_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_users ⇒ Object
286 287 288 289 290 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 286 def this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_users unless user_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_users_who_can_manage_salzh ⇒ Object
298 299 300 301 302 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 298 def this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_users_who_can_manage_salzh unless can_manage_salzh_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_zeugnis_admins ⇒ Object
322 323 324 325 326 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 322 def this_is_a_page_for_logged_in_zeugnis_admins unless zeugnis_admin_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_manage_monitors ⇒ Object
346 347 348 349 350 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 346 def this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_manage_monitors unless user_who_can_manage_monitors_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_manage_news ⇒ Object
340 341 342 343 344 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 340 def this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_manage_news unless user_who_can_manage_news_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_upload_files ⇒ Object
334 335 336 337 338 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 334 def this_is_a_page_for_people_who_can_upload_files unless user_who_can_upload_files_logged_in? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_phishing_training ⇒ Object
Put this on top of a webpage to assert that this page can be opened during a phishing training only
359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 359 def this_is_a_page_for_phishing_training unless running_phishing_training? redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#this_is_a_page_for_user_with_role(role) ⇒ Object
310 311 312 313 314 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 310 def this_is_a_page_for_user_with_role(role) unless user_with_role_logged_in?(role) redirect "#{WEB_ROOT}/", 303 end end |
#tr_klasse(klasse) ⇒ Object
509 510 511 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 509 def tr_klasse(klasse) KLASSEN_TR[klasse] || klasse end |
#tresor_second_factor_ttl ⇒ Object
888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/login.rb', line 888 def tresor_second_factor_ttl today ='%Y-%m-%d') if zeugnis_admin_logged_in? && ZEUGNISKONFERENZEN.include?(today) TRESOR_SECOND_FACTOR_TTL * 4 else TRESOR_SECOND_FACTOR_TTL end end |
#trigger_send_invites ⇒ Object
1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1866 def trigger_send_invites() begin http ='invitation_bot', 8080) response = http.request("/api/send_invites")) rescue StandardError => e STDERR.puts e end end |
#trigger_stats_update(which) ⇒ Object
1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1848 def trigger_stats_update(which) begin http ='stats_bot', 8080) response = http.request("/api/update/#{which}")) rescue StandardError => e STDERR.puts e end end |
#trigger_update(which) ⇒ Object
1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1839 def trigger_update(which) begin http ='timetable', 8080) response = http.request("/api/update/#{which}")) rescue StandardError => e STDERR.puts e end end |
#trigger_update_images ⇒ Object
1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 |
# File 'src/ruby/main.rb', line 1857 def trigger_update_images() begin http ='image_bot', 8080) response = http.request("/api/update_all")) rescue StandardError => e STDERR.puts e end end |
#update_monitors ⇒ Object
54 55 56 57 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/monitor.rb', line 54 def update_monitors () update_monitors_vplan() end |
#update_monitors_message ⇒ Object
35 36 37 38 39 40 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/monitor.rb', line 35 def (@@ws_clients[:monitor] || {}).each_pair do |client_id, info| ws = info[:ws] ws.send({:command => 'update_monitor_messages', :data => }.to_json) end end |
#update_monitors_vplan ⇒ Object
42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/monitor.rb', line 42 def update_monitors_vplan (@@ws_clients[:monitor] || {}).each_pair do |client_id, info| ws = info[:ws] monitor_data = {:klassen => {}, :timestamp => ''} monitor_data_path = '/vplan/monitor/monitor.json' if File.exist?(monitor_data_path) monitor_data = JSON.parse( end ws.send({:command => 'update_vplan', :data => monitor_data}.to_json) end end |
#user_eligible_for_projekt_katalog? ⇒ Boolean
11 12 13 14 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 11 def user_eligible_for_projekt_katalog? return true if teacher_logged_in? return schueler_logged_in? end |
#user_eligible_for_projektwahl? ⇒ Boolean
16 17 18 19 20 21 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 16 def user_eligible_for_projektwahl? return false unless schueler_logged_in? return false unless projekttage_phase() == 3 klassenstufe = @session_user[:klassenstufe] || 7 return klassenstufe >= 5 && klassenstufe <= 9 end |
#user_has_role(email, role) ⇒ Object
11 12 13 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 11 def user_has_role(email, role) Main.user_has_role(email, role) end |
#user_icon(email, c = nil) ⇒ String
Return a <div> with a background image taken from a user's Nextcloud account, with a gray background as a default fallback.
370 371 372 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 370 def user_icon(email, c = nil) "<div style='background-image: url(#{NEXTCLOUD_URL}/index.php/avatar/#{@@user_info[email][:nc_login]}/128), url();' class='#{c}'></div>" end |
#user_is_eligible_for_sms? ⇒ Boolean
19 20 21 22 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/sms.rb', line 19 def user_is_eligible_for_sms? return false unless user_logged_in? return teacher_logged_in? end |
#user_is_eligible_for_tresor? ⇒ Boolean
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/tresor.rb', line 3 def user_is_eligible_for_tresor? # return admin_logged_in? return teacher_logged_in? # return false unless user_logged_in? # return false if DATENTRESOR_UNLOCKED_FOR.nil? # return false unless teacher_logged_in? # return true if teacher_logged_in? && DEVELOPMENT # return teacher_logged_in? && DATENTRESOR_UNLOCKED_FOR.include?(@session_user[:email]) end |
#user_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
2 3 4 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 2 def user_logged_in? !@session_user.nil? end |
#user_was_eligible_for_projektwahl? ⇒ Boolean
23 24 25 26 27 28 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/projekte.rb', line 23 def user_was_eligible_for_projektwahl? return false unless schueler_logged_in? return false unless projekttage_phase() == 4 klassenstufe = @session_user[:klassenstufe] || 7 return klassenstufe >= 5 && klassenstufe <= 9 end |
#user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
52 53 54 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 52 def user_who_can_manage_antikenfahrt_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_antikenfahrt) end |
#user_who_can_manage_monitors_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
28 29 30 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 28 def user_who_can_manage_monitors_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_monitors) end |
#user_who_can_manage_news_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
24 25 26 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 24 def user_who_can_manage_news_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_news) end |
#user_who_can_manage_tablets_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
48 49 50 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 48 def user_who_can_manage_tablets_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_manage_tablets) end |
#user_who_can_report_tech_problems_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
134 135 136 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 134 def user_who_can_report_tech_problems_logged_in? user_logged_in? && check_has_technikamt(@session_user[:email]) end |
#user_who_can_upload_files_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
20 21 22 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 20 def user_who_can_upload_files_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_upload_files) end |
#user_who_can_use_aula_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
44 45 46 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 44 def user_who_can_use_aula_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:can_use_aula) end |
#user_with_role_logged_in?(role) ⇒ Boolean
15 16 17 18 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 15 def user_with_role_logged_in?(role) assert(AVAILABLE_ROLES.include?(role), "Unknown role: #{role}") user_logged_in? && (@session_user[:roles].include?(role)) end |
#vote_codes_from_token(vote_code, token, _count) ⇒ Object
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/vote.rb', line 76 def vote_codes_from_token(vote_code, token, _count) raise 'not used anymore' count = ((_count + 20) / 4).to_i * 4 vote_code = sprintf('%04d', vote_code) codes = [] i = 0 while codes.size < count do v = "#{token}#{i}" code = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(v).to_i(16).to_s(10)[0, 8] code.insert(1, vote_code[0]) code.insert(4, vote_code[1]) code.insert(7, vote_code[2]) code.insert(10, vote_code[3]) codes << code unless codes.include?(code) i += 1 end codes end |
#zeugnis_admin_logged_in? ⇒ Boolean
64 65 66 |
# File 'src/ruby/include/user.rb', line 64 def zeugnis_admin_logged_in? user_with_role_logged_in?(:zeugnis_admin) end |