
Search algorithm

GPF matches peptides derived from de novo sequencing to a genomic DNA sequence in two steps:

  1. Determine genomic locations of interest for a given peptide.
  2. Deduce unspliced and spliced alignments at every location of interest.

In the following, both steps are described in detail.

Determine locations of interest

In order to quickly determine all locations in the genome which could potentially explain an observed MS/MS scan, a previously compiled index is queried. The elements in the index file are half mass sequence tags (HMST) which consist of:

  • a small sequence of amino acids (typically 3 or 5)
  • the mass of either the N-terminal or C-terminal fragment up to the next enzymatic cleavage site (or stop codon, or the end of a contig)

From the query peptide (which is specified by the user), all possible HMST are extracted and queried. All locations of interest (or seeding points) are collected and passed to the next stage: peptide alignment.

Find peptide alignments

From a given location of interest, which always starts at a cleavage site and extends into either the N-terminal or C-terminal direction, an unspliced peptide assembly is attempted first. After that, spliced alignments may be attempted (by default, this only happens when no unspliced alignment has been found), taking splice site dinucleotide consensus sequences into account. In any case, every peptide is reported which has a monoisotopic mass equal to the mass of the query peptide within the user-specified mass accuracy (10 ppm by default).

The following image is an attempt to clarify what’s happening:

Note: Subfigure C in the figure above has been corrected because the spliced example in the original figure was pretending to show an alignment on the reverse strand (reading frames 4 to 6), which it was not.

Index file format

GPF index files can be created from genomic DNA FASTA files using the gpfindex tool.

Index data structure

A HMST is defined as a tuple of three elements:

  • tag
  • direction (0 if forward, 1 if reverse)
  • fragment mass

An example for a HMST is [‘LQYSE’, 0, 186.0793], corresponding to something which has ‘LQYSE’ in it and an N-terminal fragment (direction = 0) with a mass of 186 Da that ends at a tryptic cleavage site (or stop codon, or the end of a contig, you get the point).

The index can be queried with a given tag/direction pair (in our example, [‘LQYSE’, 0]) and returns a list of occurences in the genomic DNA, sorted by fragment mass. Using the sorted fragment masses, the subset of interest can quickly be determined using binary search, using the HMST’s fragment mass plus/minus the user-defined mass accuracy.

Because leucine (L) and isoleucine (I) are not distinguished in the tags due to their equal masses, the number of possible tag/direction pairs is calculated as follows:

tag/direction pair count = (19 ^ tag size) * 2
(all strings of length tag size using 19 different characters (amino acids) plus one extra bit (*2) to denote whether this is an N- or C-terminal HMST)

Instead of recording actual amino acid sequences in the index, all possible sequences are simply enumerated, for example GGGGG would correspond to 0, GGGGA would correspond to 1. All amino acids are sorted by their monoisotopic mass, and isoleucine is skipped, resulting in a numeric range from 0 to 18 for the amino acids glycine to tryptophan.


A GPF index file consists of a sequence of chunks, in the following order:

Identifier chunk

Item Size Value / Comment
magic number 8 ‘gpfindex’
index version major 2 3
index version minor 2 0

Note: As of now, only version 3.0 is supported.

Info chunk

Item Size Value / Comment
chunk type 4 ‘100’
chunk length 8 length of this chunk, in bytes, starting from next byte
title length 4 the number of characters in the following title
title n the genome title, gets deduced from the input filename by default
offset bits 4 the number of bits required to encode any offset in the genomic DNA, including an extra bit for the strand
mass bits 4 user-defined value denoting the number of bits to used for storing masses using fixed-point arithmetic, 27 by default
mass precision 4 masses are multiplied by this factor before trunaction to integers, 10,000 by default, corresponding to 4 decimal places
tag size 4 tag length, in amino acids, 5 by default
scaffold count 4 number of scaffolds
for every scaffold:
scaffold size 8 the scaffold size, in nucleotides
scaffold label length 4 the number of characters in the following scaffold label
scaffold label n the scaffold label

Genetic code chunk (optional)

Item Size Value / Comment
chunk type 4 ‘103’
chunk length 8 length of this chunk, in bytes, starting from next byte
genetic code 4 NCBI genetic code number

Note: The genetic code chunk is only present if the genetic code used is not 1.

Enzyme chunk (optional)

Item Size Value / Comment
chunk type 4 ‘104’
chunk length 8 length of this chunk, in bytes, starting from next byte
enzyme length 4 the number of characters in the following enzyme description
enzyme n the enzyme description

Note: The enzyme chunk is only present if the enzyme used is not ‘RK|’.

DNA chunk

Item Size Value / Comment
chunk type 4 ‘101’
chunk length 8 length of this chunk, in bytes, starting from next byte
sequence n packed DNA sequence (3 bits per nucleotide)

Note: Nucleotides are encoded using 3 bits, with values of 0 to 3 corresponding to the bases A, C, G, and T. Values higher than 3 represent unknown residues (N).

Index chunk

Item Size Value / Comment
chunk type 4 ‘102’
chunk length 8 length of this chunk, in bytes, starting from next byte
HMST count bits 4 number of bits required to encode the maximum HMST bucket size
HMST counts n packed HMST counts ((19 ^ tag size) * 2 entries, each of length HMST count bits)
the size of this structure is: floor((19 ^ tag size) * 2 * (HMST count bits) / 8) + 1
for every tag/direction pair:
packed masses n masses are sorted and encoded using mass bits bits
packed offsets n offsets are encoded using offset bits bits